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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is there now a set penalty for a second admin? If not then any penalty should be shown to fit the behaviour that has driven this outcome (or apparent outcome). A club that wipes out its debt via liquidation, picks up where it left off in terms of vastly outspending its opponents, apparently raises £20m+ in a shares issue and STILL ends up shafting its creditors (and potentially its players) for the second time in 2 years. There shouldn't even be an argument about this - it's inexcusable that a club with the resources available to them from their supporter base can contemplate administration so quickly after liquidation of its predecessor. They should be hunted out the league and they can apply to join the Lowland League when they meet the criteria for an entry level licence (including 4 years audited accounts). If they are cleared to earn a second successive promotion on the back of losing over a million pounds a month since formation having shat all over their creditors once already then the administrators who oversee such a scenario should be hunted.

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Do you think McCoist is a bit thick? The obvious answer is yes, given such outpourings, but I don't actually mean it facetiously.

I've never imagined him to be a very clever man, but he's usually fairly articulate and quick witted enough to suggest he isn't stupid.

The more I hear though, I really wonder. I used to think he merely pleaded ignorance, but increasingly, he looks genuinely ignorant and stuck with a mind which isn't inquisitive enough to change things.

Views on McCoist please: A cynical dog whistler; or just a bit of a daftie?

Alpha fud.

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McCoist has trousered an absolute fortune from a club in dire financial straits whilst still making it seem to every Rangers fan that he's one of them with only the club's interest at heart.

Yes, I see that and get it.

Ostensibly, it's the work of a dastardly genius with a master plan hatched in a hollowed out volcano while stroking a cat.

I'm finding this interpretation ever harder to buy though. I suspect he's no that bright, but getting and keeping him onside has had enormous value for those in charge.

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Yes, I see that and get it.

Ostensibly, it's the work of a dastardly genius with a master plan hatched in a hollowed out volcano while stroking a cat.

I'm finding this interpretation ever harder to buy though. I suspect he's no that bright, but getting and keeping him onside has had enormous value for those in charge.

I'm going to go with you here, MT. Ally has fallen into the category of "useful idiot" for a whole slew of chancers. 800k a year (or however much) was a price well worth paying considering the number of Benefit Cheques and Crisis Loans he diverted into the trough.

I do hope the overweight, red-faced look is temporary, mind. I quite like the idea of him living to a ripe old age, having eventually understood how much responsibility he bears for the death of two football clubs.

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Whoever this Gary fellow is, he's one ugly guy.

Imagine a berr not recognising someone who has played 10 times for Scotland, and in the SPL but not for rangers. What are chances of that happening?*

*Thought I'd sow a wee "gimme" in there, so you can look intelligent and people may not mock you so much. No guarantees, mind. You might have to meet us halfway on this one...

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I'm going to go with you here, MT. Ally has fallen into the category of "useful idiot" for a whole slew of chancers. 800k a year (or however much) was a price well worth paying considering the number of Benefit Cheques and Crisis Loans he diverted into the trough.

I do hope the overweight, red-faced look is temporary, mind. I quite like the idea of him living to a ripe old age, having eventually understood how much responsibility he bears for the death of two football clubs.

If I were a betting man, which I'm not I would wager that tonight is when the profundity of his stupidity is finally just beginning to seep through his thick skull.

Probably getting rat arsed in a club somewhere in town and bemoaning the hand that fate has dealt him.

Mind you! All that dosh should ease the pain a wee bit?

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Imagine a berr not recognising someone who has played 10 times for Scotland, and in the SPL but not for rangers. What are chances of that happening?*

*Thought I'd sow a wee "gimme" in there, so you can look intelligent and people may not mock you so much. No guarantees, mind. You might have to meet us halfway on this one...

Oh a big ten times? I bet he's in the TA hall of fame. When did he play for Scotland?

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