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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Charlotte's back. Probably briefly.

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I've not posted here this year so happy New Year to a'body, Bears, Diddies and Plastics alike.

Do you think we can make 2014 a year where we have The Big Thread of Fame rather than 2013's desultory, Big Thread of Shame abomination?

Here here, happy new year and boo f**k off ya dirty-cheat-loving-old-b*****d :), I have to maintain some standards.

Erm after the shambles that was the AGM at Ibrox I'm not sure Charlotte has the goods any more !, Whyte did not win his Ticketus case, Murray was not elected onto the board and a few others :( .

Being able to predict the future isn't in anyones grasp, but a slow drip feed of embarrassing e-mails etc is still good entertainment value.

The thing that has kept this story (and this thread, albeit in a vegetative state sometimes) alive is that there is still bad stuff happening at iprix. The biggest f**k-you that TRIFC could give to everyone is to become a transparent, well run, ethical, moral and wholesome institution. Play good football, win stuff and do it well, become a pillar of society beyond reproach. Oh the seethe that would produce, myself probably included.

But it is run by gangsters. With shady known or perhaps not unknown characters having great influence, it is in a constant battle with itself, its fans, the SFA, SPFL, the rangers-haters, in short it is still a shambles and a shambles that merits scrutiny. I know there are other milestones too, the public (exciting!) HMRC appeal not least among them and I will be quite miffed if nobody ever answers what Graeme Souness was paid 30k for.

Hopefully more to come, hopefully this includes admin 2.0 and hopefully people will have more to say than just "ha ha your club died", although that certainly has its place.


ha ha

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Hopefully more to come, hopefully this includes admin 2.0 and hopefully people will have more to say than just "ha ha your club died", although that certainly has its place.

Remember the party line, "it's a new club" ffs :rolleyes:

The WKR will kick you out of the PM gang if you do that again lol

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When Pozbaird started this in 2012 it was interesting/useful/instructive thread. I'd wager it was maybe the best thread on our demise on any football forum anywhere. Guys made loads of useful comments - even if some were uncomfortable for we Bears.

During 2013 it became a petty bitchfest and a cum-bucket for morons who wanted to vent against all things Rangers - with you as the chief protagonist.

You missed my point completely. I want The Big Thread to return to its informative past. That you object to this speaks volumes.

In no way did I state an objection to anything - don't start the deflection shite, as you've mostly been better then that, unlike many rangers posters on this thread.

Morons? Harsh, IMHO. While I may not always agree with you politically or historically (Northern Europe Protestant influence, indeed), I'd reserve that description for the ill-educated and badly informed among us. I'd certainly not have put you in that category.

As for a bitchfest, there were plenty of posters who were content to "play the man not the ball" - the majority sharing team affiliation with yourself, and apparently believing that this was an effective way of making everybody ignore the continuing embarrassment that is the rape of the Horde's finances. Yes, continuing - it's still going on, it's still being discussed on here, and new snippets of news crop up on a regular basis. If the local berrz would rather throw personal insults around or stick their heads in the sand, that is their prerogative. Don't go blaming the rest of us.

"All things rangers"? Almost correct. All things rangers, and more importantly all things concerning the death of rangers and the shoehorning of their successors into our game, with attendant special treatment. The governing bodies have had, and will continue to receive, well-deserved criticism over this whole shameful debacle.

You want this thread to return to it's former glories? I'm sure most of us do, but while you have posters like Bennett, Bendarroch and whatever wee AWRA/Batshit has sneaked back in as this time, you're really going to struggle. Why put up with their nonsense just because they claim the same allegiance as you?

ETA: Sorry, forgot to thank you for the (eighteen months late) admission in your post which I've quoted.

"our demise"

Assuming you aren't personally dead, of course. Feel free to explain to the less-bright berrz what "demise" means.*

*And yes, I am awaiting the obvious. ;)

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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When Pozbaird started this in 2012 it was interesting/useful/instructive thread.  I'd wager it was maybe the best thread on our demise on any football forum anywhere.  Guys made loads of useful comments - even if some were uncomfortable for we Bears.

During 2013 it became a petty bitchfest and a cum-bucket for morons who wanted to vent against all things Rangers - with you as the chief protagonist.

