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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Everybody seems to be fixating on the players' wages, and admittedly they're a big chunk of the problem. Look at some of the other people drawing a wage from ibrox, though. How big is their coaching staff? Is there any club in Scotland paying anything like the money bruited about as salaries for the likes of Stewart and Durrant? Is there any sign of McCoist - one of the few whose salary is well known - actually doing anything about reducing that amount, rather than issuing soundbites to excuse his inaction on the matter?


Impressive. You been taking a dictionary to the bogs? Kinky will be jealous. ;)

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getting a red spot off these Peepul is the equivalent of a green spot, so no worries there.

This 3rd post about Helens in 4 days firmly confirms your position as one of the disingenuoune ;)

Edited for typo.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Impressive. You been taking a dictionary to the bogs? Kinky will be jealous. ;)

Nah, he'll just make up something better. ;)

This 3rd post about Helens in 4 days firmly confirms your position as one of the disingenuene ;)

And there we have it. A wee change of spelling is all it takes to make - you guessed it - another non-existent word. According to dictionaries I can find, anyway. :thumsup2

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And there we have it. A wee change of spelling is all it takes to make - you guessed it - another non-existent word. According to dictionaries I can find, anyway. :thumsup2

Aye but seeing as how somebody said you take your dictionaries to the toilet, maybe yours has some pages missing?

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And there we have it. A wee change of spelling is all it takes to make - you guessed it - another non-existent word. According to dictionaries I can find, anyway. :thumsup2

Thanks. I fixed my typo. I'm still pondering over your 'bruited' though and can't fathom it. I think you actually meant 'keevinsed'. Thus your sentence should read:

Is there any club in Scotland paying anything like the money keevinsed* about as salaries for the likes of Stewart and Durrant?

To Keevins: To park one's corpulent arse behind a keyboard and type unmitigated shite for the masses whilst in the pay of a tawdry red top.

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Everybody seems to be fixating on the players' wages, and admittedly they're a big chunk of the problem. Look at some of the other people drawing a wage from ibrox, though. How big is their coaching staff? Is there any club in Scotland paying anything like the money bruited about as salaries for the likes of Stewart and Durrant? Is there any sign of McCoist - one of the few whose salary is well known - actually doing anything about reducing that amount, rather than issuing soundbites to excuse his inaction on the matter?

We've all enjoyed watching the IPO and ST(X2) money seeping away, but player wages only appear to count for a small proportion of what's been spent. One of the board (I think) said that the current finances were unsustainable "even in the top flight" - yet they keep on spending, the fans keep on demanding a side which will compete if and when they get to the top flight - and the pay-offs and golden goodbyes keep mounting up, as do the bills for m'Learned Friends.

Sure, they're funny - but how fucking mental have you got to be to see this mob as anything other than a financial basket-case? I'm no expert, but the share price really doesn't tell me a story of a business on the road to riches - even given start-up financing and facilities that most concerns would have killed for. The best hope I've heard for their future is "wait until Dave King comes in".

Scarecrows having a w**k. :lol:

McCoist's pay cut has been signed off this week. I accept this probably wouldn't have been front page news in Yorkshire, so you get the benefit of the doubt and escape a berating. :lol:

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Against a financially strapped Hearts with Gary Locke in charge? Nobody wants to see that. It would be just horrible.

Aye deflect away Calum :lol: . Let's take the emphasis away from your new club is about to be dismantled to the point that Premiership clubs will have far better players on lower wages.

Hearts can only improve on the players they have for next season whereas your club will have to cut costs by selling players or losing them to admin for next season.

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Naw. The South African based multi millionaire true blue Rangers King. There will be a team of full internationalists playing at Ibrox next season as the mighty Gers romp to yet another title.

:lol: will he be bringing wealth off the radar ?.

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Naw. The South African based multi millionaire true blue Rangers King. There will be a team of full internationalists playing at Ibrox next season as the mighty Gers romp to yet another title.

There won't you know. There is about to be a complete overhaul of the club in a financial way that will affect the playing staff as well as non-playing staff. It's something you should get used to because it's likely that McCoist will have to operate on a greatly reduced budget.

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