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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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This is unmitigated dreck. Very many of us believe we lost more than our debt and fully understand the reputational damage that has been caused. This simple truth, however, doesn't fit well with what Monkey mentioned above, the lazy generalisation that persists among the Ps&Ds.

Come on now 'Fair Minded Bloke'. You know very well that the "lazy generalisation" I referred to, was your own.

A little honesty in how you represent the views of others please?

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You shouldn't be so down on yourself. I'd argue your views were spot on pre liquidation. because you believed liquidation wouldn't happen, you could be honest.

Now that liquidation is happening, you're having to grasp onto every corrupt rule change introduced under a veil of secrecy, just so you can hold onto those titles and keep counting.

The sad thing is, pre liquidation, you predicted others would do this very thing.

Spot on.

Remember when McCoist and Traynor staged that interview.

Traynor claimed then that he'd changed his mind, having examined and thought about the issue more deeply. Of course what had really happened was that the words atop his payslip had changed.

In Youngsy' s case, he's needed to change his mind because the unthinkable has come to pass. He's claiming that his former outlook reflected ignorance, but he's no more convincing than Traynor.

PS Did anyone notice a quiet use of the word 'succulent' in one of the Youngsy posts dredged up from the past?

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Observing the mental gymnastics required to be a bear post liquidation has without doubt been one of the most delightful aspects of this omnishambles.

It must be soul destroying having to come out with all this company pish.

I take it your use of the word 'mental' refers to meaning someone who is "silly or stupid, usually for attention and in a random or sporadic way, involving nonsensical references and actions, usually violent or quick action involved, resulting in general amusement and hilarity of onlookers."

As opposed to 'mental' pertaining to the powers of the mind, of course.


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Wrong thread for this pish .....

Loosely related though.

This thread has seen attention devoted to how Rangers have failed to properly banish their sectarian associations as they're lucrative. Highlighting that their sister club are similarly guilty, is not therefore devoid of relevance.

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Reading youngsy's indefatigable quest for the proof (am I alone in reading his posts in a Bomber "show me the deeds" style?) is a great way to get over the Monday morning blues. Its like a child who refuses to believe the tooth fairy doesn't exist and won't budge on that viewpoint until the government, the UN or NATO release an official document on the matter. Only the child never believed in the tooth fairy in the first place and left loads of scribbles in crayon to such effect in his desk for others to find.

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the same keith Jackson who told us craig whyte was a succesfull billionaire?.....

That can be interpreted two ways though, can't it?

There's your reading which says Jackson has been spectacularly wrong before, so his credibility on anything Rangers related is in tatters.

Another however, might be that Jackson has proven himself to be hugely sympathetic to Rangers in the past and keen to interpret events in the most Rangers-friendly manner. That context would make his latest piece especially scary for Rangers fans.

Personally, I think he's a bit of a tool who's less 'in the know' than he'd wish and whose latest article says very little.

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