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The only person wanting it played at Ibrox as far as i know is the Annan chairman,


Hasn't fir park been used to host this final before? 

When it was the b+q, over 20 years ago.

Although IIRC McDiarmid has been used recently.

Rugby park could be a good shout tbh.

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I used to hate that meldown pish - but, after learning how popular it was with c***s like you I thought I'd try it out. Now - suddenly it's 'inappropriate'.

Fancy that :lol:

"Inappropriate" as in completely inaccurate, not "inappropriate" as in deflecting your faux-outrage at your fans' ignorance of their Holy Statue by rehashing accusations of child-abuse.

It's a rich old language, and context can be handy.

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I used to hate that meldown pish - but, after learning how popular it was with c***s like you I thought I'd try it out. Now - suddenly it's 'inappropriate'.

Fancy that :lol:

"inappropriate" as its traditional to aim the barb at someone who is having one :)

*see tedis posting history *

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I know a lot of bitter fans on both sides of the old firm but none of them comes close to matching the WKR.

That last post of his was lower than a snakes belly.

Whereas two jolly days of point-scoring pingpong over child abuse and dead football fans was totally edifying. *

Moral judgment from Bennett - like relationship advice from Dennis Nielsen.

*Extremely ill-informed point-scoring from both sides, at that.

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Yeah, while it's a decent crowd it doesn't warrant playing in a 50-60k stadium though does it?

It you were pulling in 40k for the smaller ties then sure.

I wouldn't worry about where the final would/should be until we know who is in the final. What is being currently said in the media is nothing more than speculation. We have months to debate it when the time comes.

Edited by Fotbawmad
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accusations of child-abuse.

Let's not have the facts wrapped in lies that suit your case, WKR. Most will have seen exactly what you have been up to of late - and you're not going to hide your shameless, tawdry fuckwittery this time.

It was you - the WKR - who raised the subject of child abuse after those funny Grieg images. No one else. You did it. Do you need the quote? Do you? I think I'll post it anyway so there can be no doubt about the time-line of events here.

Again - so there can be no doubt about who introduced the subject - pre-emptively capitalising on others misery to muddy the waters is my guess as to why you did it - it was you, WKR.

And so soon after your 'gag' on the self-same subject and the Belgians. What's wrong with you? Does this stem back to your father taking you to the cesspit of hate against your will?

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two jolly days of point-scoring pingpong over child abuse and dead football fans was totally edifying. *

Hellish introduced the 'hilarious' Greig image. YOU were the first to introduce the subject of child abuse after that.

You wont be getting too hide your shame. No matter how many times you try and blame someone else.

And how desperate we see you are to have this shame you brought on yourself hidden.

Edited by Bendarroch
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And while I'm not 100% certain that you've joined in with the child-abuse rants on here over the months, I'm 110% certain that you've never pulled any of your fellow-bigots up for same.

Hypocritical, bigoted, faux-offended, bitter little man.

Lest you think there's a hope in hell you get to forget who decided to raise the subject and drag the thread down to your level.

Anyone at all can check the time line to see this was introduced by you after the 'funny as f**k' Greig image.

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Lest you think there's a hope in hell you get to forget who decided to raise the subject and drag the thread down to your level.

Anyone at all can check the time line to see this was introduced by you after the 'funny as f**k' Greig image.

Tragic and humorous performance of utterly fake anger type post IMO

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Lest you think there's a hope in hell you get to forget who decided to raise the subject and drag the thread down to your level.

Anyone at all can check the time line to see this was introduced by you after the 'funny as f**k' Greig image.

The only people who associate that statue with that disaster is your mob. Because your club told you too.

Ffs, the fact that board didn't sanction 1p towards a proper remembrance is shocking. You should be firing into those feckers for that, and other reasons, but heyho, just ignore it.

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I'm not even remotely angry. As I'm sure you wont be when you see the wonderfully creative comedy gold infused into the forthcoming Stein gifs.


I for one, can't wait :)

Considering the shoppers efforts from the dead people so far have been primary2 efforts it should be hilarious.

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It was actually me that brought up the subject after the statue gif

I was pointing out the irony of getting upset over a gif that was not aimed at anything to do with the disaster but the "greatest ever ger" walking away as soon as the shit hits the fans, and a large section of your fans celebrate child abuse without problem.

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