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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The obsession knows no bounds. WRK has well and truly done a number on him. :lol:

Benny probably refreshes the page every other second hoping WRK has made a post so he can get his fix by posting his own brand of pish :rolleyes: .

I'm sure Benny hopes for the day WRK makes a monumental disaster of a post so he can pounce on it like a dug on heat :lol: .

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AGM postponed and then Mather & Stockbridge do a runner ???,rats from a sinking ship taking a pay off before the next set of brogues enter the fray only to find out things are not as rosy at Ibrokes as released in the MSM about how much they are really burning in cash ???.

What the fcuk is really going on behind closed doors now ?.

Shredding probably.

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Looking back at old stuff re admission to the lse, and I see part of the criteria was to prove they had 18 months working capital.

Does this debar an issue #2 until 18 months have passed ?

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.....and then I come across all the stockbridge stuff :)

First up how the money is being siphoned out of Ibrox back to Ticketus.

The motivation to invest £5.5 million into a club which you have no conceivable interest in has baffled people all over Scotland ever since Charles Green intimated that he wanted to take control of Rangers football club.

Some think £5.5 million seems to be a bargain now that the club has been liquidated but at the time when Charles Green came onto the scene it was potentially a £140 million money pit. Green was still intent on purchasing the club through a CVA but with a paltry offer of £8.7 million for creditors, some would say a deliberate low offer to induce the Liquidation of the club thus ridding Charles Green of the HMRC bill.

So Charles Green bought the assets of Rangers football club for £5.5 million and started a new company called Sevco 5088 which will operate from the premises which used to house Rangers football club.

So the question is still, what is Charles Greens motivation?

First of all Octopus Investments are the parent company of Ticketus. Ticketus are the company who were left £26 million out of pocket when Craig Whyte put Rangers into Administration. Ticketus were Rangers second biggest creditors (first being HMRC) when Rangers went into Administration.

Octopus are investors in the company Zeus Capital who are running Sevco 5088 with Charles Green.

Let me bring to your attention Imran Ahmed and Brian Stockbridge.

Imran Ahmed founded and was Chief Executive of a company Allenby Capital Limited. Brian Stockbridge worked as a nominated adviser at Allenby Capital.

Allenby Capital were brokers and advisers for Octopus on numerous occasions in different business transactions.

On January 2012 Brian Stockbridge joined Zeus Capital and in April 2012 Imran Ahmed also joined Zeus Capital. On the 14th of June Charles Green bought the assets of Rangers and installs these two guys to help run Sevco 5088.

How does Charles Green fit into the Octopus/Zeus cog?

Charles Green is the only man in the whole equation that has any back ground in football or sports when it comes to business in all of this.

Zeus Capital worked with Charles Green when he was at Sheffield United.

Zeus worked with Charles Green when he disposed of Sports Management company, Gresham PE. Now Formation Group.

Remembering that Octopus are financial backers of Zeus Capital and Zeus are nominated advisers and brokers for Octopus there is only one man for the job. Charles Green. And the job is? Getting the Ticketus money back.

It was very recently announced that Sevco 5088 will be using Metro Bank as their banking facility as RBS refused an arrangement with Sevco 5088 and Fast Pay a direct debit company. I believe this to be bullshampoo.

Octopus will get their money back...............

Through a company called Caerus Wealth.

Their Group Investment Director is Ronan Kearney who is also the Venture Fund manager at Octopus Investments.

Their Chairman and CEO is Keith Carby who is the founder and Non Executive Director of Metro Bank.

(return of the friendly bank manager)

Octopus get their money without the Sevco 5088 (t)rangers fans even knowing it. Once the money is recouped, Green, Ahmed and Stockbridge sell the assets and that's their bonus.

Or if an offer comes in that covers all cost and monies its a quick sale and thanks for the £memories£.

Just the other day I suggested that all the drama about investors from Lebanon, Monaco, Pakistan, Dubai and Malaysia could be deflecting from the key facts in the Sevco story. The core of the story, I concluded, could lay closer to home. Namely with Ticketus and Whyte.

Closer to home? Like Bearsden perhaps? Posted Image

Let me introduce you to Mr Brian Stockbridge, Financial Director of The Rangers Football Club Ltd, formerly known as Sevco Scotland Limited.

The quiet man of a takeover saga that began in late February of this year when Duff & Phelps announced they were accepting takeover bids for the soon-to-be-liquidated RFC PLC.

