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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You obviously don't remember if you need me to repost what I've said mate!!

And I may repost should the debate arise again. If a debate ever arises again on this thread. It seems to be a congregation of diddies using this area to post the same things on a daily basis to aid their post counts.

Here! Is there something I'm not aware of? Is there a cash prize for 'Most Posts in a Week' or sumthin' :blink:

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Why so? You can't just leave us hanging whilst making such a cutting observation.

Why would members of a holding company who have hid behind anonymity, sell up, because a clause has been activated to remove anonymity?

Is this what you are asking me?

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Fair do's - let's start a wee debate then:

Having watched the previous owner spend excessively to feed , not only his own ego, but the combined ego's of the blue side of what was once referred to as "The Old Firm" do you see any similarities with the people currently (note the correct spelling, to avoid childish sneering) in charge?

Do you, personally, see the urgency in outspending revenue as a necessity to achieve success, albeit on the very limited scale that is Scottish Football?

Do you think the suits in charge recognise the opportunity that TRIFC represents in terms of generating returns on investment as against the fans'desire for success at all and ANY cost? Does this conflict of outcomes flag up any warnings in your head ?


The blame lies initially at David Murray's door for the mess we got into. He flexed his chequebook far too much. There was a time, initially after he took over when we could afford it. Just now I do think we have overspent, obviously not to the ridiculous state that we have done. I have said that money should have been better invested in our scouting system and youth recruitment as opposed to signing players like Cribari. For what its worth, players like Foster, Smith etc which expire next year are better business rather than the 5 year deals in the past.

The outspending of our revenue is a complete grey area. We need to know where the money is going. Once all the leeches and boardroom drama has settled (no laughing at the back) we might actually know what is being spent where and on what. However, players like Daly and Law are a joy to watch at the moment.

It's probably a mirror of my previous posts. Live within our means, we are still a massive club and can attract good players (lets be honest, it is an SPL or whatever it is called now squad that we have). Hopefully with the likes of Mcleod, Aird, Hutton, Stoney, Gasparotto, Faure, Perry, Crawford we will have great options with the experience they are gaining and not needing to strengthen more next season.

The AGM is crucial for the future of Rangers. I think everyone knows that.

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The blame lies initially at David Murray's door for the mess we got into. He flexed his chequebook far too much. There was a time, initially after he took over when we could afford it. Just now I do think we have overspent, obviously not to the ridiculous state that we have done. I have said that money should have been better invested in our scouting system and youth recruitment as opposed to signing players like Cribari. For what its worth, players like Foster, Smith etc which expire next year are better business rather than the 5 year deals in the past.

The outspending of our revenue is a complete grey area. We need to know where the money is going. Once all the leeches and boardroom drama has settled (no laughing at the back) we might actually know what is being spent where and on what. However, players like Daly and Law are a joy to watch at the moment.

It's probably a mirror of my previous posts. Live within our means, we are still a massive club and can attract good players (lets be honest, it is an SPL or whatever it is called now squad that we have). Hopefully with the likes of Mcleod, Aird, Hutton, Stoney, Gasparotto, Faure, Perry, Crawford we will have great options with the experience they are gaining and not needing to strengthen more next season.

The AGM is crucial for the future of Rangers. I think everyone knows that.

How do you see rangers affording a budget to compete with celtic?

Recent history (last 20 years) since the game has changed financial, shows that rangers were only able to compete by using EBTs, funding from MIM and not paying their tax.

How much extra income would rangers get in the top division compared to now, but adversely, how much would their outgoings increase?

Surely a financially prudent model, will not allow them to compete as a top 2 team.

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The blame lies initially at David Murray's door for the mess we got into. He flexed his chequebook far too much. There was a time, initially after he took over when we could afford it. Just now I do think we have overspent, obviously not to the ridiculous state that we have done. I have said that money should have been better invested in our scouting system and youth recruitment as opposed to signing players like Cribari. For what its worth, players like Foster, Smith etc which expire next year are better business rather than the 5 year deals in the past.

The outspending of our revenue is a complete grey area. We need to know where the money is going. Once all the leeches and boardroom drama has settled (no laughing at the back) we might actually know what is being spent where and on what. However, players like Daly and Law are a joy to watch at the moment.

