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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I love how an operating loss of over £8m in the context of Scottish lower league football can get portrayed as a good news story.

Leaving aside the whole Ashley angle, how come retail rose like that, or is claimed to?

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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the guy suffered two career threatening injuries and rangers stuck by him through two lengthy spells where he might not have returned , all we asked was to show a bit of the same loyalty and getting the club some money . then you have that press conference, less said about that the better. as i was only 18 at the time maybe it was the day my naivety that most footballers are selfish these days and it was not just an premier league problem . but its happened , there is no point dwelling too much on it but i certainly wont forgive or forget it.

One of those injuries self inflicted of course.

Funny how we were expected to show sympathy for him at the time...unlike the perpretator of another tackle from that fixture a while back.

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I love how an operating loss of over £8m in the context of Scottish lower league football can get portrayed as a good news story.

Leaving aside the whole Ashley angle, how come retail rose like that, or is claimed to?

True,, still loosing £700k a month , Their future depends on Sally getting them promoted. ...bye then.

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Sorry, but that is just bollox. "Stood by him"? Any medical treatment required would have been stipulated in his contract and, in the case of a well-run organisation, insurance would be in place to compensate the club for the loss of his services - temporarily or permanently.

If you want to hold the old club up as paragons of virtue for actually sticking to a contract, then fine. It's what any fan would expect of their club. That you and other rangers fans see this as somehow special behaviour says quite a lot about your general understanding of the world.

Expecting a talent like Naismith* to fester in the lower leagues under that management/coaching environment? Pure fucking lunacy. Nearly as mental as thinking McClogger stayed on through "loyalty".

*Or any other player with a future in the game.

I am fully aware that just because he is injured does not mean we get rid of him but what I meant is that no doubt at rangers he had access to some of the best treatment and rehabilitation to help him in his recovery , and we never expected him to stay and play in the 3rd division but a bit of respect to tupe over and let the club make some money from selling him on , if not for the clubs sake but as a thank you to the fans of which he claimed and still does to be one of. As I said maybe it was own naivity that lead to my bitterness about the situation. Not to mention the boot in the balls which was the press conference. I am willing to move on but I can't forgive him , and that's that.

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I am fully aware that just because he is injured does not mean we get rid of him but what I meant is that no doubt at rangers he had access to some of the best treatment and rehabilitation to help him in his recovery , and we never expected him to stay and play in the 3rd division but a bit of respect to tupe over and let the club make some money from selling him on , if not for the clubs sake but as a thank you to the fans of which he claimed and still does to be one of. As I said maybe it was own naivity that lead to my bitterness about the situation. Not to mention the boot in the balls which was the press conference. I am willing to move on but I can't forgive him , and that's that.

Eh, how could the club make money by selling him?

His employers were a company facing Liquidation. The Club did not pay his wages, so wtf are you getting at?

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Eh, how could the club make money by selling him?

His employers were a company facing Liquidation. The Club did not pay his wages, so wtf are you getting at?

Yes but he had the option to carry his contract to the new company and therefor give them the chance to be sold on like edu , goian etc and therefor make money for the club. Is this arguement really starting again , have I drove my delorean back to 2012. As I said I have moved on.

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I am fully aware that just because he is injured does not mean we get rid of him but what I meant is that no doubt at rangers he had access to some of the best treatment and rehabilitation to help him in his recovery , and we never expected him to stay and play in the 3rd division but a bit of respect to tupe over and let the club make some money from selling him on , if not for the clubs sake but as a thank you to the fans of which he claimed and still does to be one of. As I said maybe it was own naivity that lead to my bitterness about the situation. Not to mention the boot in the balls which was the press conference. I am willing to move on but I can't forgive him , and that's that.

Aye, the press conference, where he gave a very fair and honest appraisal of the whole situation IIRC. He's forever a hero in my eyes. :)

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Yes but he had the option to carry his contract to the new company and therefor give them the chance to be sold on like edu , goian etc and therefor make money for the club. Is this arguement really starting again , have I drove my delorean back to 2012. As I said I have moved on.

Still not getting you there old bean.

Again you state "make money for the club".

Run that past me one more time. Surely he would be making money for the new company if he was sold?

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Eh, how could the club make money by selling him?

His employers were a company facing Liquidation. The Club did not pay his wages, so wtf are you getting at?

Exactly so. When the club failed to pay wages, employees were De facto free to walk away - contracts can be breached by either side. And an employee is what Naismith was - just like the other players. Not an asset, no matter how Charlie tried to paint it.

As professional sportsmen, any of those players would have been stupid not to seek employment elsewhere, given that there was, at the time, no guarantee of any future football being played at Ibrox - by whatever club, at whatever level.

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Still not getting you there old bean.

Again you state "make money for the club".

Run that past me one more time. Surely he would be making money for the new company if he was sold?

I know what point you are trying to make mate , i am simply just ignoring you as this debate has rumbled on for 2 and a half years and is not worth gettin into . And enough of the old I am a young pup

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The thread's been good today.

Obviously it can be attacked as fence sitting, but I've actually got sympathy with the views of both No8 and the Rodent here.

Rangers fans are perfectly entitled to be angered by the actions of individuals, which obviously damaged the club, in both old and new incarnations. Of course, they should welcome any bringing to book of Whyte, as should anyone with an interest in right and wrong.

Mhonkeys finally gotten his arse off the fence i see but still manages to get it wrong.

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Raman Bhardwaj ‏@STVRaman 4 mins4 minutes ago

Former #Rangers CEO Graham Wallace pocketed nearly £380K in the 7 months between Nov 2013-June 2014

I remember taking stick from the P's and D's for saying that Wallace was at it.

Edit - I also recall a lot on here believing an article by some Waddell person which blamed all our ills on signing a back up goalie.

Edited by bennett
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Raman Bhardwaj ‏@STVRaman 4 mins4 minutes agoFormer #Rangers CEO Graham Wallace pocketed nearly £380K in the 7 months between Nov 2013-June 2014I remember taking stick from the P's and D's for saying that Wallace was at it.

Hardly "at it", he was at the helm for most of the accounting period, turned the ship around too it seems.


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” The Group’s ability to secure further debt or equity finance to allow the Group to continue to meet its liabilities as they fall due. Without taking account of the possibility for refinancing the £3m short term loan facility falling due for repayment in April 2015 or of the impact of any cost reduction measures or of any other potential sources of revenue, such as player transfer or loan fees, the forecast identifies that the Group will require up to £8 million by way of debt or equity finance within the next 12 months. The forecast indicates that these significant further funds will be required in early 2015, the first tranche of which being required in January 2015, to meet day to day working capital requirements.”

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I also recall a lot on here believing an article by some Waddell person which blamed all our ills on signing a back up goalie.

I don't.

However, I do recall an article which suggested the back up goalie thing was indicative of Rangers' ills.

Do such subtle, yet significant distinctions, really escape you Bennett, or is it something of an act?

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