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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Rangers fighting fund. Set up to raise money to help the club operate with monies raised going to D&P to help fund the dying club.

Rangers fans say no to liquidation of their club, they raise red cards in protest.

Can one rangers fans say these things were done to save a company?

If so, why?

I'm more interested to know what the RFFF have done with that money they received from the fans

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The QC asking for 'hauners' lol......

You truly are the most stupidest poster on any forum I have ever ever read ffs,

You make many many bogus non posting rep giving fhud aliases to help boost your rep as well as mibees red dotting a few other posters because it makes you feel better about your pathetic self giving posters more red dots than on one account can.

You effectively mentally and psychotically give your self hauners on multiple personalities for each fhud alias account you create and post shite like you did like anyone actually giggles at it like a big girls blouse like you obviously did. :1eye

If yer knob can touch yer arse go and fcuk yourself into a coma Benny :) ,and if it can't touch yer arse just as well Tedi is there because Tedi is an arse.

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you want a fair one on one debate then send me a pm hb

You pussy :lol:

Do it here in front of everyone where you can't hide behind such orc favourites as "yer posting shite", "yer talking pish". "bullshit", "LNS says", "The Scottish MSM printed this", "here's a UEFA link".

I have absolutely no confidence in having an adult debate with you in a PM conversation, you'll just apply any of the above or similar and when I respond to you in a PM. If you do it here then the others can either confirm or debunk, can't put it fairer than that.

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Haw, I see The Usuals are gathering on The Big Thread tonight. On V-Day even! There is one notable exception.......

Where is Nat_King this evening?

I'm sure to mind fcuk a few orcs on P&B tonight and love it thanks :) , the intellectual fcuk and all that.

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Right lads the taxi is here ??? hope it is No8 seeing as I keep phoning the Renfrewshire ones in the hope he picks me up one night :lol: , sit in the back with the missus who looks fuckable tonight by ra way :) and rubbish The Clone Rangers all the way to my destination and see if he cracks. ^_^

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Oh poor wee pet lamb. Did I miss you out? I am so sorry, cherub and didn't mean to overlook you. OK here you go. Have a bunch of flowers for V_Day by way of apology. They are your favourite. Bluebells.


Which are blue, of course.

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