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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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SJC implied that Rangers were to be kept in the SPL as if nothing had happened, we all know that isn't 100% true.

Rangers wouald have faced 5 years of sanctions including financial penalities and points deductions but you already knew this. SJC only told half the story.

You did do a presentation to the other SPL clubs at the time asking to allowed right into the top league.

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Any sanctions would in reality I think, have been similar to those that materialised anyway - some settling of debt and some restrictions on signings. I think points penalties were never realistic.

True.but Rangers thought they were special and should be allowed into the SPL without any sanctions....unfortunately for those morons it backfired bigtime.

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SJC implied that Rangers were to be kept in the SPL as if nothing had happened, we all know that isn't 100% true.

Rangers wouald have faced 5 years of sanctions including financial penalities and points deductions but you already knew this. SJC only told half the story.

You've some imagination. I have read and reread the post and cannot see what you are seeing in it. Either that or you are making shit up again. Edited by stonedsailor
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Connected to the email posted last night by the SOS guy. Apparently Somers and the Easdales are taking legal action against him.

Taking legal action against SOS or the original person who received the email?

Where you hearing this?

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Taking legal action against SOS or the original person who received the email?

Where you hearing this?

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I have just been informed that the lawyer claiming to be acting on behalf of Mr & Mr Easdale, Mr Somers and RIFC has submitted to the crown an action against me and the emails i released last night

The action is NOT against authenticity nor publication but he believes the emails have been obtained through illegal means. How could you obtain an email illegally if it were fake? The action in its self proves authenticity.

I shared this email with the Rangers fans for one reason and one reason only, to show the members of our board are more interested in self preservation than the future of our club, I done so in the belief that the public had to see the email i was in possession of and without concern to any future action against me, I believe I have done the right thing.

I will not be bullied in my attempts to clear our club of those controlling it for their own benefit and wish every man removed who does not put Rangers interests in front of their own

I am unsure of the outcome of this action and what i will face tomorrow so i will therefore be taking a break from online activity until this outcome is known and will leave the page to the moderators to oversee with no further posts until things clear up

Merry Christmas and happy New year to all in the Rangers Family


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I have just been informed that the lawyer claiming to be acting on behalf of Mr & Mr Easdale, Mr Somers and RIFC has submitted to the crown an action against me and the emails i released last night

The action is NOT against authenticity nor publication but he believes the emails have been obtained through illegal means. How could you obtain an email illegally if it were fake? The action in its self proves authenticity.

I shared this email with the Rangers fans for one reason and one reason only, to show the members of our board are more interested in self preservation than the future of our club, I done so in the belief that the public had to see the email i was in possession of and without concern to any future action against me, I believe I have done the right thing.

I will not be bullied in my attempts to clear our club of those controlling it for their own benefit and wish every man removed who does not put Rangers interests in front of their own

I am unsure of the outcome of this action and what i will face tomorrow so i will therefore be taking a break from online activity until this outcome is known and will leave the page to the moderators to oversee with no further posts until things clear up

Merry Christmas and happy New year to all in the Rangers Family


I read the email as posted on the SoS Facebook page. Didn't ring true for a number of reasons.

Then this from 'Craig'. Either poor Craig is being conned or he is creating himself as a legend prepared to go over the top to support the cause.

Words like

"I have been informed" (formally, informally, man in a pub?)

"submitted to the crown" (does he mean procurator fiscal?)

"proves authenticity" (no it doesn't)

"obtained through illegal means"

Is it a civil or a criminal action? Have the police been involved? What is the procurator fiscal saying? Who told him this 'submission to the crown' has happened? Even if it is a fake he could still be charged with libel I would guess.

Fantasist I suspect.... :wacko: If I were moderating the site this appeared on I would want to get to the bottom of this pretty damn quick.

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There could be some in starting afresh, rather than desperately clinging onto 54 titles etc. at the price of being taken advantage of forever more.

The idea of maintaining our history being down to holding on to geewgaws dating back to our first (shared) title in 1891 isn't the point.

The 'real history' is about, for example, me coming back from Ibrox with my dad and having tea at my grandfather's and discussing the merits of Henderson vs Waddle vs Morton.

This is nothing unique to Rangers of course. It happens in every footballing-supporting family in Scotland with two or more generations of fans. The younger ones laud players that the older ones say weren't fit to lace the boots of a player of their own generation etc.

History like this matter much more than baubles and is (partly) what makes setting up 'RFC of Govan' so difficult.

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I read the email as posted on the SoS Facebook page. Didn't ring true for a number of reasons.

Then this from 'Craig'. Either poor Craig is being conned or he is creating himself as a legend prepared to go over the top to support the cause.

Words like

"I have been informed" (formally, informally, man in a pub?)

"submitted to the crown" (does he mean procurator fiscal?)

"proves authenticity" (no it doesn't)

"obtained through illegal means"

Is it a civil or a criminal action? Have the police been involved? What is the procurator fiscal saying? Who told him this 'submission to the crown' has happened? Even if it is a fake he could still be charged with libel I would guess.

Fantasist I suspect.... :wacko: If I were moderating the site this appeared on I would want to get to the bottom of this pretty damn quick.

Has to be "submitted to the crown". After al,l it is the Queen's club we are talking about here.

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I read the email as posted on the SoS Facebook page. Didn't ring true for a number of reasons.

Then this from 'Craig'. Either poor Craig is being conned or he is creating himself as a legend prepared to go over the top to support the cause.

Words like

"I have been informed" (formally, informally, man in a pub?)

"submitted to the crown" (does he mean procurator fiscal?)

