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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You pussy :lol:

Do it here in front of everyone where you can't hide behind such orc favourites as "yer posting shite", "yer talking pish". "bullshit", "LNS says", "The Scottish MSM printed this", "here's a UEFA link".

I have absolutely no confidence in having an adult debate with you in a PM conversation, you'll just apply any of the above or similar and when I respond to you in a PM. If you do it here then the others can either confirm or debunk, can't put it fairer than that.

And you have a cheek calling out someone -anyone - to make a public statement.

Earlier in the week, I asked you to do the same.

Using your grammar! . @&@.? ..! YOU SHAT OUT OF IT!!!

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WTF, is he a Jehovah's Witness as well ????????????............................... :angel

Can't possibly answer that as I'm not sure which religion he follows. My guess is Catholocism, but that is just me stereotyping based on his commentary and his football team.

For all I care, he could be church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

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The answer is reasonable, your further response illustrates my point and provides further proof.

See your original post to confirm your own hypocrisy.

Edit: Bollix ,,, you really are a complete fucking idiot !!!

I understand you live near/in Goa. I will attribute your ridiculous response to sleep deprivation. By my calculations, it's about 5.40 am Saturday.

Get back to bed you clown. You obviously can't think straight.

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Translate Hmmmmmmmm, then, Dave.J.

It was used to demonstrate my disagreeing with you, when you stated you are not stupid.

Now, that you understand it... Please "rubbish it" as you said you would. Bear in mind we can see your posts. You have your work cut out, providing evidence to back up your claim, I disagreed with.

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It was used to demonstrate my disagreeing with you, when you stated you are not stupid.

Now, that you understand it... Please "rubbish it" as you said you would. Bear in mind we can see your posts. You have your work cut out, providing evidence to back up your claim, I disagreed with.

Maybe if you would elaborate on your somewhat simplistic comment, I could rubbish it.

As it stands, you have provided me with nothing to work on.

Trust me when I tell you that, when you provide something more substantial than "Hmmmmm", I will find something to rubbish.

Unless, of course, you have something tangible to discuss, in which case, I will discuss that with you.

Based on your previous comments on here, I have two theories:

1. You are a decent poster, who can offer excellent debate.

2. Unless it's a Sevconian you are in debate with, in which case it turns to abuse.

Quid pro quo.

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Again .. stupid is as stupid does ... another blinding post. Play the man ... heads up.

Now off to pick someone up at the airport.

Taxi driver then?

Are you No.8, by chance?

Calling someone who you don't know "stupid" is a huge assumption. I could be a humble cleaner or an Accountant-you don't know.

Be careful what you think I am.

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Maybe if you would elaborate on your somewhat simplistic comment, I could rubbish it.

As it stands, you have provided me with nothing to work on.

Trust me when I tell you that, when you provide something more substantial than "Hmmmmm", I will find something to rubbish.

Unless, of course, you have something tangible to discuss, in which case, I will discuss that with you.

Based on your previous comments on here, I have two theories:

1. You are a decent poster, who can offer excellent debate.

2. Unless it's a Sevconian you are in debate with, in which case it turns to abuse.

Quid pro quo.

Ok I'll humour you. I think it was misguided to make such a sweeping generalisation that you are not stupid, when your posts suggest otherwise. For example the one one about engaging me in commentary.

I would suggest you meant engaging me in conversation.

I have plenty to discuss, first and foremost the points I raised earlier, that the visiting Rangers fans have ignored... Please discuss with me, your opinion on:

Why the governing body changed their rule book as rangers plc was drawing its last breath, to suddenly separate a club from the company? Do you believe it was a business decision as they could not survive without their cut of Ibrox gate receipts during cup games? After all they didn't change the rules when other clubs went down the same route.

Why was RFFf set up to help fund the club, why was it set up to give money to D&P to help finance the club? As apparently the club doesn't need it, it was the company in admin?

Did you hold a red card up to liquidation, why did the rangers fans do this, if they knew that it was a company that would be liquidated... Why were they demonstrating against a company being liquidated?

If you can answer these in an honest fashion, then I take back what I said, and most likely herald you as the most intelligent bear on here...

But to get there, your reply will probably have to start

Look, hands up, 2 years ago there was no such thing as separate club and company, you know it, we know it, but the governing body changed their rules so we are clinging onto that....

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