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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Aye very good. Another one who can't or won't accept the truth of the matter regarding Craig Whyte. He has defrauded many people, hopefully he gets a long jail sentence because of it.

For me Whyte is the safer and better option.

This man Whyte turns unprofitable business' into profitable ones. In other words if a business that is showing a clear deficit his expertise is to make that business solvent and self sufficient. This expertise is why he is so successful.

Now as much as you hope Rangers remain in a state of insolvency with the threat of administration hanging over the club it is not going to happen. As for HMRC Whyte is very comfortable with that situation or he wouldn't be taking the club on. It is obvious that many Celtic fans were hoping for the worst case scenario about Rangers but unfortunately for the detractors of the club that is not going to happen.

If Whyte and his financial advisors are wrong then the club has got to live with that but if he is right then the club is going to be on a strong financial footing. Whyte is confident so who seriously can argue with that.

Whyte is not at fault for this debt we all know where that lies but this is the sort of scenario from which he has made his money. Taking over the assets and lquidating a company and starting afresh. That is why people are sceptical.

Whyte will be a step or two in front of a lot of people on this seeing as this has been the nature of his business for some years now.

Yup, hindsight's a great thing.

Edited by dave.j
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I was pretty stunned the first time I heard that a huge cash payment, never paid back or expected to be paid back, could actually be a "loan". I think lots of people found that one pretty difficult to swallow, since it defies all common sense.

(Bit off-topic...)

Out of interest, are EBTs still legal? Can clubs and businesses still use them today? Or has the 'loophole' been closed?

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Yup, hindsight's a great thing.

Well done son Ii was waiting on that from you. Like many Rangers fans when he first came in i welcomed him, no problem in stating that. Now why don't you be consistent and dig out my posts re; Whyte at the time of administration leading up to and after the liquidation, think you'll find my opinion was somewhat different. As far as i'm concerned and i've stated it many times, Whyte is responsible for the liquidation and of committing fraud and tbh i'll state it again, i hope the b*****d contracts cancer, preferably when he's sitting in a prison cell. Btw, bit sad of you going back to 2011 to try and prove a stupid point but you carry on son.

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Point is Youngsy .. most P&B's warned you he was a crooked chancer before he took the reins ,, you ignored those warnings.

Fair enough on that but please spare me this " i was right" nonsense. Many of us were taken in by him, as i said no problem in stating that. However i also have no problem in stating that he was fully responsible for the liquidation and that has been my stance since administration came in.

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Well done son Ii was waiting on that from you. Like many Rangers fans when he first came in i welcomed him, no problem in stating that. Now why don't you be consistent and dig out my posts re; Whyte at the time of administration leading up to and after the liquidation, think you'll find my opinion was somewhat different. As far as i'm concerned and i've stated it many times, Whyte is responsible for the liquidation and of committing fraud and tbh i'll state it again, i hope the b*****d contracts cancer, preferably when he's sitting in a prison cell. Btw, bit sad of you going back to 2011 to try and prove a stupid point but you carry on son.

You seem upset. Imagine having all that rage built up, for someone you hold responsible for the liquidation of a company that ran the club.

Ah, I get it, deep down you don't believe the company line, either.

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You seem upset. Imagine having all that rage built up, for someone you hold responsible for the liquidation of a company that ran the club.

Ah, I get it, deep down you don't believe the company line, either.

Perhaps that's because i, like thousands of others, lost a fair amount of money through his fraudulent dealings. Hence the reason i hope to see him jailed and contracting cancer, in that order. Harsh maybe but there you go. As for your second sentence, don't you get a bit fed up and bored spouting that because tbh i do find it rather boring and repetitive.

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Perhaps that's because i, like thousands of others, lost a fair amount of money through his fraudulent dealings. Hence the reason i hope to see him jailed and contracting cancer, in that order. Harsh maybe but there you go. As for your second sentence, don't you get a bit fed up and bored spouting that because tbh i do find it rather boring and repetitive.

Rangers died, for nothing youngsy.

Sleep tight.

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Youngsy on a rant .... welcomed Whyte despite timmy warning them he was a potless chancer ... then he sussed him when it was too late.

What's your view on Super Salary these days .. sleekit chancer or a good Ranjurs man?

Edit: We all know Murray and the fans were responsible for the Downfall ... Whyte never duped him ..

Where did i state Whyte duped Murray? I'm commenting on Wednesdays events re; the UTT and the news, unconfirmed i believe, that Collyer Bristow have to pay £24 million, all this about Murray has been done, let's just go with the present. As i said hopefully Whyte is charged with fraud and gets a substantial jail term. Not too much to ask for is it.

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...Let's not forget that for all that this severely dilutes HMRC's true share of the debt and therefore Rangers would have been able get a CVA through rather than being liquidated...


"Even without the potential big tax case liability, HMRC held a high enough percentage of the overall debt to reject the Company Voluntary Arrangement offer made to creditors in May 2012." http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/28239070

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Having won the UTT on the BTC.

How does this impact on the whole allegation that Rangers were massive cheats?

Does anyone from this thread have anything to say for thumselves? An apology maybe?

Edited by )typically
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Having won the UTT on the BTC.

How does this impact on the whole allegation that Rangers were massive cheats?

Does anyone from this thread have anything to say for thumselves? An apology maybe?

Having not contested, or lost, a large number of cases in the FTTT, and having had a number of individual cases referred for further investigation by the UTTT (including the Cheatmeister General's wee honeypot): it kinda reinforces the statement that rangers were massive cheats.

Apology? OK, then, I'm sorry that you and other followers of the new club are so thick that you've bought into the whole revisionist myth. It saddens me that there are so many unfortunates out there, still being fleeced of their cash by the fine upstanding people in charge at ibrox.

That do you?

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Once again we have defeated HMRC and proved beyond any doubt that Rangers were in the right.

The news (if confirmed to be true) about the £24m settlement from CB may lead into showing that the club was the victim of a crime. There are meant to be rules about that which i believe the authorities ignored...

The resident D's and P's frothing at the mouth is the icing on the cake.

MacGilligans island almost in tears and Britney refusing to accept this verdict is an added bonus.

I've only seen one poster who's visibly upset at the events of the day.

So, Vicky, would you categorise youngsy as a D or a P?

Just wait till your wee buddy Magoo gets a look at what he wishes for the MBB. "Internet Hardman" accusations on the way, one assumes.

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Having not contested, or lost, a large number of cases in the FTTT, and having had a number of individual cases referred for further investigation by the UTTT (including the Cheatmeister General's wee honeypot): it kinda reinforces the statement that rangers were massive cheats.

Apology? OK, then, I'm sorry that you and other followers of the new club are so thick that you've bought into the whole revisionist myth. It saddens me that there are so many unfortunates out there, still being fleeced of their cash by the fine upstanding people in charge at ibrox.

That do you?

Not really it doesnt sound sincere

That must be worth ANOTHER star on the jersey. Shurely. :lol:

Mibbees aye or mibbee one of these


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Having won the UTT on the BTC.

How does this impact on the whole allegation that Rangers were massive cheats?

Does anyone from this thread have anything to say for thumselves? An apology maybe?

Once the loans are paid back in full, I'll consider an apology

Otherwise it looks like they've signed players they couldn't afford and topped up their wages using this scheme

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