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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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after 3 years of hilarious and pointing and laughing at the non-stop conveyor belt of absurd self-inflicted disasters, with no sign of improvement, perhaps the time has come for the bearz to end their heartache and pain by just.....


best option open to them really

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Yeah, had a wee look at a thread, linked on here, on RM... Seems their's quite a few berz starting to question King, but especiailly Murray.

Seems the penny is dropping, admin/liquidation is on it's way.

QUICK ! Get the red cards out (again)

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It's quite clear to see the defiance has been beaten out of their support. I don't think they have the fight in them for another liquidation. I think we are close to banishing the ethereal spirit into oblivion.

I think, still, that we killed off Rangers first time around but without even having to give Dr Peter Venkman a call their ghost is about to be well and truly busted.

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King said he was going to put £20 million in. With the wages due next week I can only assume this has already been done or is in the process of being done.

A lie like that would be glib and shameless. Not representative at all.

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King said he was going to put £20 million in. With the wages due next week I can only assume this has already been done or is in the process of being done.

Probably went back to Sooth Efrika to dig up copious wads of cash from out on the veldt to send to the glorious and loyal playing and coaching staff.

It'll need *cleaned* of course :ph34r:

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Fingers crossed


The word is that HMRC have not been paid for last month and there is not enough cash to pay wages at the end of this month.

Sports Direct will only advance money from the £5m facility if due diligence is satisfied. That will be a problem considering the short time scale. Besides which, it would be extremely embarrassing if the new board were to be seen going cap in hand to their opponent in the boardroom war.

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Fingers crossed


The word is that HMRC have not been paid for last month and there is not enough cash to pay wages at the end of this month.

Sports Direct will only advance money from the £5m facility if due diligence is satisfied. That will be a problem considering the short time scale. Besides which, it would be extremely embarrassing if the new board were to be seen going cap in hand to their opponent in the boardroom war.

They could come to an arrangement to resolve that amicably though...maybe Sports Direct could get a couple of seats on the board.
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I would have thought with the arrival of the 'good guys' and the loyal boycotters appeased that the aforementioned 'good guys' would have announced their investment plans. They must have been working on figures even if it was only ball park figure but you would have gotten funding in preparation, especially with the vote at the EGM.

Hearts fans would be a good indicator of recent boardroom takeovers after money problems and historically Dougie Rae, Stephen Thomson (not in the same financial mess obviously) and further back the Bunnet at Celtic. All came with plans as its better to keep the momentum of any business on the up. To me they expected a greater response from the support to hide the financial woes and brought in McCall with a further intent of looking to do something but actually it is papering over the structural flaws, the plight on the park is an additional Lolfest.

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