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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The Survey did not include an option for SFL3, that option was discussed later, read the comments on the survey they paint a very clear picture and back up the polls from Rangers fans at the time, the vast majority 75% of Rangers fans wanted no favours and felt SFL3 was the correct route.

Mibbee's aye, mibbee's no. But page two of the survey has this to say about the comments;

"The comments from supporters within this document do not necessarily reflect the views of SPL Fan Surveys."

We all know that many DeadRangers fans thought they were a 'special case'. Hence the "sink us and we'll sink you" nonsense and the hilarious boycott of Dundee Utd.



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Mibbee's aye, mibbee's no. But page two of the survey has this to say about the comments;

"The comments from supporters within this document do not necessarily reflect the views of SPL Fan Surveys."

We all know that many DeadRangers fans thought they were a 'special case'. Hence the "sink us and we'll sink you" nonsense and the hilarious boycott of Dundee Utd.



Oh come on now, do we need to descend to these levels and end up with hundreds of posts saying ... Haha Sevco, You're died, new club etc.

You can do better than that, give it a go...

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I have never been spiteful, some may well have been, I wanted SFL3 because (1) it was the correct course (2) I wanted no favours, so yes I Embraced SFL3

You appeared to be speaking in general terms rather than from a personal viewpoint.

The Rangers fans embraced going to SFL3 before it was even considered an option by the authorities, 1 read of the SPL survey and the comments of the Rangers fans on it makes this very clear, this was long before the vote took place.

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I refer you to posts-passim. ;)



I was hoping that we could look back over the last few years with clear heads, without the usual bickering and reflect on the rights and wrongs without the usual shite.

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Except it is not, the original post you replied to was a Celtic supporter making a point about Rangers spending big to chase a realistic trophy.

...and he was replying to my post on how Rangers have handled the last two years and the lack of structure and long term planning compared to what Ann Budge is doing with Hearts.

Your post was irrelevant and deflective and aimed to pull me away from the original topic I started, proved by you ignoring my post that started the conversation in the first place.

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You know i do admire your perseverance but you'll never get the response's that you're after, you're just too likeable and i can't bring myself to do my usual....

There's a bit myth growen about how Rangers fans handled admin/liquidation, sadly too many people take it for granted now.

Around £6m wages and nearly £70m spent in 18 months, the SPL players the club signed were not the issue here (assumning you're talking about players signed in the last 2 seasons)

Cheers mate. :wub:

I actually just enjoy discussing these issues with Rangers fans sometimes, even if we are going over old ground slightly. Afraid you couldn't afford those players no matter how you dress it up. If you wanted some of that 70 mill to spend on players Murray Park should've been mothballed or the management team sacked. I haven't seen one area of Rangers where an appropriate level of spending.

I agree with you regarding the myths formed during the administration period however I would suggest that a lot of them have been formed by the Rangers fans due to spivs and rabble rousers like McCoist/Green. I know you're a big fan of either, but they form the Misinformation that still prevails in the Rangers support today, imo.

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Football is a business, we are both fans and customers that is the reality anything else is romantic guff.

If, as you say, football is a business then Rangers must be the least successful club in the country atm.

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Do you always have to be so antagonistic, you know exactly what you said but you just can't let go and have to have your petty little digs.

Yeah I do know what I said, but the bigger question is do you? Can you eloborate on this.

My recollection was that the vast majority of Rangers fans voicing an opinion stated that they wanted SPL. Only when it appeared that the SPL clubs were being pressured into saying no did they then change to the "f**k them lets go to the bottom diviion" position that is now being presented as their original stance. I have asked for some link to a survey that Tedi posted about to back up a view that I cannot recall, that is all.

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That was my point.

SFL3 was not an option...it was rigged..the option was SPL or nothing.

To get what Rangers fans were feeling to have to look beyond the black and white options to the comments, which of course paint a clear picture,

OK, I get what you are saying. Not my recollection though as I have just posted to Bennett.

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The Rangers fans embraced going to SFL3 before it was even considered an option by the authorities, 1 read of the SPL survey and the comments of the Rangers fans on it makes this very clear, this was long before the vote took place.

Not having a go here as you clearly sound more balanced than many bears, but I do believe the willingness to go to SFL3 was mainly down to (1) the prospect of a transfer ban meaning they were facing a season of being beaten as often as they won, (2) a willingness to say GIRUY to any of the chairmen who wanted RFC in the SPL for financial reasons.

Neither of the above motivations was particularly noble.

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The Rangers fans embraced going to SFL3 before it was even considered an option by the authorities, 1 read of the SPL survey and the comments of the Rangers fans on it makes this very clear, this was long before the vote took place.

I am sorry but although many Hearts fans have accepted the reasons why they ended up where they are an equal number still continue to celebrate 5-1 which is one of the direct causes that they ended up where they are, a clear lack of sincerity on display here.

^ ^ ^

Desperate rewriting of history.

