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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Bennett,it’s a thoroughly entertaining phenomenon to watch the diddies in such a lather. They say we’re a new club yet behave like we’ve been established for nearly a century and a half. That, as I’ve said ad nauseum, more is posted about Rangers than any other team in Scotland is living testament to the fact that the P&B diddies only pay lip service to the tawdry, “Yer club’s deid” statement but, in their actions, prove just the opposite.

It is a simple, incontrovertible truth: The good posters of our beloved forum do not act like “Rangers deid” whatever they say.

Oh and anyone who responds with something like, “We only post so much about The Tribute Act because it’s funny to watch Sevconians squirm” or somesuch is a fanny.

31st October 2012.

The simple incontrovertible truth is that the rangers football club plc. (thanks, youngsy) underwent a catastrophic meltdown in 2012. After that, things get arguable.

What was salvageable from that clusterfuck is the issue. You lot reckon the only thing rangers lost was their debt.

The rest of us believe many things, but principally that something had to be placed in front of the Horde in order to keep their money flowing into the game/ibrox (delete according to cynicism).

And squirm? Get used to it, because the Party Line has so many holes in it that, in comparison, the case for going to war in Iraq looks watertight. Your club, whether you believe it to have 140 years or 20-odd months of history, is forever tainted. Even more so than the original incarnation, as this time round they've robbed their own fans.

But hey, you keep follow following.

ETA: Re: your edit - I think it's fair to say that most of us recognise continuity of support, but not of the club. Most non-bears have been pretty consistent in their views, unlike those who buy into this tailor-made club/company shite.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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You lot reckon the only thing rangers lost was their debt.

This is unmitigated dreck. Very many of us believe we lost more than our debt and fully understand the reputational damage that has been caused. This simple truth, however, doesn't fit well with what Monkey mentioned above, the lazy generalisation that persists among the Ps&Ds.

the Party Line has so many holes in it that, in comparison, the case for going to war in Iraq looks watertight.

This is another common diddy tactic. Link 'the events about Rangers' to something really bad and very important. The Iraq war? This is simply laughable. It's perfectly simple to say that some fans' accounts have holes in them. Why the need to make some sort association between a football club going bust and something that is really important and nasty?

Most non-bears have been pretty consistent in their views, unlike those who buy into this tailor-made club/company shite.

Most non-Bears have, indeed, been consistent with their views but utterly inconsistent when applying those views to their own club. Most diddies hold the party line that Rangers died when the PLC died but very few fans will link the existence of their club to the existence of their associated PLC. I've heard more than one say something like, "The club can exist BEFORE the PLC but not after". And this is the sort of consistency of views that you want me to take seriously?

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Most diddies hold the party line that Rangers died when the PLC died but very few fans will link the existence of their club to the existence of their associated PLC. I've heard more than one say something like, "The club can exist BEFORE the PLC but not after". And this is the sort of consistency of views that you want me to take seriously?

Can you take seriously Youngsy's post, that the plc is the club? Or do you not take Youngsy seriously, due to his inconsistency of views?

Rangers Football Club Plc. is the clubs name. If we went into pre-pack administration then the club may very well be re-named Glasgow Rangers,if we go into adminstration down the CVA route then the club will still trade as Rangers Football Club plc. as for mortgaging season ticket money this was mentioned as far back as August.

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Excuse me Mr Youngman,

Would it be possible for you to show me any official documentation, from anywhere between the period of 1899 and 2012, that Rangers football club were separate from the company that owned them.


Rangers AGM 2010 and the trust are asking for questions to be put to the board of The Club.

Infact it's impossible to find any reference to the company, before 2012. It's no surprise really, as Youngsy says. The PLC was the club.

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The official bodies matter not a jot for what is being argued over is bragging rights over your peers. You know this to be true given the vast amount of time an effort you put into expressing your point of view to your peers. The simple truth is that no matter how much the corrupt authorities running our game attempts to rewrite history in the most Nazi-esque fashion your peers will never give that team playing at Ibrox the recognition you crave. The club died.

Carry on fighting your corner. It's great witnessing the seethe of Rangers fans as they cling to this new club like a tot and his comfort blanket.

Er, I'm sure that you posted on here, maybe after the FTT, maybe after some other event though, full acceptance of the same club and continuity of the club from 1872, although unlike the sad fuckers that went through my post history, I have no desire to go through yours, or indeed any one elses', but I don't think I'm wrong in what I say. Btw, absolutely no seethe on my side of things, I've yet to read anything that I asked, nothing forthcoming though.

