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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Managed to miss the King development yesterday.

It certainly makes the situation interesting now.

Ostensibly, this looks like good news for Rangers fans. For the first time in a long while, people who want Rangers to be successful for reasons beyond them trousering fortunes, would appear to be gaining some control. I've got to say that some of the P&D bluster on here about reaching delightedly for the popcorn, is less than entirely convincing.

With King of course though, there are always questions and doubts. It also raises questions about what Ashley does from here. If this is good news for Rangers, it means that the SFA's blocking of Ashley has been very helpful and once more dents the silly argument that says the governing bodies, in the iron control of Lawell do everything to hinder Rangers.

The transactions this week have of course done nothing to directly address the pressing financial problems that afflict Rangers, but I suppose they are a step towards that being enabled.

Warchests still look a long way off, but a rosier picture might be emerging for Rangers. With King on board though, there are no certainties.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Having read a good few pages of this, plus the guys blog regarding Cockwomble, the BBC stuff and a few other bits and pieces I want to know if I have got this right..

1. Tax dodger Davo has bought 16% odd of shares from a hedge fund who have sold them at a vast loss.

2. The 3 Bears ( Daddy, Mummy and Baby) have also bought a lump of shares from another institutional investor who again has sold up at a vast loss.

3. The 3 Bears and dodgy Davo claim to not be working together .This is important and has to be said because, should they be working together, then as they have upwards of 30% of the shares, they would then need to offer all existing shareholders the chance to sell their shares to dodgy Davo and his three Bears at a price quite a bit higher than they are priced at now. This of course is exactly what dodgy Davo vowed not to do, as he wants his cash to go directly to Sevco rather than the gold diggers who populate the corridors of power at Ibrokes.

Of course by buying shares yesterday he has paid money that won't be going to Sevco, but at least it won't be going to Sommers, the Easdales, Micky Gashly, Craig Shyte, Charles Green or any of the other utter shysters ( he hopes)

How we doing so far??

4 Given the dumping of shares by two large companies/hedge funds, do they know that the balloon is about to go up?

5. Cockwomble is either very stupid or trying to prepare the ground for Admin II. Either way, it would seem he has shat the bed and by spouting his mouth off to Piss McLaughlin has surely talked himself out of a job at last, given what he has said ( unless of course all our club chairmen agree but just haven't told anyone).

6. Micky Gashly is being pissed on and may well be pissed off. His dastardly plan is being derailed by the cunning Davo and his 3 bears. This may make him angry and he may fancy a financial or legal "Square Go"

7. Sommers, at least one Easdale and Llambias will soon be oot on their arses. Question will be though, how much of a golden goodbye will they be due??

8 Sevco are still skint and need real money very fast otherwise ( see #4)

9. On the park, Sevco are still rank rotten, have a "new manager" who is pretty much the same as the old one, and they have no chance of winning the league.

10. They still have to pay Fat Sally about £750,000 for doing slightly less than he has been doing for the last 3 seasons. This is tricky because ( see # 8 )

11. There is more than one current legal case taking place that could cost them even more money ( see# 8 )

12. They have just sold their prize ( and some say ONLY playing asset) for enough money to pay a whole months wages ( maybe)

13. The entire club is a clusterfuck.

14. I am laughing as I type this summary.

Have I missed anything?????

Edited to add. 15. An existing shareholder has " Grassed " Davo and the 3 bears up to the stock exchange but we don't know who yet..

Hasn't there also been a complaint about Cockwomble's recent interview with a certain pliant BBC journalist?

If nothing else, these are interesting days for fans of the the Rangers.

I'm enjoying the speculation that the SPFL and/or SFA are merrily beavering away behind the scenes on new and creative wheezes to sustain the Proddy Franchise. It wouldn't surprise me. Commercially, you might recall, a TV contract that demands four Celtic/the the Rangers games is what it's all about. The SPFL can't seem to find sponsorship for its main activity without this once world famous festival of spousal battery.

