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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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In all probability , as there is no way Dave King could be so amateur to not have one lined up(surely not ?), but what happens if they take a look at The Rangers as is and find that it has been the SD/MASH money that has kept them going the last 6 months. Do King et la trois biere's have the funds in place to satisfy the new NOMAD that they will be able to meet the Companies( not the club's :rolleyes: ) securities to the market ,till they can get a share issue carried out , bearing in mind that come Monday 9am SD, can at any point , ask for their monies back?

Les trois ours, s'il vous plaît, but three beers if you like. :)

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Lambias telling STV to ask King where his money is? And ask him why the had to take the Ashley money?

Why, it's almost as if Lambias doesn't have any faith that Scottish journalists will ask Dave King whether he actually has the money to back up all his big talk.

How cynical. Surely we all remember the forensic financial examination that Sir Dave, Craigy Whyte and Charlie Green were subjected to back when the Bears were busy blowing each and every one in succession.

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Credit to No8, he's the last Visigoth standing on the BRALT. The others have surrendered and walked away.

Nah, just occasionally looking in and seeing the same names thrashing around, jostling for position on who can appear the most obsessive and repetitive on their favourite subject. It's a bit boring tbh. Don't think any of the Bears on here are expecting things to change overnight, still a long road ahead, but at least it will keep the regular goldfish on here occupied for some time to come.
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Chris McLaughlin þ@BBCchrismclaug 5s5 seconds ago

Derek Llambias arrives into Glasgow airport. Says fight isn't over. 'Ask King who his Nomad is. Ask him!' He says.

Who's yer Nomad?,

Who's yer Nomad?,

Who's yer Nomad Mr King? :lol::lol::lol:

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So after years of shouting about "spivs and crooks" the p and b faithful are now believing everything that the current board says......

I think you'll find we've spent years assessing information from a variety of sources as it emerges, and forming opinions based upon that.

Unlike you and yours, who seem to base a source's veracity upon their educational and/or religious affiliation.

You're watching your new club descending into a similar mess to that which killed their predecessors. My club, Aberdeen, and Dundee United, to name three, have sorted their finances and are happily playing away in the top flight. Scottish Football continues - without half of what is apparently its raison d'etre. It's only the other half of the problem that's missing you lot.

GI, as the saying goes, RFUY.

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Shows you how bad King is that we believe them over him. Besides nobody accused Llambias, WH Ireland or Ashley of being spivs or crooks. I believe that was reserved for Green and his board.

Who is the NOMAD ?

Green had dealings with Ashley and Derek right from his first involvement and I'm pretty sure that Ashley has been described as a "spiv" by ............. I'm sure the posts will still be there and not deleted....

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Awwww Shit. I thought i had missed something drastic. The Ps&Ds are getting excited that the Nomad that King has already said were getting booted out as soon as he got control have walked before they were booted all the way down Paisley Road West.

You lot are even more desperate than i thought... Pleasing.

Oh aye and before i forget....GET IT RIGHT FUCKING UP YEs.

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Oh dear Bennett ... It must be galling watching this unfold in the same week as

How much you are making out of shirts and sponsorship again? ... :lol:

Truly Global Brand v Truly Awful Brand

Nice deflection technique, 9 out of 10....

HeeHaw to do with the discussion but the sheer audacity is to be congratulated...

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Funny half way through when Llambias and his bodyguard quickly do a 180 and start walking in the other direction as if the succulents will just suddenly be staring at each other saying 'where did he go?'

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