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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I was referring to the move South ... not the reserves.

There will never be any move south given Scotland could be a separate from the UK. However having a European League system with a Superleague, Premier, and then regionalised 1st and 2nd Divisions with full promotion and relegation from the domestic leagues might be more likely and a more attractive future development, who knows?

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I miss the days of Brown standing outside Ibrox fist pumping and slavering to the excited masses.

That was as much a highlight as shooders wi his crappy little kids keyboard.

I think no 1 was the statue running away.

Took me a good 10mins of tears to compose myself after that 1

I still from time to time watch the fat guy and "THE BIG HOOSE MUST STAY OHPENNN... THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE"

Magic comedy.

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It would be good if he could brandish The Deeds while doing it.....

If he stood on the steps wearing a specially designed for him orange Rangers shirt and we know he like to wear football tops to show a comradery with the fans, they will be like putty in his hands and all of a sudden he will be the new saviour.

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I miss the days of Brown standing outside Ibrox fist pumping and slavering to the excited masses.

That was as much a highlight as shooders wi his crappy little kids keyboard.

I think no 1 was the statue running away.

Took me a good 10mins of tears to compose myself after that 1

I remember the outrage on here because of that one. Didn't a certain Rangers fan complain to the mods to have the gif removed and have the poster warned?.

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I remember the outrage on here because of that one. Didn't a certain Rangers fan complain to the mods to have the gif removed and have the poster warned?.

Don't know about that, but it led to an interesting discussion and some hilarious discovery of how much some of the Horde actually knew about their club(s). More embarrassing than the Five Stars? Not for me to say, really. Fucking funny, though.

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I remember the outrage on here because of that one. Didn't a certain Rangers fan complain to the mods to have the gif removed and have the poster warned?.

It's a memorial to the 66 football supporters that died in the Ibrox disaster. To say it was in poor taste doesn't even come close. Now i am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you didn't know it was a memorial.

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Don't know about that, but it led to an interesting discussion and some hilarious discovery of how much some of the Horde actually knew about their club(s). More embarrassing than the Five Stars? Not for me to say, really. Fucking funny, though.

It's a memorial to the 66 football supporters that died in the Ibrox disaster. To say it was in poor taste doesn't even come close. Now i am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you didn't know it was a memorial.

Fúck me, you couldn't make that up! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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It's a memorial to the 66 football supporters that died in the Ibrox disaster. To say it was in poor taste doesn't even come close. Now i am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you didn't know it was a memorial.

We have been over this many times.

It 'is' a memorial.

It 'wasn't commissioned as a memorial ....

Anyhoo, fav for me of the highlights...

Close call between the Joanna Lumley/SDM thing, and the wifie that bought her wean a brick for Xmas.

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Maybe take a closer look next time, then.

I have on many occasions.

Ibrox Disaster Memorial

This bronze sculpture stands at the Edmiston Drive façade of Ibrox Stadium in Glasgow. It represents Rangers legend John Greig, voted the greatest ever Rangers player and the team captain on the day of the infamous Ibrox Disaster of 1971.

Towards the final whistle of a match between Rangers and their great rivals Celtic, a late equalising goal for Rangers led to a crowd surge on stairwell 13 and in the ensuing tragedy 66 people lost their lives, with 140 injured. To mark the 30th anniversary of this terrible occasion Rangers Football Club commissioned a commemorative sculpture which could act as a focal point for the grief felt by the bereaved.


No excuse. Now i ll ask again. Stereotypical What?

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