It's probably a mirror of my previous posts. Live within our means, we are still a massive club and can attract good players (lets be honest, it is an SPL or whatever it is called now squad that we have). Hopefully with the likes of Mcleod, Aird, Hutton, Stoney, Gasparotto, Faure, Perry, Crawford we will have great options with the experience they are gaining and not needing to strengthen more next season.

The AGM is crucial for the future of Rangers. I think everyone knows that.

Very little to argue with in that reply if I'm honest.

You appear to NOT be in the foaming mouthed category of your fanbase and for that alone I acknowledge the sincerity of your reply.

What is your opinion of the current Board though ? I ask this again because an acquaintance of mine who has his own refrigeration company and is a lifelong fan recently posted on his facebook that he wasn't going to contribute financially to them any more. Friends of his agreed also. He knows a fair bit about the Easedales and the Laxey increased holding put the final nail in it for him and he isn't a stupid bloke.

I just wonder how many people like them there are and wether they, by withdrawing support, can do anything to stop a second helping of Spiv Pie being consumed at the expense of the most gullible elements of the fanbase?

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How do you see rangers affording a budget to compete with celtic?

Recent history (last 20 years) since the game has changed financial, shows that rangers were only able to compete by using EBTs, funding from MIM and not paying their tax.

How much extra income would rangers get in the top division compared to now, but adversely, how much would their outgoings increase?

Surely a financially prudent model, will not allow them to compete as a top 2 team.

Can't really comment on what Rangers will be doing financially until after the AGM and board issues are over.

As for the baddies, well if they keep popcorn teeth in charge and allow him to sign all of his wonderplayers I reckon we could sign the entire cast of the Renford Rejects and be able to compete with them. They are as poor a Celtic side as I can remember. Celtic always have had that one striker who you'd hate to see in the line up. Sometimes two.

I think they'd rather have Jon Daly.

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The blame lies initially at David Murray's door for the mess we got into. He flexed his chequebook far too much. There was a time, initially after he took over when we could afford it. Just now I do think we have overspent, obviously not to the ridiculous state that we have done. I have said that money should have been better invested in our scouting system and youth recruitment as opposed to signing players like Cribari. For what its worth, players like Foster, Smith etc which expire next year are better business rather than the 5 year deals in the past.

The outspending of our revenue is a complete grey area. We need to know where the money is going. Once all the leeches and boardroom drama has settled (no laughing at the back) we might actually know what is being spent where and on what. However, players like Daly and Law are a joy to watch at the moment.

It's probably a mirror of my previous posts. Live within our means, we are still a massive club and can attract good players (lets be honest, it is an SPL or whatever it is called now squad that we have). Hopefully with the likes of Mcleod, Aird, Hutton, Stoney, Gasparotto, Faure, Perry, Crawford we will have great options with the experience they are gaining and not needing to strengthen more next season.

The AGM is crucial for the future of Rangers. I think everyone knows that.

Foster and Smith ??????.

Foster is dire and Smith rarely gets a game (or has never been involved when I have watched Sevco)

Also, the list of youngsters you provided. Seriously, I saw a few of those last season and they are very poor.

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Foster and Smith ??????.

Foster is dire and Smith rarely gets a game (or has never been involved when I have watched Sevco)

Also, the list of youngsters you provided. Seriously, I saw a few of those last season and they are very poor.


Foster has been a better player for Rangers than he has been at Aberdeen. Smith is cover for the outstanding Lee Wallace.

As for the youngsters. You didn't watch them if you think that. And if you did then you are a moron. Mcleod is probably our best player. Hutton has played in the CL for us away at old trafford and was arguably the best player on the park. Crawford is a great footballer, Faure is a really good centre half, Perry has played numerous games for us in the SPL the rest are 17 and contributed greatly. I didn't just pick names out a hat from our youths.

Now away and start an Aberdeen pending Administration thread.

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The blame lies initially at David Murray's door for the mess we got into. He flexed his chequebook far too much. There was a time, initially after he took over when we could afford it. Just now I do think we have overspent, obviously not to the ridiculous state that we have done. I have said that money should have been better invested in our scouting system and youth recruitment as opposed to signing players like Cribari. For what its worth, players like Foster, Smith etc which expire next year are better business rather than the 5 year deals in the past.