You missed my point completely.  I want The Big Thread to return to its informative past.  That you object to this speaks volumes.

Agree with this 100%.

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This thread was great in 2012, primarily because it was immensely busy. It was fashionable.

Although it was better then, I like to see us as the die-hards who've kept it alive. When/if another admin comes along, all the glory hunters will return.

They'll owe us obsessives a debt.

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This thread was great in 2012, primarily because it was immensely busy. It was fashionable.

Hello Monkey. How're you doing? How're your weans?

2012 was good in the BRALT because folk gave a f**k and proffered independent views. 2013 was shite because posters used it as a means of making petty fueds.

Onwards to a partizan-free BRALT!!

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Every time someone says "close the the thread" or "its run its course". A startling revelation comes up which sparks 6-7 pages worth of discussion in a day. The days when Chuckles was running the show bought out the best laughs. However, I suspect the chickens will finally come home to roost for Sevco fans within the next 6 months.

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Hello Monkey. How're you doing? How're your weans?

2012 was good in the BRALT because folk gave a f**k and proffered independent views. 2013 was shite because posters used it as a means of making petty fueds.

Onwards to a partizan-free BRALT!!

Have to take issue with you here.

2012 - The "views" proffered by ALL non-rangers supporters were brushed aside as either "timmy conspiracies" or "Diddy jealousies", although a lot of them have proven correct in the end.

2013 - The year of the alias backlash from your supporters and the emergence of some right f*cking idiots, from both sides of the debate, who only joined in to troll/wind-up and generally de-stabalise the thread.

2014 - Will have a quiet start, leading up to squeaky-bum time around the end of the season. When again we will see you club/company/circus scramble around for finances from any crook/shyster. Not forgetting the result of the "Tax case appeal" and the full findings/results of the BDO inspired shutdown of your old club/company/nest of thieves.

Whatever you and your comrades think, "it ain't over until the fat lad sings". :thumsup2

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This thread was great in 2012, primarily because it was immensely busy. It was fashionable.

Although it was better then, I like to see us as the die-hards who've kept it alive. When/if another admin comes along, all the glory hunters will return.

They'll owe us obsessives a debt.


The whole function of the thread is to document the demise (thanks, T_K) of rangers and the subsequent fall-out. Anyone who thinks this isn't still happening is deluded.

Those who wail, "close the thread" might as well be saying "move along, nothing to see here". The BRALT is just one more wee fly in the ointment as they continue to try and convince themselves that the while cluster f**k didn't happen, and rangers ( ;)) can just carry on with their "glorious" history. Sorry, folks, it ain't gonna happen. Karma's a bitch, and she ain't finished her work down Govan way.

Not by a long chalk.

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The whole function of the thread is to document the demise (thanks, T_K) of rangers and the subsequent fall-out. Anyone who thinks this isn't still happening is deluded.

Those who wail, "close the thread" might as well be saying "move along, nothing to see here". The BRALT is just one more wee fly in the ointment as they continue to try and convince themselves that the while cluster f**k didn't happen, and rangers ( ;)) can just carry on with their "glorious" history. Sorry, folks, it ain't gonna happen. Karma's a bitch, and she ain't finished her work down Govan way.

Not by a long chalk.

What are you on about?

No one has claimed that liquidation never happened, you need to stop believing your own pish Norman.

Yes, you have a say in whats going to happen lol.

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What are you on about?

No one has claimed that liquidation never happened, you need to stop believing your own pish Norman.

Yes, you have a say in whats going to happen lol.

Better tell Tedi that then.. He has repeatedly claimed the club was never liquidated.

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So apart from the debate on the amount of points liable for deduction, how do the BRALTers reckon Admin2* will pan out?

proper administrators?

'to the bone' playing and coaching staff cuts?

the usual threats, recriminatiomns and potential civil disorder?

*or Admin1 for Rangers2 which I reckon is more accurate

Edited by Ken Fitlike
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So apart from the debate on the amount of points liable for deduction, how do the BRALTers reckon Admin2* will pan out?

proper administrators?

'to the bone' playing and coaching staff cuts?

the usual threats, recriminatiomns and potential civil disorder?

*or Admin1 for Rangers2 which I reckon is more accurate


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