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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"We can and will return this club to a strong and profitable footing" - #Rangers' Paul Murray: http://bbc.in/19DUkEm

Profit for the board = shite players on the park.

Serious question for the resident bears,when was it last profitable ? :ph34r:

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Rangers fans, how much pounding can you take? Never mind the prize money. It is your money, your earning which could go to your own families which is going to Newcastle and the spivs. Yes the spivs are still coining it in from you regardless of which board is in place. Everyone who was ever involved in Sevco is still taking their share. Kill the club, keep your money.

Or you could just keep us laughing, if you like.

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Aye well, we are not all sit-on-the-fence shite-breeks like you. There is not one thing objectionable about my post.

Football is an entertainment it has nothing to do with imaginary deities of any kind anyway aren't you the equivalent of the Judian Popular Front of some Abrahamic religion offshoot ? You can't hold morality from a book packed with genocide and land grabbing or are you more on the guy and the end bit he wasn't to keen on tax collectors that .

The reformation brought forward education the ability to read and write and with that greater understanding, critical awareness something that is sadly lacking in the Sevconian mindset. You seemed to have missed the Scottish enlightenment, Voltaire will be spinning in his coffin at how some of us have regressed.

As for sitting on the fence you do know the term is in reference to those not willing to offer an opinion. I said that somethings are best unsaid when it is either offensive, as in the Chris Graham debacle or makes you look like a nutter as it this case.

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I agree Dr K MA makes money, no sentimentality, he was afforded an easy in by people requiring his money on the short term he used that to broker the merchandising deal and when that created some grumblings has insured that deal stays in place by other loans that are now secured against the assets. He is using Sevco but the question remains of do the new regime have the cash to buy him out or will they have to wait until the contracts expire. How detrimental are they to Sevco finances obviously the clumpany in control of its own merchandise would be more profitable for the business that is obvious.

I reckon today's convulsion makes questions about the long term a little more ... interesting.

Ashley has his mitts into a business that he thinks can make him large money. Whether that lasts will be a question for Mike and a Rangers board that might look very different from the one we see today.

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I reckon today's convulsion makes questions about the long term a little more ... interesting.

Ashley has his mitts into a business that he thinks can make him large money. Whether that lasts will be a question for Mike and a Rangers board that might look very different from the one we see today.

Thats why I think the 'good guys' using their £ on shares, Ashley was tactically trying to stranglehold the business by means of another secured loan. It doesn't matter if it goes belly up again he is the main creditor and would have a say in the appointing of an administrator and we know from CW the independence of them can be somewhat questionable.

When Sevco phoenixed the warnings of having no banking facility was ignored as they had raised money from the share issue so the bullish bravado of we don't need it but that is only true if that entity is prudent. The thing is MA would have done the same to any other club if that opportunity was open to him. Personally I understand MA motivation I don't condone it but this stems from Minty and everything thats followed on since that, I don't believe there is a working model this clumpany can adhere to without a drastic change in either finding some Sultan of Brunei type figure or that savings and expectations are tempered.

Edited by FinnesTON
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The long term prognosis is bleak (unless the Lying King delivers on his promises of untold millions).

The company will continue to operate at a loss and require regular cash injections ... investing is one thing, however how many wealthy bears are prepared to cover those losses annually which could be around 6 - 7 million before they even think about the other areas requiring attention. (the stadium and the cost of assembling a team)

King's reported willingness to invest megabucks has the amount and conditions attached changing on more frequent basis the closer it looks like he will have to put his had in those deep pockets ...

At the moment they have no credit, no cash, no auditor, no nomad, no plan and racked up more losses but all is well because DK has the solid credentials of being a pyur good guy who was (allegedly) ripped off trying to launder £20 million through MintyMoonbeams while trying to evade the tax authorities in SA ..

He's a RRM so all is well ... that is the logic the bearz desperately cling to.

An expert opinion from densboy, appreciated mate.

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