What to do, then, if you're out of your depth and resemble a Benny Hill character in looks and language perception? What jolly ruses scribbled on paper and jammed in a drawer, King style, to await fruition?

What prompted Doncaster to bring up the old club/old club issue umprompted? Or was it rehearsed with the journalist as part of a kite-flying exercise?

Would the SPFL's clubs sit back and take gerrymandering of the rules? Would some ambitious administrator find nine, 11 or 15 club chairmen greedy enough to tear the league structures apart again in order to shoehorn the Proddy Franchise in and create an 'SPL 2' with all the sops to the lower league clubs of the last, disgraced iteration? 'If' the lower league clubs buy it.

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Managed to miss the King development yesterday.

It certainly makes the situation interesting now.

Ostensibly, this looks like good news for Rangers fans. For the first time in a long while, people who want Rangers to be successful for reasons beyond them trousering fortunes, would appear to be gaining some control. I've got to say that some of the P&D bluster on here about reaching delightedly for the popcorn, is less than entirely convincing.

With King of course though, there are always questions and doubts. It also raises questions about what Ashley does from here. If this is good news for Rangers, it means that the SFA's blocking of Ashley has been very helpful and once more dents the silly argument that says the governing bodies, in the iron control of Lawell do everything to hinder Rangers.

The transactions this week have of course done nothing to directly address the pressing financial problems that afflict Rangers, but I suppose they are a step towards that being enabled.

Warchests still look a long way off, but a rosier picture might be emerging for Rangers. With King on board though, there are no certainties.

'Interesting' is one way of putting it.

The objective is the survival and development of the business. It's three years old thereabouts and should be running around like one. It's very rare that things are born geriatric, blinkered, stunted and reactionary but Scottish football managed that in the summer of 2012.

Will these guys cooperate or will they fight for the club like it's a piece of ass?

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Managed to miss the King development yesterday.

It certainly makes the situation interesting now.

Ostensibly, this looks like good news for Rangers fans. For the first time in a long while, people who want Rangers to be successful for reasons beyond them trousering fortunes, would appear to be gaining some control. I've got to say that some of the P&D bluster on here about reaching delightedly for the popcorn, is less than entirely convincing.

With King of course though, there are always questions and doubts. It also raises questions about what Ashley does from here. If this is good news for Rangers, it means that the SFA's blocking of Ashley has been very helpful and once more dents the silly argument that says the governing bodies, in the iron control of Lawell do everything to hinder Rangers.

The transactions this week have of course done nothing to directly address the pressing financial problems that afflict Rangers, but I suppose they are a step towards that being enabled.

Warchests still look a long way off, but a rosier picture might be emerging for Rangers. With King on board though, there are no certainties.

I think we've all seen enough of these shenanigans to know what a bit of light at the end of the tunnel usually means, but it's certainly better news for the NewCo than they've had in a long time.

The big question here is - can the club attract enough supporters to survive while also living within their means? The only way it can possibly balance the books is to get hugely more bums on seats while also getting rid of the big money players and bringing in cheap journeymen and Championship-level veterans.

In the short term, that's likely to mean waving farewell to promotion this year and convincing fans to pay to endure a lot of frustrating draws and painful defeats. We've seen just how much enthusiasm there is at Ibrox for watching a team that doesn't win week in, week out, and it's pretty limited.

I suspect that the only thing that's going to keep the club afloat is a huge propaganda push, like the one at the start of the Journey - convincing the supporters that attending games will get it right up What's Left Of Scottish Football. I anticipate that the board will soon hit new heights of orange-tapped WATP-ing, because the product on the park isn't going to get punters through the gates for as long as the match reports regularly feature the words "Rangers Nil".

That's assuming that this whole thing isn't a desperate last-ditch attempt to ensure that Rangers Men get a say in the imminent liquidation of the NewCo, of course.