Rangers fans embraced the SFL 3rd division when it came apparent that they were not getting rid of what Tedi deemed as an illegal transfer embargo, Rangers fans unlike the Hearts fans couldn't face supporting a severely weakened squad of players in the SPL and realistically facing relegation like Hearts have suffered through admin.

Rangers fans embraced the SFL 3rd division because they thought that the SPL Armageddon was imminent without a Rangers club in the SPL, they were rubbing their hands and smiling gleefully at the peddled demise of around 5 or 6 SPL clubs and desperately wanted other clubs to suffer death by liquidation even though the stupid cnuts believed that only Rangers could survive liquidation.

And if needed I could dig up No8's rant about it's the SPL without sanctions or we are off to the SFL 3rd division and fcuk you all.

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My recollection was that the vast majority of Rangers fans voicing an opinion stated that they wanted SPL. Only when it appeared that the SPL clubs were being pressured into saying no did they then change to the "f**k them lets go to the bottom diviion" position that is now being presented as their original stance. I have asked for some link to a survey that Tedi posted about to back up a view that I cannot recall, that is all.

As i've said above it was the SPL and SPL clubs who wanted Rangers kept in the SPL, not Rangers fans. At the time the official line from D&P was that they wanted SPL football but that was not in line with what the fans were saying.

You obviously do not recall events in the same manner that i do, as most bears were ok with accepting SFL football, infact it should have been the ideal opportunity to rebuild.

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^ ^ ^

Desperate rewriting of history.

Rangers fans embraced the SFL 3rd division when it came apparent that they were not getting rid of what Tedi deemed as an illegal transfer embargo, Rangers fans unlike the Hearts fans couldn't face supporting a severely weakened squad of players in the SPL and realistically facing relegation like Hearts have suffered through admin.

Rangers fans embraced the SFL 3rd division because they thought that the SPL Armageddon was imminent without a Rangers club in the SPL, they were rubbing their hands and smiling gleefully at the peddled demise of around 5 or 6 SPL clubs and desperately wanted other clubs to suffer death by liquidation even though the stupid cnuts believed that only Rangers could survive liquidation.

And if needed I could dig up No8's rant about it's the SPL without sanctions or we are off to the SFL 3rd division and fcuk you all.

You cannot possibly know what the motivation behind every Rangers fan's preferences. Your guess is biased and obviously what you would like to be true. Volumes were spoken in your post.

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As i've said above it was the SPL and SPL clubs who wanted Rangers kept in the SPL, not Rangers fans. At the time the official line from D&P was that they wanted SPL football but that was not in line with what the fans were saying.

You obviously do not recall events in the same manner that i do, as most bears were ok with accepting SFL football, infact it should have been the ideal opportunity to rebuild.

Yeah, we appear to recall differently. I am willing to put it down to my demen......whats the word, I have forgotten...

I agree with the sentiment that the journey hasn't been as enjoyable as you guys expected although I am sure that the supporters have been enjoying the novelty of the smaller grounds, new places etc. etc. Meanwhile back in Glasgow the management (club and company) has been as woeful as previously.

I think I am one of the few on this board that actually see the positives in the DK/witholding of season ticket money proposal.

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Fair enough, I have this poster on ignore and only see his posts when someone else quotes him so I had no idea it was part of an on-going discussion and that he had replied to you, so in this concept my point was valid.

Considering it had nothing to do with my conversation with DB. :lol: You're a plucky trier though.

This is a result of your spat with DB in that you enter a conversation with only a half idea what its about, everyone else is affected by that pish. I have never put anyone on ignore never needed to and if someone is upsetting you or you are getting fed up, you don't have to reply.

He is still quoting you, knowing full well you have him on ignore.

Edited by CityDave
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I remember poll after poll on FF and every one of them were showing vast support for SFL3 with much lambasting of the clubs position who were desperate for SPL and then SFL1, it was only after that these routes were closed that the club released a statement embracing SFL3 alongside admitting it was what the fans wanted....this picture does not sit well with many on this board, it is however the reality.

I recall Armageddon , death of Scottish football, and clubs going to the wall from Rangers mouthpieces if they weren't allowed into the SPL.

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You cannot possibly know what the motivation behind every Rangers fan's preferences. Your guess is biased and obviously what you would like to be true. Volumes were spoken in your post.

Quite so but the vast majority of the fans wanted the SPL with no sanctions or they wanted the SFL 3rd division as GIRFUY to the SPL.

I know for certain the vast majority of Rangers fans I know in the real world knew next to nothing about the complexities of their clubs demise, what most did want was for other clubs to suffer because of the pointing and laughing at their humiliating demise. Also they did say SPL with no sanctions or fcuk the lot of them including the associations.

In saying that MOST of the Rangers support couldn't fucking handle supporting a diddy Rangers club in the SPL and the gloating at 3 back to back promotions and the possible demise of quite a few SPL clubs before they got to the top tier was for them payback.

Like you say I do not know every Rangers fans motivation but the fans I do know wanted every of cnut to suffer with them.

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