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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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... so if KDS theory is correct then the papers have to be filed today .. though I am at loss as to why they could not file tomorrow with a pet administrator, assuming the judge accepts their paperwork and submission? ...

Can't you think for yoruself rather than relying on KDs for almost everything?

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Well I see the illustrious leader doesn't want to take up the challenge and instead sent his wee attack poodles to repeat the lies. Speaks volumes about them. If they were so certain of their 'facts' they'd take the bet in order to make me look foolish. But nope .. what we have are Orcs and scum that would rather continue to post shyte about people than face up to the demise of their old club and the shambolic abortion that sprang forth as it's replacement. Nae luck cretins.

Your old club died that's a fact ... the clone is turd, a financial basket case and you cretins keep feeding the spivs ... meanwhile we are all provided with the free laughs ... if only you could monetise that .. you'd make a fortune ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ragers II .. comedy gold ... get your season tickets now !!!

This is what happens when you spend day after day posting about Rangers without stopping for some sleep lol.

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"I wrote to Dave King seeking his intentions and offering to sell my shares to him as a token of his intentions," he writes, "suggesting, that since I saw no real way forward for him to invest, that perhaps he should consider doing the honourable thing by those fans and investors who did put their hard earned cash and savings into the club and given his resources, he should buy our shares and take the reins he obviously thinks he should control, in order to recoup monies previously lost."

According to MacKenzie, he was told by King: "”Why should any new investor bail out existing investors because they made mistakes in overpaying for their shares. The club needs money not complaining shareholders.”

Dear Alan MacKenzie,

You must have wealth off the radar if you can afford to blow 500K on the hybrid pile of steaming keech / parcel of rogues that is SevcoRangers.

You must also be completely off your head.

I hope your wife batters you stupid for your fiduciary ineptitude.

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Bennett gives us his intellectual views on the article after readi ..... oh haud on.

You waited nearly 20 minutes before adding your 'views' to that post by an edit, so don't try acting it.

Did someone PM that to you or is it from KDS?

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