Weeks earlier Mr Stockbridge had transferred from Allenby Capital -- where he had been involved in some deals for Ticketus owners Octopus Investments -- to join Zeus Capital, who are backed by Octopus.

There is nothing online to suggest that Mr Stockbridge had previously lived or worked in the Glasgow area.

Indeed, late last year he was working in London with Allenby as nominated adviser to Tembusu Investments -- a firm owned by convicted bank fraudster Rafat Rizvi which then changed its name to Nova Resources and hired Charles Green as Chairman.

On February 29 Ticketus met with Duff and Phelps and told them they intended to "protect their investment" at Rangers by being willing to "hold talks with any potential new owners".

On March 5 Brian Stockbridge registered a Change of Name for his own firm, Stockbridge Capital Investments Limited, which had been incorporated on February 20.

The address given was a residential property in - you guessed it - Bearsden.

A house that had been put on the market only weeks earlier by a gentleman of Asian descent who had previously registered a now-dissolved beauty business to the same address.

And it is that Bearsden address that also now appears on Mr Stockbridge's registration with the Financial Services Authority.

One possible explanation for this (and I do accept there is a fair bit of supposition involved here) is that Mr Stockbridge's new bosses had sent him up to Jocko-land to pursue a special project. And had even arranged for him to settle down in a new house. So it wasn't going to be a quick fix.

March 5, I hasten to add, was before even the first deadline had expired for the first bids for the carcass of RFC PLC RIP.

We had Bill Ng, Bill Miller, the Blue Knights and that choob Kennedy, Uncle Walter and so on still to appear, then disappear. Many of them complaining of the unstatisfactory nature of their consultations with "representatives" from Ticketus.

Did any of them, I wonder, have talks with a certain Mr Stockbridge at around that time?

Then along came Sevco 5088 Limited, which was incorporated on March 29.

Charles Green was not made a director until May 4, and news of a bid by his Sevco consortium was not made public until May 11.

So what do I conclude?

Revelling once again in conspiratorial mania, I suggest that the plan to send Brian Stockbridge north to mastermind a takeover bid was hatched by Zeus Capital -- and whoever they were working on behalf of -- within DAYS of Duff & Phelps beginning the RFC PLC RIP administration process.

Stockbridge was in Glasgow throughout the whole of the takeover pantomime.

Now he's working quietly behind the scenes on behalf of his paymasters while Chuckie Green creates a noisy distraction.

And if I had to put odds on who was giving Stockbridge his orders, I'd have very short odds on Ticketus.

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I have no doubt something is happening behind the scenes .. but it's hard to see where 18 million has been channelled back to Ticketus (the company itself?) or is the money heading to it's owners ?

Rumours of the rate of cash burn at Ibrokes point towards sending the club into a position were they have to sell the assets on leaseback and who do you think the spivs have lined up for this acquisition :rolleyes: ,Octopus or perhaps one of it's tentacles :unsure2: .

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Shocker ... nobody saw that coming .. If the Easedales are in on this ... handsome bonuses for them one would assume ...


Of course Newco Sevco Spivco have strenuously denied this will happen ... so there is no chance ... ;)

I think you'll find Craig Mather said it would not happen whilst he was in charge. :)

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Rumours of the rate of cash burn at Ibrokes point towards sending the club into a position were they have to sell the assets on leaseback and who do you think the spivs have lined up for this acquisition :rolleyes: ,Octopus or perhaps one of it's tentacles :unsure2: .

Which assets? Numerous previous posts have pointed out that Ibrox is worth nothing except as a football stadium, of which we already have a surplus.

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.....and then I come across all the stockbridge stuff :)

Way back when, I remember seeing the Bearsden address cropping up with Stockbridge's name. I noticed it as it was close to where I used to live. I won't say I was suspicious but I did think it a strange address for this business. There is a lot of whatiffery about the above post but it makes for a great conspiracy theory. Time will tell, unless the tracks and tentacles are kept well hidden of course.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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Does it really matter?

Any person who regularly slates Rangers on here will have a rep.

No but in the context of Bennett slating another poster for posting 'quantity over quality', it is relevant.

Now what is interesting, is a poster having a +565 for vainly trying to present 'The Rangers' past and present, as some sort of virtuous and dignified institution, supported by the salt of the earth. Now are you 'Little Grasp' or 'He who is perpetually banned'? ;)

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