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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He's in the papers agaiin.

Ayr Chairman Lachlan Cameron claims The R*ngers have been spending INSANE cash to move through the lower leagues.

Cameron feels that Clubs like his, who live within their means, have been held back while The R*ngers have been promoted twice while losing over £1m per month.

He also wants Clubs who have suffered administration to be banned from Cups.

He said, " The system is broken and, as it stands, it's Clubs like us, who play by the rules, who are being penalised while those who go bust and screw taxpayers flourish. Why the hell have The Newcunto F.C. spent so much to win the bottom two divisions ?

They should've been able to win with ten per cent of that.

:thumsup2 :thumsup2 :thumsup2 LACHLAN IS GOD :thumsup2 :thumsup2 :thumsup2

But he'll still be on The List :lol:

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dont cry norman ? didnt your club... sorry i mean celtic bring out a tri-colour top a few years back. before i get accused of whataboutery, just want your opinion on wether it was acceptable or not.

p.s the orange top was a belter ;)

Eh naw?


Which one has a tri-colour?

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and the thousand of celtic fans who attend charlie and the bhoys gigs just about every 3 months at the barras. as said both sides have arseholes

I have to comment on this, as it had me fair perplexed one Friday night, making my way home from a pub night in the big smoke, train got to High Street, loads of Celtic strips got on the train, train got to Carntyne, even more Celtic strips got on the train, and I'm thinking who were Celtic playing on a Friday night? So I asked "Who was playing?". "Charlie and the Bhoys" "Oh, OK." I said,thinking Mr Nicholas had brought a legends or a celebrity team, "What was the score?". Blank looks. At that point I realised I was on the wrong planet, and shut up.
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and do you not think Scottish football would be more welcoming to our clubs if we just forgot about all this loyalist / protestant and Irish Catholic nonsense and remembered we are 2 Scottish football clubs in the 21st century?

honestly it is all bollocks.

Aye but would provide the official uniforms for the apprentice boys entourage and the extras in britcops frontline?

Share issue eh? Why it seems like only last year......

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so rangers having a union jack = bad but celtic showing a tricoulour = awryt .

typical, predictable norman

As long as i can remember, celtic's colours have been green, white, and yellow/gold. Away kits, that kinda thing, bear this out. And yes, they do plug the oirish shite.

As long as I can remember, rangers' colours have been red,white and blue, and yes, they plug the "quintessential" shite.

Both of them know where their money comes from, and continue to pander to their knuckledragging support. The rest of know this, and are frankly disgusted by the clubs' lip-service to campaigns set up to eradicate the problem.

Now, what's the connection between rangers and orange?

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Sevco supporters' problem is that they've now got an entire generation psychologically dependent on the club having a certain standing which was completely artificial and unsustainable from the word go.

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As long as i can remember, celtic's colours have been green, white, and yellow/gold. Away kits, that kinda thing, bear this out. And yes, they do plug the oirish shite.

As long as I can remember, rangers' colours have been red,white and blue, and yes, they plug the "quintessential" shite.

Both of them know where their money comes from, and continue to pander to their knuckledragging support. The rest of know this, and are frankly disgusted by the clubs' lip-service to campaigns set up to eradicate the problem.

Now, what's the connection between rangers and orange?

it was tangerine ;)

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and do you not think Scottish football would be more welcoming to our clubs if we just forgot about all this loyalist / protestant and Irish Catholic nonsense and remembered we are 2 Scottish football clubs in the 21st century?

honestly it is all bollocks.

Your lot had that choice a couple of years ago, Ted. Clean slate just ready for new tales and history to be written, remember? But that wouldn't have got Charlie his chateau, would it?

A straight choice between some sort of integration into the game as "just another club", or getting it right up the "enemies of rangers" on the journey "back". I don't think there was ever a chance of the voices of reason being heard, do you?

I seem to remember you being pretty free with the "No Surrender" malarkey, as well. Distancing yourself from that shite rather than having a sectarian/not sectarian squabble over the phrase might have lent more weight to your current "look at me being a reasonable fitba fan" stance.

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You'd think if you were owed money by Rangers you'd be asking Wallace how he can afford new players whilst you don't have your cash?

If someone owed you £100 and they were standing drinking in the pub with their brand new clothes you'd be asking for your cash.

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From barcabhoy on KDS :-

"I would be surprised if this was true, but at Rangers anything is possible.

A jailed vat fraudster to be CEO of a plc !!

Just the type of person you want looking after the interests of the small shareholders !!

When you start off the cycle of power and ownership at Ibrox with Murray , who has cost the public purse £hundreds of millions with his business collapsing, with his regime being found guilty of tax evasion ( a crime in most countries) and of industrial scale deception , then you really can't have any real expectations of proper corporate governance.

That Murray's board included a CEO who was investigated by the French authorities for possibly accepting a bribe, a criminally convicted tax evader and an entire board , including Mr Goody two shoes Alastair Johnston , who failed to report the tax evasion and deception , then it's wise not not expect any standard of ethical behaviour.

