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Maybe Norman should tell us if he really is a long term union rep...

If he is then he's a disgrace.

I probably should not ask, knowing the chances of a straight answer. But can you clarify how your interpretation of what someone has said on here, would allow you to come to the conclusion that in their role as Union Rep, they would be a disgrace.

Do you think that having any opinion outside of a procedural matter would effect their stance when representing their members?

Edited by dave.j
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after last week its comforting to know there's always someone worse off that you, aye norman? :P

Last week? In a football sense, it's been shite since the back end of October.

In a personal sense, I've not been this content for a while.

How's the last couple of weeks been for you? In you own life, obviously, because I'm sure you don't share the hilarity of the rest of us at the latest goings-on at Spiv Central.

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I probably should not ask, knowing the chances of a straight answer. But can you clarify how your interpretation of what someone has said on here, would allow you to come to the conclusion that in their role as Union Rep, they would be a disgrace.

Do you think that having any opinion outside of a procedural matter would effect their stance when representing their members?

Don't worry, Dave. Being a representative isn't just part of what I do - it's a fairly large part of who I am. And you're right - my responsibilities are to my members - not those people employed at ibrox. Outside of my duties, I am Socialist to the core - unfashionable, maybe, but that's the way I am - and being unfashionable doesn't mean you're wrong.

I will, however, restate this: anyone who thought that employment at ibrox - in any of the myriad companies which appear to call that hovel home - was a secure proposition wants their fucking heads examining. Any one of them could have taken the same way out as the players who left, at any time over the last two and a half years.

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What a disgraceful attitude to have and typical in my experience of TU's in general, like the Labour party they have long forgotten their roots and what they used to stand for.

Explain, then, in simple terms, what is disgraceful about my attitude?

Oh, and while you're at it - exactly what is your experience of Trades Unions?

Oh, and what have the Labour Party got to do with any of this?

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Back on topic . Do you true blue believers think super salary will be away by Wednesday. News reported that the board will hold a netting with him then.

Meeting you mean? It must be of interest to you although seeing that you might not have a ground to play in, I'd say you should be concerned with your own clubs' troubles........those self inflicted ones

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Meeting you mean? It must be of interest to you although seeing that you might not have a ground to play in, I'd say you should be concerned with your own clubs' troubles........those self inflicted ones

only here to laugh at your team(don't worry I won't tell everyone your a Rangers fan)
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Back on topic . Do you true blue believers think super salary will be away by Wednesday. News reported that the board will hold a netting with him then.

Hold a netting for him........??????

Sounds like the fleet heading out to catch a Blue Whale. :lol:

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Rangers confirm to stock exchange that McCoist has resigned, has begun a 12 month notice period, and that his salary will increase "significantly" during that period.

The statement read: "The Company announces that Alastair McCoist, manager of the first team squad, has resigned.

"His service contract dated 28 December 2010, which was subsequently amended, has a 12 month notice period ("Notice Period").

"The Directors will hold discussions with Mr McCoist to seek an amicable solution in the best interests of the Company, and expect to be in a position to make a further announcement before the end of the week.

"During the Notice Period, Mr McCoist's salary will increase significantly to £750,000 per annum."

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I'm sorry, but what the actual fúck? He's proven himself absolutely incompetent at the job, he hands his notice in and his pay "increases significantly"?

Oh, and a 12 month notice period? For a football manager?

Exactly which bodies is he privy to the location of?

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@BBCScotlandNews: RT @BBCDouglasF: Mr Alastair McCoist's resignation from #Rangers FC, gets him a huge pay rise: http://t.co/iCSael2kAQ/s/wBRR

Just about pished myself laughing on way to work, and this first day of new job.....thanks Rangers.

Just how the f**k do you get a contract that goes up in value if you resign and don't actually leave for 12mths. But bet Fat Salary didn't know that - he famously doesn't read contracts just signs them LoL

Edited by MEADOWXI
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Fat salary triggers a pay rise by handing in his jotters, Craigy Whyte say's things will come out in court and the head of our SFA is looking to get out of dodge!!!!

and it's only Monday morning :o

Plenty of chuckles (had to squeeze that in 8) ) to come this week me thinks!!!! ;)

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From The SunEX-Rangers owner Craig Whyte shrugs off death threats — because he insists “no one cares” about the club outside Scotland

Sheesh, what about the 500 million people Charles Chuckles claimed would be tuning in every week for a thrilling football ride? Did Whytey spin him that line the way he duped Sir Minty?

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this all goes back to charles green and his wasteful attitude towards finances.

there must have been in the contract a clause or something written in legal agreement when ever ally would gave his notice. i don't see this as a problem as it was written during a different ownership and right now neither party would benefit from being associated with each other from now on.

now.....ally does still has his shares in the club and could make life difficult for this board if he really wanted. they need to be nice to him

Charlie's attitude towards finance bought him a chateau - pretty switched on from where I'm standing....

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