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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aye, cutting down on the players wages will solve the problem of the board squandering over £70 in 18 months.

P.S are you Graham Wallace?

Might stop the club blowing another fortune in fans' money over the next 18 months. Assuming there's going to be another 18 months. :unsure:

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The Rangers story is like the Grand Old Duke of York only with £70m instead of 10,000 men. Half way up at the moment, but about to slide back down. Another administration beckons but since they don't have a bank to put pressure on them, who will have the balls to call Bryan Jackson?

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The Rangers story is like the Grand Old Duke of York only with £70m instead of 10,000 men. Half way up at the moment, but about to slide back down. Another administration beckons but since they don't have a bank to put pressure on them, who will have the balls to call Bryan Jackson?

If they had a support with a brain cell between them, they would be protesting outside Ibrox right now and every day until the board didnt have a choice.

But they only protest against all of us, because it was us who kept punishing them apparently.

Idiots the lot of them.

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How did you arrive at that conclusion then?

Never mind that Tedi, just walk the f**k away you idiot. It's only a football club. Loyalty is not a tool to open your wallet stop the spivs using it in that way.

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Best thing the People (sic) could do is form a new club, wait for the current incarnation to be liquidated and buy the stadium, start again in the Third. After all, if they were to pool their season ticket / other disposable money without the input of the Obvious Crook they'd be very powerful.

Instead what will happen is, faced with two terrible options, they'll just get angry and do nothing other than frothing whataboutery and the usual passivity.

'We deserve a Big Man to come and fix this for us'

We Are The Passive

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I have made it pretty clear I am not renewing.

Used to think you were one of the better ones stoney, now I know how wrong I was, oh well.

Tedi, your opinion of me is none of my business. I like you and most of the other Rangers diddies on here, if I never I'd be encouraging you all to get behind one faction or the other, everyone is after your money.

You are 2 years too late to save your club, walk away, totally walk away.

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Tedi is reminding me a lot of Cool Hand Luke. No matter how many times Dragline knocks him the f**k down he stumbles to his feet. The difference is Tedi, the spivs wont stop punching and then carry you back to safety. The Rangers spivs will keep taking turns to beat you for as long as the coins keep dropping from your pockets.

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Tedi, your opinion of me is none of my business. I like you and most of the other Rangers diddies on here, if I never I'd be encouraging you all to get behind one faction or the other, everyone is after your money.

You are 2 years too late to save your club, walk away, totally walk away.

Wrong, wrong, wrong, I think you should support King. If that dos'nt work, support Wallace. It would be a shame if you all walked away at this point after so much hard work trying to saving your club. And what would we have to laugh at if you did all walk away? Oh and did I say, I think you should support Greggs McMoist as well.

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Wrong, wrong, wrong, I think you should support King. If that dos'nt work, support Wallace. It would be a shame if you all walked away at this point after so much hard work trying to saving your club. And what would we have to laugh at if you did all walk away? Oh and did I say, I think you should support Greggs McMoist as well.

What an excellent and thought provoking post, i can tell that you put so much effort in to it.

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Yet you feel quite happy to insult us?

Think I would rather just laugh than listen to anything else you have to say to be honest.

How did I insult you?

If encouraging you to waken the f**k up and walk away from the con that is bleeding you dry is insulting to you then I am happy to insult you all day long. You are all fools if you invest any more cash, energy or emotion into Rangers. They are only a football club, your health, wealth and happiness are far more important. Don't let a bunch of opportunists rob you of everything.

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and here you are ignoring the facts yet again.

For the last time, I have no intentions of renewing, ignore this all you want if you feel it helps justify the now drivel you post, though.

But you will still spend money, you will still waste emotions, you will still fill their trough.

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Hearts fans seem to have managed to get their club back on an even keel, for now at least. Dunfermline's fans did a bang-up job too, and both rescues in the teeth of seemingly insuperable odds. Even Celtic, back in the day, managed to get a coherent campaign going that got rid of the idiots running the place.

But then, those teams didn't have seventeen different fan groups that argue all the time, often about non-football issues.

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You have to laugh at him .. I remember his staunch defence of the IPO and how the plastics and diddies were totally wrong when we warned them they were being setup to be fleeced by Green and his cronies ... he used the smug ;) a lot

Hey this is all win win. All of the possible outcomes are hilarious, all the P&D prediction are coming home to roost. The very best Rangers fans can hope for now is for their club to emerge from the other side battered broken and hopeless. If they are lucky, very, very lucky.

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