The torch of corporate malfeasance was willingly passed to a guy who had been banned from serving as a Director for 7 years , but conveniently forgot to mention it to anyone. His successors included a serial go buster with the largest mouth in Yorkshire, and thats some achievement, and a lightweight who was only in post for long enough to get most of his investment back.

Sidekicks in this period included a Director who's only obvious benefit was that his mother had her own bank account, an FD who spent more time on videoing a drunken Chairman than he did in putting together a viable and sustainable financial structure , and another Chairman who's lunatic spending was a significant factor in liquidation in his previous role as a manager.

He also conveniently ensured his personal friend and proven incompetent was installed as manager at a salary twice what Dortmund paid to one of the best managers in Europe. Just when you think the farce will never end, a half decent CEO is recruited. Immediately of course, non events like Chris Graham and the Sons of Struth set about undermining him for the benefit of the criminal tax evader in South Africa.

So to move to a guy , with a terrible reputation and who has spent jail time for Vat fraud and having an unexplainable poly bag full of readies behind the sofa , is really what we should expect. Anyone respectable or credible will get savaged by the PR hit man, and like McColl , Paul Murray and Blin will disappear and leave the field to the criminally convicted and their pals.

Scottish Football could do itself a favour and immediately ban for life anyone found guilty of criminal tax crimes or fraud. Whyte got a life ban handed to him in very short order as Ogilvie attempted to divert attention away from his own and Murray's role . The lack of responsible oversight from the SFA is frightening , but not surprising.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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From barcabhoy on KDS :-

"I would be surprised if this was true, but at Rangers anything is possible.

A jailed vat fraudster to be CEO of a plc !!

Just the type of person you want looking after the interests of the small shareholders !!

When you start off the cycle of power and ownership at Ibrox with Murray , who has cost the public purse £hundreds of millions with his business collapsing, with his regime being found guilty of tax evasion ( a crime in most countries) and of industrial scale deception , then you really can't have any real expectations of proper corporate governance.

That Murray's board included a CEO who was investigated by the French authorities for possibly accepting a bribe, a criminally convicted tax evader and an entire board , including Mr Goody two shoes Alastair Johnston , who failed to report the tax evasion and deception , then it's wise not not expect any standard of ethical behaviour.

The torch of corporate malfeasance was willingly passed to a guy who had been banned from serving as a Director for 7 years , but conveniently forgot to mention it to anyone. His successors included a serial go buster with the largest mouth in Yorkshire, and thats some achievement, and a lightweight who was only in post for long enough to get most of his investment back.

Sidekicks in this period included a Director who's only obvious benefit was that his mother had her own bank account, an FD who spent more time on videoing a drunken Chairman than he did in putting together a viable and sustainable financial structure , and another Chairman who's lunatic spending was a significant factor in liquidation in his previous role as a manager.

He also conveniently ensured his personal friend and proven incompetent was installed as manager at a salary twice what Dortmund paid to one of the best managers in Europe. Just when you think the farce will never end, a half decent CEO is recruited. Immediately of course, non events like Chris Graham and the Sons of Struth set about undermining him for the benefit of the criminal tax evader in South Africa.

So to move to a guy , with a terrible reputation and who has spent jail time for Vat fraud and having an unexplainable poly bag full of readies behind the sofa , is really what we should expect. Anyone respectable or credible will get savaged by the PR hit man, and like McColl , Paul Murray and Blin will disappear and leave the field to the criminally convicted and their pals.

Scottish Football could do itself a favour and immediately ban for life anyone found guilty of criminal tax crimes or fraud. Whyte got a life ban handed to him in very short order as Ogilvie attempted to divert attention away from his own and Murray's role . The lack of responsible oversight from the SFA is frightening , but not surprising.

i imagine kds to be full of clones of dhense, hellboy and boss hogg . bitter, twisted obsessed indivisuals to a man probably all over that site .

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i imagine kds to be full of clones of dhense, hellboy and boss hogg . bitter, twisted obsessed indivisuals to a man probably all over that site .

Rather than blurt out your usual trite and childish pish, do you have anything of value to contribute to either rebuff or even support the points made in the above post ? I don't think there is anything factually incorrect in the guy's statement but by all means, fire away if you know better.


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i imagine kds to be full of clones of dhense, hellboy and boss hogg . bitter, twisted obsessed indivisuals to a man probably all over that site .

Rather than blurt out your usual trite and childish pish, do you have anything of value to contribute to either rebuff or even support the points made in the above post ? I don't think there is anything factually incorrect in the guy's statement but by all means, fire away if you know better.


I used to post on a site used by Barcabhoy and I can confirm he is an attention seeking fud.

Like most of these Celtc bloggers they showed their true colours during the reconstruction debacle when they blindly backed their club against the wider interests of Scottish Football.

That said he's right about the SFA, but every man and his dog(whistle) can recognise it as decrepit organisation not fit for purpose.

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