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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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STV News ‏@STVNews · 36s37 seconds ago

Breaking: Former Rangers owner Craig Whyte held by police on arrival at Heathrow from Mexicohttp://news.stv.tv/west-central/301300-rangers-craig-whyte-arrives-uk-after-detained-by-police-in-mexico/ …


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It's the same now - the rule-breaking wasn't Rangers' fault (Sir Dave); the over-spending wasn't Rangers fault (Sir Dave); the criminality and fraud wasn't Rangers' fault (Whyte & Green). "Rangers" - the Deadco - was just a wee innocent flower, unsuspecting of the horrors lurking in the boardroom, totally powerless in the face of a series of cartoon supervillains.

So now, the creditors are massively out of pocket for the liquidation; the authorities are out of pocket for the investigation and the public are hugely out of pocket for the prosecution, all of it multi-millions in expense directly incurred as a result of the RFC casino football the 90s and 00s that's been transferred away from Rangers and onto someone else.

Sir Dave, Craigy and Green get all the blame for the bad stuff, and the Newco retains the on-field successes that resulted from their malfeasance.

Or at least, it does if you're daft enough to buy the big club/company dodge, anyway. Everyone else in the game can smell the rank stench coming off Ibrox a mile away.

Hmm there is a common theme here, can't quite put my finger on it........

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Settle yourself auld yin, it's big news but hardly the biggest story in all of this. I would think that was Rangers FC being liquidated tbh.

Sons of Strewth must be getting the pitchforks primed as we speak. Would be a delicious irony if some of the same cretins who marched on Hampden or protested at the BBC now made an appearance at Court to harangue their ex-hero.

No i would say that this is the biggest of all in of this, after all it has been alleged and charges preferred over it, that this is a massive criminal act of fraud, perverting the course of justice and offences against the companies act 2003. Yes without a doubt this is the main story in all of this.

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Rangers International Football Club plc

("Rangers", or the "Company")

Preliminary Results

Rangers International Football Club plc (AIM:RFC), the holding company for the 'Rangers Football Club Limited ("Club")', today announces Preliminary Results for the twelve month period to 30 June 2014.

Financial Highlights

· Group Revenue increased by 32% to £25.2m (2013: £19.1m)

· Retail revenue increased by 375% to £7.6m (2013: £1.6m)

· Sponsorship and advertising revenues rose to £1.5m (2013: £0.8; +79%)

· 42% reduction in operating losses to £8.3m (2013: £14.4m)

· Other Operating Income rose from £1.7m to £2.1m (+22%)

· Successful Open Offer raising £3.13m (gross) provided valuable additional working capital

· Significantly reduced cost base across the Group

Operational Highlights

· SPFL League One Champions 2013/14

· Unbeaten in the league campaign

· Scottish Cup Semi Finalists

· SFA Youth Cup Winners

· Currently in strong contention for promotion to the Scottish Premiership and progressing to final stages of three domestic Cup competitions


· Improved trading performance

· Reduced cost base

· New, beneficial commercial partnerships established

· Legacy issues substantively addressed

· Playing squad augmented, cost-effectively

· Strategic Plan for benefit of Club and Company being implemented

· Significant steps taken towards reconnecting with the fan base

David Somers, Chairman of Rangers, commented "Following a successful 2013/14 season on the pitch in which the Club comfortably achieved its priority target of a second successive, and unbeaten, league promotion, I am pleased to report that much progress has also been made at an operational level within the Group. This includes increased revenues and incomes across the business and a significantly reducing cost base. However challenges still remain and despite additional financing having been secured over the year, further funding is necessary to ensure the Club's ability to move forward successfully to achieve the goals we all seek and expect of Rangers Football Club.

"To this end the Board will be seeking shareholder approval at the forthcoming AGM to issue additional shares to ensure maximum flexibility for the Company to raise equity finance and provide the financial capability required to develop the Club in the longer term.

"Despite the undoubted challenges that still remain ahead of us, I am pleased to report that we are making good progress in repositioning the Club and business and have laid solid and stable foundations for the future. Everybody associated with Rangers is working tirelessly in order to build a successful long-term future that everybody who loves this Club can be proud of."


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Feck me they are hilarious to read.

Outgoings still £33m, the cost cutting was 24 people onto the dole for less than Sally's main contract.

