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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Way way back in this thread we discussed ICT and how they managed to shed a lot of the scummy type of support who decent human beings generally don't like degrading their stands during the merger.

Yet you avoided the shedding....

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You potentially will be aiming to only be in this division for 1 year. That's 2 games. The majority of teams in the league have survived just fine without the income of rangers fans.

Rangers travelling support helping clubs financially is a red herring. Jim Duffy was asked specifically what Clyde would do with all the extra income they got... He said once policing, stewarding etc had been paid, there was very little left over. Certainly no where near enough to be considered a "game changer".

Strange that most clubs we've played have said the exact opposite.....

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I would add away games to that too, no harm to them but if our fans stop turning up at their grounds then their chairmen will maybe start to put pressure on the SFA/SFLP or whatever it's called now to put pressure on the crooks.

Will obviously never happen...

If my team are stupid enougb to bank on the numbers of away fans that attend then we deserve to go out of business.

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its easy to claim when you average over 10k for home games, but you can't compare hearts to clubs that maybe only have their home gates in hundreds or a couple of thousand, where the away support out number the home support as much as 5:1. it makes a big difference to the home club's income.

to say not would mean every cup game against clubs who bring huge comparative supports would not bring any financial reward, of course we know this is not true. and just because duffy says so doesn't mean its true for every club either though it might only apply to his former club last year.

Of course a couple of larger visiting supports are of financial benefit to smaller clubs.

It's not on the scale you imagine though and there are downsides which can offset this benefit a bit, such as policing costs, shifts of kick-off times and diminished chances of success.

If you've not learned that Rangers size was of principle benefit to Rangers alone, then you've really been paying little attention these last two years.

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Dasodaha, your club change is an odd one. I know a few guys who've changed clubs and I thought they were then not to be taken seriously in a football conversation ever again.

Slightly different here as your club died but not overly shocked Hearts was the choice. Can you expand on the reasons? Maybe you live in Gorgie? Family members are Jambo's?

And if Sevco suddenly got an unlikely cash injection and were challenging again would you be back at Ibrox?

Not having a dig but when my team win or loose it has an effect on my mood for the next good few days. Folk have a big emotional tie to their team. I'm not sure it could be the same for me if I supported some other side.

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Ok despite a quick google i appear to have gotten it wrong, the DA is implying that no teams have benefited from playing Rangers.

Apologies and all that.

I'm implying nothing. I'm caling you out on your statement that 'most clubs' have said they have benefited from Rangers' support.

[edited for clarity]

Edited by The DA
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Ok despite a quick google i appear to have gotten it wrong,

Apologies and all that.

Best post you've made on here. :-P

Seriously though, I don't think anyone is saying no team has benefited, of course they have benefited. But just not in the patronising, we keep Scottish football alive, level that fans of your team would have us believe.

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Do they not need Deloitte's and the NOMAD's approval to launch another 'public share' issue?

How can the NOMAD approve it when the issue is simply to cover the club's running costs?

Interesting to know what the bears think will happen if they do starve the spivs out ....

This could get real ugly, very soon.

I believe on about 20k STs and a fresh share issue that the hedge funds can survive the season - there is no need for further public issue.

They'd only be selling more to existing shareholders - the motion for authority for a further public issue was lost at last AGM anyway - the brothers Grimm/Laxey in cahoots with vague BPH/Margita blocked that.

I'd luv them to go bust but can envisage they'll survive 2014/15

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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17000 is a worrying number for them. 17000 renewed, 10000 signed up to the union of fans that means 10000 have left for other reasons. Most likely the standard of football and the price they are asking for it. Even with pay at the gate they don't have enough to make it through the season.

Edited by timmy
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I'm implying nothing. I'm caling you out on your statement that 'most clubs' have said they have benefited from Rangers' support.

[edited for clarity]

You tried to be sleekit and tried to have it both ways. Next time try some plain speaking, it may get you somewhere.

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Rangers travelling support helping clubs financially is a red herring.

Seriously though, I don't think anyone is saying no team has benefited, of course they have benefited.


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I cannot believe how well this has played out. The loudest, proudest, fans are killing off their own adopted club. Fantastic, fanatics.

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Dasodaha, your club change is an odd one. I know a few guys who've changed clubs and I thought they were then not to be taken seriously in a football conversation ever again.

Slightly different here as your club died but not overly shocked Hearts was the choice. Can you expand on the reasons? Maybe you live in Gorgie? Family members are Jambo's?

And if Sevco suddenly got an unlikely cash injection and were challenging again would you be back at Ibrox?

Not having a dig but when my team win or loose it has an effect on my mood for the next good few days. Folk have a big emotional tie to their team. I'm not sure it could be the same for me if I supported some other side.

I cannot speak for others but I can give you an insight to how it feels to lose a club.

The club I was emotionally attached to were destroyed in a merger. I still cannot muster up the same attachment to the new club.

The first two or three seasons I pretended there was no merger, it was a take over of a lesser club. Eventually I accepted that I was wrong and changed my loyalties to the new club. Others stopped supporting the club at the time of merger, some have returned, some will die without seeing them play.

Emotions are nothing but chemical reactions in the brain, people react differently due to their learned responses. Some will accept the torment and carry it with them. Others, who are stronger, will move on with their lives and proiritise more import issues than a game which they are not even participants.

Why do you let the success or failure of others affect your emotional state? Are you not strong enough to control it? Would it not be more logical to take control and remove torment from your life?

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