The outspending of our revenue is a complete grey area. We need to know where the money is going. Once all the leeches and boardroom drama has settled (no laughing at the back) we might actually know what is being spent where and on what. However, players like Daly and Law are a joy to watch at the moment.

It's probably a mirror of my previous posts. Live within our means, we are still a massive club and can attract good players (lets be honest, it is an SPL or whatever it is called now squad that we have). Hopefully with the likes of Mcleod, Aird, Hutton, Stoney, Gasparotto, Faure, Perry, Crawford we will have great options with the experience they are gaining and not needing to strengthen more next season.

The AGM is crucial for the future of Rangers. I think everyone knows that.

This has just been released.

In July we embarked upon a campaign to remove certain directors from the Board of Rangers Football Club and to prevent Charles Green from returning to the Club which he was attempting to do at that time.

We were supported by other like minded individuals including major institutional shareholders and the fans who were all concerned about the apparent lack of corporate governance and financial transparency.

In particular we were all concerned about the significant outflows of cash since the IPO and the obvious dysfunctionality of the Board. Since the IPO ,11 months ago, the Club has had 3 Chairman, 3 Chief Executives and 3 Nomads. This is highly unusual for a public company and may even be unprecedented.

We have been relentless in our pursuit of change as have the fans with whom we are totally aligned.

Together we have already achieved a lot.

In the last 4 months we have seen Green banished from the Club followed by 3 of his fellow directors. Of the 6 directors who were on the Board when we started, only 2 remain.

In the past 3 weeks there have been 3 new appointments to the Board. On paper these look like credible individuals who appear to be independent of the Green or Whyte regimes. They will have the opportunity over the coming weeks to prove this and to gain the trust of the fans which they will have to earn.

We believe that the position of Brian Stockbridge is completely untenable and he should resign or be voted off the Board at the AGM. He has presided over significant outflows of cash from the Club since the IPO. In addition his personal conduct has fallen a long way short of the standards expected at Rangers Football Club.

We have been provided with a statement from an ex-employee of the Club questioning various payments made to certain shareholders around the time of the IPO. The ex-employee has reported the matter to the Serious Fraud Office.

On October 14 we won our case at the Court of Session to have four individuals, Paul Murray, Malcolm Murray, Scott Murdoch and Alex Wilson, nominated for election to the Board at the AGM.

As well as being supporters of the Club all 4 men have had highly successful business careers. To help the Club all 4 men are prepared to waive any director fees until the Club is back in the SPL if they are elected at the AGM.

All existing directors will be up for re-election on December 19 at the AGM and the shareholders will therefore have a one-off opportunity to select the best Board to take the Club forward.

We will continue our campaign to the AGM and we would encourage all fans and shareholders to support the changes we have been fighting for over the past 4 months.

After December 19 we must move forward with stability, integrity and transparency as we rebuild the Club back to the highest levels of Scottish and European football.

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How do you see rangers affording a budget to compete with celtic?

Recent history (last 20 years) since the game has changed financial, shows that rangers were only able to compete by using EBTs, funding from MIM and not paying their tax.

How much extra income would rangers get in the top division compared to now, but adversely, how much would their outgoings increase?

Surely a financially prudent model, will not allow them to compete as a top 2 team.

Ofcourse it would allow Rangers to compete, absolute nonsense which has been discussed to death many times.

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Well done Bennett .. you managed to copy and paste the statement from the link above your post a whole minute later ... what a star you are !! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I posted an article which linked well with another post, best put another complaint in.....

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I like his breaking news posts ... just released. Posts an obvious statement by the rebels to win hearts and minds .. yet as an Orc has no opinion on it .. not even the obvious

Just released .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You'll need up your game a bit if you want to discuss things like grown ups, posting smilies hardly encourages debate young sir.

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You could have asked for a more detailed response and i'd have given one, instead you act like a fanny.

Act like a fanny: being sarcastic...

Kind of ironic coming from the guy who just makes up stuff about posters like he's a bloody 12 year old. Bennett, you can't act the troll, then all of a sudden decide it's conversation time, when it suits you.

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You'll need up your game a bit if you want to discuss things like grown ups, posting smilies hardly encourages debate young sir.

You'll need to make a decision, pal... who do you want to be on here, Bennett the deflective troll, or do you want to act like a grown up?

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