Edited by flyingrodent
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I think we've all seen enough of these shenanigans to know what a bit of light at the end of the tunnel usually means, but it's certainly better news for the NewCo than they've had in a long time.

The big question here is - can the club attract enough supporters to survive while also living within their means? The only way it can possibly balance the books is to get hugely more bums on seats while also getting rid of the big money players and bringing in cheap journeymen and Championship-level veterans.

I'd agree that there's a difficult circle in there to square, but any upcoming share issue that can be underwritten by the new guys, should have a good chance of success I'd have thought.

If this season can be limped through, perhaps with King investment, or even further Ashley loans, a propaganda mission like the one you suggest, might also enjoy some success.

Due to the play-offs, there remains a decent chance that Rangers will still get promoted this season and that might create better conditions for again shifting lots of STs.

Lots of variables are still at play. If I was a Rangers fan, King would scare (and shame) me as much as excite me, but the shift in Ashley's position does make things look different now.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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A lot of excellent posts helping lay people like me have some understanding of what is going on and what the future is for the Govan based team.

Every year I can remember, as a 50 year old football fan, the team that plays at G51 2XD buys some of the best players from rival clubs (or at least they were good when they were with their original clubs). Would it be fair to estimate the true state of Govan team by what they do in the transfer window to replace McLeod?

From this thread P&B posters are quoting from Rangersmedia fans enthusiastically speculating about the usual warchest and spending their way to success (trying to anyway). Other posters are speculating about the imminent second Administration or even Liquidation. Will what Sevco do on the transfer front help us in anyway with what the current prospects are for said club?

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I'd agree that there's a difficult circle in there to square, but any upcoming share issue that can be underwritten by the new guys, should have a good chance of success I'd have thought.

If this season can be limped through, perhaps with King investment, or even further Ashley loans, a propaganda mission like the one you suggest, might also enjoy some success.

Due to the play-offs, there remains a decent chance that Rangers will still get promoted this season and that might create better conditions for again shifting lots of STs.

Lots of variables are still at play. If I was a Rangers fan, King would scare (and shame) me as much as excite me, but the shift in Ashley's position does make things look different now.

There's certainly plenty of potential cash available to be raised from the supporters, with the right cajoling. Plus, given the unpopularity of the current board/executive, you'd have to imagine that e.g. Mr Custard could walk through the door and start blethering about "traditions", and the funds would flow in.

The long term situation - assuming that there is one, given the huge deficit - looks a bit rosier for them now. In the short term though, the team on the park look like they'd rather be anywhere other than playing for this club. The new manager will have to find a way to turn that around quickly, because the team looks like they're in a death spiral at the moment and nothing will ensure empty stadiums quite like regular defeats.

(No doubt they'll win 11-0 today or something, just because I said that. I have quite a history for making statements like Nostradumbass).

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Can this tax dodging convicted criminal be involved with Rangers?..wasnt he on the board when they went into administration?

Did any other bear have a little smirk when reading kingys post?

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Looks like starving the lowlifes of funds is starting to have the desired affect and the investors/hedge funders are doing one, leaving the lowlifes isolated on the board and uncle Mike having been neutered by Law well and Petrie.

Even if the bears win control of the club, this season is a right off, if all goes well hopefully next season will see a scouting network in place, proper coaching and a real manager - then back up to the top league.

Even with the fans back at Ibrox in our usual numbers thanks to those onerous contracts we may still need additional funding, there is always the problem of the board doing further damage before they are ousted.

All in all a ray of light in a bleak sky.

Edit for spacing on this stupid tablet.

Edited by bennett
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Not 100% on this but is he not currently unable to become a director for an amount of time because of his previous involvement??. This was discussed back when he and the UoFs attempted to derail the season ticket sales, but I'm not going all the way back to look for it, takes too long.

Should be interesting to see how both King and Somers get on, didn't Somers summon King to showdown talks last March?. There was also members of the board who were removed because of their leanings towards doing a deal with David King rather than Mike Ashley, then there's that e-mail.....