"proves authenticity" (no it doesn't)

"obtained through illegal means"

Is it a civil or a criminal action? Have the police been involved? What is the procurator fiscal saying? Who told him this 'submission to the crown' has happened? Even if it is a fake he could still be charged with libel I would guess.

Fantasist I suspect.... :wacko: If I were moderating the site this appeared on I would want to get to the bottom of this pretty damn quick.

The telegraph is running with it now


The email has also appeared on a Rangers fan site, which has been threatened with legal action by the club, but The Daily Telegraph has been provided with proof of its provenance. The precise detail of what triggered Somers’ outburst is not clear, but an Ibrox insider said: “There was a good deal of back and forth with detail on the run-up to Ashley’s boardroom coup and it is almost certainly that which got David Somers so agitated

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The idea of maintaining our history being down to holding on to geewgaws dating back to our first (shared) title in 1891 isn't the point.

The 'real history' is about, for example, me coming back from Ibrox with my dad and having tea at my grandfather's and discussing the merits of Henderson vs Waddle vs Morton.

This is nothing unique to Rangers of course. It happens in every footballing-supporting family in Scotland with two or more generations of fans. The younger ones laud players that the older ones say weren't fit to lace the boots of a player of their own generation etc.

History like this matter much more than baubles and is (partly) what makes setting up 'RFC of Govan' so difficult.

The FC United comparison is interesting, here - they tend to sing things like "Two Uniteds but the soul is one", a lot of their fans do still attend at both grounds and they view themselves as very much a part of the "United family" (apologies for the cloying phrase). I suspect there's more than a few at FCUM that still like to talk about the good times they've had with friends and family in the past, while also taking pride in their new future away from what at least some of them view, rightly or wrongly, as the unpleasant growing commercialisation within football, particularly in England. So I think that sense of community *can* be maintained - the difficulty I guess comes in getting wide enough support through the fanbase for the phoenix club, and coming to agreement out the more difficult aspects of starting it up (where is the capital coming from, where would they play, what structure would the business side of things take etc.)

I think, at this point, even the older generation would be fairly understanding of the reasoning behind setting up an RFC of Govan. I know I'm generalising, but the antics of Green, Murray, Whyte et al are pretty well documented by now, and what would piss the spivs off more than enough season ticket holders going "Ram it, we're taking our money and starting our own club, and you won't get a penny more out of us"?

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Rangers fans jizzing over Charlotte fake type emails now, you couldn't make it up.

Are we really?


Connected to the email posted last night by the SOS guy. Apparently Somers and the Easdales are taking legal action against him.

Follow FollowI have just been informed that the lawyer claiming to be acting on behalf of Mr & Mr Easdale, Mr Somers and RIFC has submitted to the crown an action against me and the emails i released last nightThe action is NOT against authenticity nor publication but he believes the emails have been obtained through illegal means. How could you obtain an email illegally if it were fake? The action in its self proves authenticity.I shared this email with the Rangers fans for one reason and one reason only, to show the members of our board are more interested in self preservation than the future of our club, I done so in the belief that the public had to see the email i was in possession of and without concern to any future action against me, I believe I have done the right thing.I will not be bullied in my attempts to clear our club of those controlling it for their own benefit and wish every man removed who does not put Rangers interests in front of their ownI am unsure of the outcome of this action and what i will face tomorrow so i will therefore be taking a break from online activity until this outcome is known and will leave the page to the moderators to oversee with no further posts until things clear upMerry Christmas and happy New year to all in the Rangers FamilyCraig.

The telegraph is running with it nowhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/rangers/11311642/Rangers-chairman-David-Somers-pleaded-for-Mike-Ashley-takeover-to-succeed-emails-reveal.htmlThe email has also appeared on a Rangers fan site, which has been threatened with legal action by the club, but The Daily Telegraph has been provided with proof of its provenance. The precise detail of what triggered Somers’ outburst is not clear, but an Ibrox insider said: “There was a good deal of back and forth with detail on the run-up to Ashley’s boardroom coup and it is almost certainly that which got David Somers so agitated

According to Somers the onerous Sports direct deals can be broken and aren't set in stone. Interesting. (via the emails (?) )


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The idea of maintaining our history being down to holding on to geewgaws dating back to our first (shared) title in 1891 isn't the point.

The 'real history' is about, for example, me coming back from Ibrox with my dad and having tea at my grandfather's and discussing the merits of Henderson vs Waddle vs Morton.

This is nothing unique to Rangers of course. It happens in every footballing-supporting family in Scotland with two or more generations of fans. The younger ones laud players that the older ones say weren't fit to lace the boots of a player of their own generation etc.

History like this matter much more than baubles and is (partly) what makes setting up 'RFC of Govan' so difficult.

Great post, especially the second paragraph. It's basically impossible to change your team. It's all the memories of your youth and being with your parents that keep you going back, like a sense of nostalgia.

If St Johnstone were to go tits up, I couldn't move onto a new club, because I'd always remember things like my Dad taking me to it first as a family day out, watching us put three past Monaco, and thinking Nick Dasovic was the greatest player ever.

You might have some good times supporting a new team, and get rid of the shysters, but you'd always hark back. Kinda like a lost love I suppose. Something on a true football fan would understand.

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Has anyone heard anything about the meeting with the SFA and Lambias today?

He'll be told to sling his hook, theres no way Peter Lawwell will agree to anything.

"DEREK LLAMBIAS will seek approval for Mike Ashley’s vision for the future of Rangers today from an SFA group that includes Peter Lawwell.

The Celtic chief executive is a member of the SFA board that will meet with the new Rangers frontman at Hampden for talks on the way forward for the cash-strapped club.

Rangers have been asked to detail the business plan and strategy behind any future investment from the Newcastle United owner."

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