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I guess we will never know if that same gamble would have been taken should someone else managed to buy the club company.

However I also admit that if someone with financial sense had got in, applied the necessary cost cutting, they would have been crucified by the fans, we really were arrogant enough to believe that it could not happen.

:D :D what an edit Tedi :D


You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day

Edited by Bing (2)
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Note to fellow Bears: Even though we won the FTT and the UTT voted in Oldco's favour and even if the LNS inquiry agreed we gained, "No sporting advantage" the mind of the average P&B diddy and plastic is made up. We are regarded simply tax-cheating scum.

There is no way to argue against it rationally so we just have to accept the view, shrug our shoulders and move on. Anything else become petty tit-for-tat minutiae.

"Rationally" :lol:

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I forgot I was dealing with such a master of the English language and abbreviation of words would be such a no no.. :lol: is it CAUSE you're an Arsehole?

Oh dear, Jonnybhoy. I had high hopes for you. Now that you're coming to grips with English shall we deal with your anger issues in our next session?

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Note to fellow Bears: Even though we won the FTT and the UTT voted in Oldco's favour and even if the LNS inquiry agreed we gained, "No sporting advantage" the mind of the average P&B diddy and plastic is made up. We are regarded simply tax-cheating scum.

There is no way to argue against it rationally so we just have to accept the view, shrug our shoulders and move on. Anything else become petty tit-for-tat minutiae.

You're being silly again here mate.

Only Johnny is using such language which is why you're far keener to take him on than the more measured Rodent. You know the judgements reached are at least contentious, which is indeed why they've been contested for so long.

I'll content myself with the knowledge that the disgraceful scheme proved immensely destructive for the club that operated it, whether it was deemed legal or not.

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You're being silly again here mate.

Only Johnny is using such language which is why you're far keener to take him on than the more measured Rodent. You know the judgements reached are at least contentious, which is indeed why they've been contested for so long.

I'll content myself with the knowledge that the disgraceful scheme proved immensely destructive for the club that operated it, whether it was deemed legal or not.

The more measured rodent = The more measured celtic fan.

On yerself my backwoods friend, you are slowly coming round to our way of thinking lol.

celtic fans are vermin © Monkey

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. You know the judgements reached are at least contentious, which is indeed why they've been contested for so long.

Tax avoidance = Legal. Nothing contentious at all..as has been proven....TWICE! They even had a celtic supporting judge in the UTTT and still lost.

Bennett was right...Salty tears right enough

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Tax avoidance = Legal. Nothing contentious at all..as has been proven....TWICE! They even had a celtic supporting judge in the UTTT and still lost.

Bennett was right...Salty tears right enough

Only tears are the tears of rangers fans as the realisation sets in, that their club died for nothing.

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Tax avoidance = Legal. Nothing contentious at all..as has been proven....TWICE! They even had a celtic supporting judge in the UTTT and still lost.

Bennett was right...Salty tears right enough


I remember when no8 used to attempt vaguely sensible posts.

Think bending over for the Easdale boaby has finished him off, the bitterness flows now.

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As someone else noted, a great deal of ra peepil seem awfully upset at how a company that ran their club was treated?

Let's not forgot the wee tax case, the obstruction and the side letters,or the last 12 months of oldco's existence.

Confirmed cheats and tax dodgers no matter how much it upsets them.

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As someone else noted, a great deal of ra peepil seem awfully upset at how a company that ran their club was treated?

Let's not forgot the wee tax case, the obstruction and the side letters,or the last 12 months of oldco's existence.

Confirmed cheats and tax dodgers no matter how much it upsets them.

The really noticeable thing here is that practically all of them are boiling about the supposed "mistreatment" of their club but when you try to pin them down on precisely what real, verifiable mistreatment actually occurred and how it happened, none of them want to tell you. As evidence, see No8 above, asking daft questions, getting sensible answers, then point-blank refusing to give his own answers to those questions.

The very best that we saw last night was Tedi asserting that, because HMRC were only able to prove a relatively small number of frauds, they should never have pursued Rangers in the first place. Which, as noted, is the same as saying that prosecutors shouldn't prosecute anyone unless they're absolutely certain of getting a conviction - a pretty stupid contention, if you think about it.

I think none of them will lay out an A-to-Z explanation of this supposed campaign against Rangers because every one of them is aware that even the mildest description of it would sound utterly deranged, and would be very easy indeed to discredit. They'd far rather keep their nutty theories abstract and perfect, where no nasty Celtic-minded types can spoil them, thanks.

Seriously, look at the last couple of pages: plainly, they're far happier just mumping around complaining about a generalised, largely fictional scheme to do them down that they won't ever describe in detail. So long as the conspiracy against them remains vague and ill-defined - just something that "everybody knows" happened - then it can't be discredited. And that's just the way that they like it.

Edited by flyingrodent
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Why would Salmond step in? As far as i'm aware he hasn't done it for any other company who are having similar issues with HMRC. so why would your company be treated any different?

He stepped in with his beloved Hearts

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He stepped in with his beloved Hearts

It looks like this was permissable because Hearts' problem was only bankruptcy, rather than bankruptcy with an ongoing civil case. There was also an international aspect between Scotland and Lithuania and as far as I can see, the full extent of this "stepping in" was a couple of conversations with the Lithuanian ambassador and a few declarations of support. No actual money changing hands, obviously.

The difficulty for Salmond with Oldco Rangers was that a) Once HMRC pursue legal proceedings, it becomes a judicial matter and b) HMRC are a UK Government body, over which he has no control. And even if it had been a Scottish HMRC pursuing Sir Dave, it'd be utterly inappropriate for ministers - UK or Holyrood - to try to insert themselves into an ongoing legal case of this nature. It'd be the same as if Kenny MacAskill tried to step into a murder trial to ask for leniency, which would be a huge violation of the ministerial code.

IIRC the SG has tried to get involved in other cases of failing football clubs, but only where the issue at stake is insolvency or lay-offs. See also, the SG's attempts to get Diageo to keep their Kilmarnock plant open.

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