54 titles and a Willie Pillar stand still gets a mention though, so keep turning up bearz.


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Whyte in the 7.20 shuttle from Heathrow. Still time for you bears to get down to the airport arrival gate.

Let us know how you get on.

Right. That's me heading for the airport. What shall be my implement of choice? Claymore? Scythe? Pitchfork? Noose?

Personally I prefer the radio 4 option:

What do we want? A fair trial.

When do we want it? After due process and time for a reasonable appeal.

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Reading those accounts.. Wow. £33m out with £25m in and that's an improvement.

Need substantial cash injection in early 2015 to meet day to day costs..


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Feck me they are hilarious to read.

Outgoings still £33m, the cost cutting was 24 people onto the dole for less than Sally's main contract.

54 titles and a Willie Pillar stand still gets a mention though, so keep turning up bearz.


Got to the directors and advisors and there are more resignations than currant (i know) members. A club in tumult right enough.

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The Directors are required to prepare the statutory financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group and Parent Company will continue in business. In satisfaction of this responsibility the Directors have considered the Group's ability to meet its liabilities as they fall due.

The company's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development and performance are set out in the Strategic Report. The Strategic Report also describes how the Group manages its capital, its liquidity risk and its exposure to credit risk.

The Group meets its day to day working capital requirements through existing cash facilities, shareholder loans and finance leases. Management information tools including budgets and cash flow forecasts are used to monitor and manage current and future liquidity. The Directors acknowledge that there is a level of uncertainty in the general economic environment which may impact the trading position of its customers and suppliers.

The Board has undertaken a recent and thorough review of the Group's forecasts and the associated risks. These forecasts extend for a period beyond one year from the date of approval of these financial statements. The extent of this review reflected the current economic environment, the Club's current and projected trading and position in Scottish football.

The forecasts make key assumptions, based on information available to the Directors, around:

Continued progression through the Scottish league structure. The Group's forecast assumes the Club will achieve promotion to the Scottish Premiership at the conclusion of the 2014/15 season.

Read that bottom bit again folks, the Directors only think they are going concern if they get promotion :D

No way in Hell should these have been signed off, they are fecked.

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The thread's been good today.

Obviously it can be attacked as fence sitting, but I've actually got sympathy with the views of both No8 and the Rodent here.

Rangers fans are perfectly entitled to be angered by the actions of individuals, which obviously damaged the club, in both old and new incarnations. Of course, they should welcome any bringing to book of Whyte, as should anyone with an interest in right and wrong.

While the Rangers fans on here (despite everything) are generally sane, decent and articulate, the Rodent does however have a point in characterizing the response of the wider support as reactionary, ugly and stupid. This does temper sympathy and it does query the suggestion that most fans just want to get to the truth now.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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The thread's been good today.

Obviously it can be attacked as fence sitting, but I've actually got sympathy with the views of both No8 and the Rodent here.

Rangers fans are perfectly entitled to be angered by the actions of individuals, which obviously damaged the club, in both old and new incarnations. Of course, they should welcome any bringing to book of Whyte, as should anyone with an interest in right and wrong.

While the Rangers fans on here (despite everything) are generally sane, decent and articulate, the Rodent does however have a point in characterizing the response of the wider support as reactionary, ugly and stupid. This does temper sympathy and it does query the suggestion that most fans just want to get to the truth now.

I still want to know who this "most despicable criminal" I and my family friends are supposed to have protected. Tell the f*cker, when he comes on here that I want an explanation and demand an apology!

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Read that bottom bit again folks, the Directors only think they are going concern if they get promotion :D

No way in Hell should these have been signed off, they are fecked.

The independent auditor s assessment of the accounts....

..In forming our opinion on the financial statements, which is not modified, we have considered the adequacy of the disclosures in note 1 to the financial statements concerning the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. The Group requires additional funding to continue to meet its liabilities as they fall due. The Group has made key assumptions in relation to its ability to secure further funding in addition to the timing and value of season ticket income, increases in matchday income and sponsorship, the timing and value of dividends and further cost reductions.

These conditions around the need to secure further funding, along with the details provided in note 1 of the financial statements, indicate the existence of a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt over the Group's ability to continue as a going concern and therefore that the Group may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Group was unable to continue as a going concern.

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