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Can you take seriously Youngsy's post, that the plc is the club? Or do you not take Youngsy seriously, due to his inconsistency of views?

Dearie me. I left out the word,THE, and yet it's on all my correspondence from the club going back to the early 60s. How remiss of me. Have you found anything which states that this is a different club yet. Be so good as to tell us all, or better still ask your informant inside Ibrox.

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Can you take seriously Youngsy's post, that the plc is the club? Or do you not take Youngsy seriously, due to his inconsistency of views?

Dearie me. I left out the word,THE, and yet it's on all my correspondence from the club going back to the early 60s. How remiss of me. Have you found anything which states that this is a different club yet. Be so good as to tell us all, or better still ask your informant inside Ibrox.

Have you forgotten my answer the first time you asked?

PLC is the club... Oh Youngsy!

ETA... RFFF? Show Liquidation the red card? You not bothering answering my questions?

Edited by dave.j
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Excuse me Mr Youngman,

Would it be possible for you to show me any official documentation, from anywhere between the period of 1899 and 2012, that Rangers football club were separate from the company that owned them.

Also who paid this fine http://www.uefa.org/disciplinary/news/newsid=1624666.html

Thankss for calling me a young man, CB, although don't believe everything you read on football forums, my name is actually Aloysius O'Donohue, (I know I don't believe it either, neither should you believe about ny name being Youngman). Tell you what CB, when you can post a statement about this being a new football club, stating those words, then i'll respond in kind with your request, yours sincerely, Aloysius.

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Have you forgotten my answer the first time you asked?

PLC is the club... Oh Youngsy!

I'm still waiting for you or anyone else to post a full statement from a body of authority that this is a new football club, you can't do that, that much is obvious and despite my previous post before liquidation, and what ever my view, uninformed as it may well have been at the time before liquidation, the fact remains that this has been recognised as the same football club, founded 1872. Refute that with a statement from an authoritative body, instead of quoting myself or anyone else who has no such authority on this.

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I'm still waiting for you or anyone else to post a full statement from a body of authority that this is a new football club, you can't do that, that much is obvious and despite my previous post before liquidation, and what ever my view, uninformed as it may well have been at the time before liquidation, the fact remains that this has been recognised as the same football club, founded 1872. Refute that with a statement from an authoritative body, instead of quoting myself or anyone else who has no such authority on this.

The plc is the club ©youngsy

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Have you forgotten my answer the first time you asked?

PLC is the club... Oh Youngsy!

ETA... RFFF? Show Liquidation the red card? You not bothering answering my questions?

Why wouldn't the support give a demo of showing liquidation the red card? They support the team and they, like any other support, don't want to see their team going through hardship in anyway whatsoever. However the fact of the matter is that the club is recognised as one and the same from 1872 by those that matter, the controlling bodies, so therefore you don't matter. Now show a full statement stating otherwise from a controlling body.

No matter your feelings on this there is absolutely nothing to show that this is a new club, NEWCO (new company) certainly but nothing as regards a new club. Do me a favour, go through all my posts all you like, it matters nothing to me, but be man enough to admit that there is nothing to show what I asked for.

Edited by youngsy
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I'm still waiting for you or anyone else to post a full statement from a body of authority that this is a new football club, you can't do that, that much is obvious and despite my previous post before liquidation, and what ever my view, uninformed as it may well have been at the time before liquidation, the fact remains that this has been recognised as the same football club, founded 1872. Refute that with a statement from an authoritative body, instead of quoting myself or anyone else who has no such authority on this.


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FIFA's official website ... seeing as Youngsy missed it earlier.

That's it P&Ds step away from google, DhenBhoy has Youngsy's li.... Oh what? Nope sorry, Youngsys not accepting this as proof even though it's probably more damning as FIFA say after liquidation they reformed as a company...

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You can't do it can you. Probably because it sticks in your throat to admit there is nothing there. As for myself, i'll hold my hands up when I'm wrong but you can't. That's the difference.

despite my previous post before liquidation, and what ever my view, uninformed as it may well have been at the time before liquidation.

You shouldn't be so down on yourself. I'd argue your views were spot on pre liquidation. because you believed liquidation wouldn't happen, you could be honest.

Now that liquidation is happening, you're having to grasp onto every corrupt rule change introduced under a veil of secrecy, just so you can hold onto those titles and keep counting.

The sad thing is, pre liquidation, you predicted others would do this very thing.

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