David King's tax problems in South Africa have not gone away. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/dave-kings-dream-owning-rangers-4875145

He would have to apply and get permission to become a director, even if he was rejected he could always place someone in the boardroom on his behalf.

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Looks like starving the lowlifes of funds is starting to have the desired affect and the investors/hedge funders are doing one, leaving the lowlifes isolated on the board and uncle Mike having been neutered by Law well and Petrie.

Even if the bears win control of the club, this season is a right off, if all goes well hopefully next season will see a scouting network in place, proper coaching and a real manager - then back up to the top league.

Even with the fans back at Ibrox in our usual numbers thanks to those onerous contracts we may still need additional funding, there is always the problem of the board doing further damage before they are ousted.

All in all a ray of light in a bleak sky.

Edit for spacing on this stupid tablet.

'Back up'. Tsk!

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Looks like starving the lowlifes of funds is starting to have the desired affect and the investors/hedge funders are doing one, leaving the lowlifes isolated on the board and uncle Mike having been neutered by Law well and Petrie.

Even if the bears win control of the club, this season is a right off, if all goes well hopefully next season will see a scouting network in place, proper coaching and a real manager - then back up to the top league.

Even with the fans back at Ibrox in our usual numbers thanks to those onerous contracts we may still need additional funding, there is always the problem of the board doing further damage before they are ousted.

All in all a ray of light in a bleak sky.

Edit for spacing on this stupid tablet.

Standard BerrSpeak.

Every club would like additional funding, only one needs it to get to their "rightful place". A place they've never been.

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A lot of excellent posts helping lay people like me have some understanding of what is going on and what the future is for the Govan based team.

Every year I can remember, as a 50 year old football fan, the team that plays at G51 2XD buys some of the best players from rival clubs (or at least they were good when they were with their original clubs). Would it be fair to estimate the true state of Govan team by what they do in the transfer window to replace McLeod?

From this thread P&B posters are quoting from Rangersmedia fans enthusiastically speculating about the usual warchest and spending their way to success (trying to anyway). Other posters are speculating about the imminent second Administration or even Liquidation. Will what Sevco do on the transfer front help us in anyway with what the current prospects are for said club?

Sorry if I asked a daft question, I take it that everyone thinks The Rangers are is such bad shape that they will definitely not buy anyone at all to replace McLeod and we can take from this that they really are fecked.

The first time they were liquidated they somehow managed to buy the second most expensive squad in Scottish football by some considerable margin - so sorry if I am a bit thick and or confused.

Anyone prepared to predict what they will do in the transfer window? An earlier poster did suggest they might get some journeymen types. Is that the consensus?

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Do you not currently have the second best paid set of players in Scottish Football and was this not the case also the situation soon after liquidtion when players like Shiels, Black etc were bought and then last seasonZaliiukas, Bell, Boyd and Miller. What team apart from Celtic pays more for their playing staff?

Your just winding me up aren't you, you bad man?

I take it Bennett that you think Ranger will not get any new players in the Transfer window

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Sorry if I asked a daft question, I take it that everyone thinks The Rangers are is such bad shape that they will definitely not buy anyone at all to replace McLeod and we can take from this that they really are fecked.

The first time they were liquidated they somehow managed to buy the second most expensive squad in Scottish football by some considerable margin - so sorry if I am a bit thick and or confused.

Anyone prepared to predict what they will do in the transfer window? An earlier poster did suggest they might get some journeymen types. Is that the consensus?

Given they've immediately ploughed the McLeod money into paying the wages and the lecky bill, I doubt there'll be much action for them in the transfer window, unless it's more sales.

OTOH, you can never tell what bizarre tactic is coming next at Ibrox but it's usually insane and suicidal, so I wouldn't be astonished if they went for an all-or-nothing, spend-spend-spend strategy in an attempt to fill the stadium and save their season.

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