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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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am i not right in thinking,that douglas park was on the hit list when he withdrew the use of his coaches to rangers for not settling a bill.?

or was that another team from govan.and is he still on the list of creditors.

He might get a share of the money that the firm of lawyers handed over to BDO... although if HMRC wins in the Supreme Court the share may not be as much as he might think.

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but the orcs were ready to hunt down any body that was claiming against them.changed days eh.amazing what a wee carrot dangling can achieve.

Especially where there are donkeys involved.

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A lot of people believe there is a god.( Nimmo is probably one of them.) Doesn't make it true. The club was liquidated. The company was liquidated. Deid.

What they haven't done is define what the club actually is ?, is the member club to the association a piece of paper they give to a company ?, is the licence the entity ?, things used to be so simple, a squad of players, staff, a pitch to play on & some licences from associations and bingo !, you have a club.

I like the association rulebook where in umpteen places they can't even define it's the company that is responsible for the club, and in places it's the club that's responsible for the companies accounts ??? ffs the whole darn book is riddled with inconsistencies like that. Poor show from the boffins in their legal department to make the rulebook airtight when it comes to separating the club from it's company.

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By 'they' do you mean the SFA? The SFA can footer all it likes and bandy semantics so that black is white and a zebra is a horse designed by committee, but I'm pretty sure it can't circumvent the law.

It might be like the emperor insisting he's clothed when in fact he's naked.

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They are up to something here, either to do with the LNS fine or they think we are going to be entering administration soon.

Crafty buggers.

Where have you been Benny ?, we already know there was a Ver3 Rankers in the pipeline if this version goes tits up, even before Green got any licence. :)

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So one hand the cockwomble says same club and on the other McDowell says people see them as the same club, inferring they are not.


Interesting perspective on this from the troublemaker in Bath on Wings Over Scotland.

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By 'they' do you mean the SFA? The SFA can footer all it likes and bandy semantics so that black is white and a zebra is a horse designed by committee, but I'm pretty sure it can't circumvent the law.

It might be like the emperor insisting he's clothed when in fact he's naked.

I've said umpteen times, I admire the genius who first put forward before Rangers were about to die. Imagine the scene where the cnut says to the association bigwigs, "You know where it says club & company, why don't we just separate the company from the club bit and Rangers are saved".

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Companies, shurely?

Both surely ?, club & company. So the stupid fcuk can exploit two wages from revenue streams.

I don't care what anyone says, it's one and the same entity and the club calling itself Rangers FC these days is a cloned imposter to stop civil Armageddon. And we'll have another one until the support is so pissed off at having to financially support new versions of the club they can eventually kill Rangers FC off altogether with the blessings of the Rangers support itself. It's a damn cunning plan to slowly kill off Rangers fans wanting a Rangers FC so they can resign a Rangers FC to the annals of history peacefully. :)

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I've said umpteen times, I admire the genius who first put forward before Rangers were about to die. Imagine the scene where the cnut says to the association bigwigs, "You know where it says club & company, why don't we just separate the company from the club bit and Rangers are saved".

IF it is the company being liquidated at the moment and not the club(inc the history etc) as the fans, sfa/spfl what you to believe then why did the club have to reapply for the clubs rightful place in the SPL and subsequently for membership of the sfa to play in the league? Surely the club not the company had this already? after all it is the club using the membership not the company.

i am pretty sure when our new owner comes in he won't have to apply for a membership to play in the league as we already have one.

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IF it is the company being liquidated at the moment and not the club(inc the history etc) as the fans, sfa/spfl what you to believe then why did the club have to reapply for the clubs rightful place in the SPL and subsequently for membership of the sfa to play in the league? Surely the club not the company had this already? after all it is the club using the membership not the company.

i am pretty sure when our new owner comes in he won't have to apply for a membership to play in the league as we already have one.

And who was the Rangers that voted in favour of Sevco going into the SPL?

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