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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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For example, when are they going to finally accept their club died?

I think the vast majority are wishing they had accepted it and told Charles Green and the Governing bodies to stop making shit up.

For a club who pronounce themselves as the establishment club, this has been embarrassing to the Nth degree. It's one shambles after an other.

On the journey, every time they see a light at the end of the tunnel, it's always another train.

There had been no honourable action, no dignity, from the club, the spivs or the fans. It's been shoulders back, sink us and we'll sink you. And the spivs have played them like a fiddle, and still the spivs keep playing the same old tune.

Take their war cry of Obsession, no one knows why they keep calling people that, I mean, what do they gain from saying it, what does it achieve? PnDs just laugh it off.

Since the Rangers fans appeared late to the Bralt party they have derailed the majority of discussion, regularly refusing to enter discussion. It's like they forget that practically every discussion every fan has about any club is based on rumour. Because that's what football is, a rumour mill. There's no shame in discussing rumours, there's nothing embarrassing if that rumour turns out as they normally do, to be horse shit. But that fact they won't even entertain such things just shows them up even more.

There are Rangers fans on here who could quite easily have an open discussion, and I'd welcome their opinion. I'd love one of them to be honest, and say, if that rumour turns out to be true blah blah blah.., they all think it. But their WATP attitude refuses them to accept or discuss anything negative about their club. To do so would show weakness. It would dissolve their superiority complex.

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Of the 25 most recent posts you've made 17 have been about Rangers. I guess we're not dead to you.

How do you know, this is the only football forum he posts on?

Maybe he posts on another football forum and never posts about Rangers?

Maybe he comes here to talk about the biggest shame to be brought to our game, in the modern era because it's of interest to a lot of fans, because it effects a lot of other clubs?

What would you say is an acceptable ratio of posts, own club : Rangers. And how do you come to that figure?

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I seldom shirk from these challenges Dave, but I'l bow out from this yin......mainly because it stems from one who counts down NOMAD Day like he counts down Christmas. i.e. there's absolutely no point in mustering a reasonable reply when there's a sniff of blood in the water and The P&D piranhas are in full feeding-frenzy.

Man not the ball, type post. My house is safe.

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Since the Rangers fans appeared late to the Bralt party

Really? When was your first post on The Big Thread then?

Edited to add: 16th of Feb wherein you said:

Was the big tax case 2 or 3 weeks ago?

rumour going about that the annoucement at 3.30 is that they have won that tax case?

anyone heard anything?

​Prescient then and prescient now ;)

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Really? When was your first post on The Big Thread then?

Edited to add: 16th of Feb wherein you said:

​Prescient then and prescient now ;)

Were you trying to play the man again and missed timed your tackle?


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Were you trying to play the man again and missed timed your tackle?

Nope. Not at all. I was simply replying to this little gobbet of shite:

Since the Rangers fans appeared late to the Bralt

What amused me was that a. " the Rangers fans appeared late to the Bralt" is clearly unwarranted since No 8 and I (and probably others) have been on this thread from the same period and b. you were shiting you breeks about The Big Tax case even then.

To your credit, though, you had been a poster here before Feb 14th 2012. I heard that some signed up just to post about Rangers.

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The_Kincardine spends night and day trawling these pages for spelling/grammatical typos and minor factual inaccuracies to pick up on while consistently unwilling/unable to address any of the real issues.

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If park head fell down a sinkhole, would the shelfers even notice?

keith jackson ‏@tedermeatballs

As much as i'd love to spend the rest of my night discussing RFC with CFC fans, i'm off to watch andy murray's final set

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If park head fell down a sinkhole, would the shelfers even notice?

keith jackson ‏@tedermeatballs

As much as i'd love to spend the rest of my night discussing RFC with CFC fans, i'm off to watch andy murray's final set

Sinkhole us and we'll sinkhole you?

Edited by pozbaird
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Nope. Not at all. I was simply replying to this little gobbet of shite:

What amused me was that a. " the Rangers fans appeared late to the Bralt" is clearly unwarranted since No 8 and I (and probably others) have been on this thread from the same period and b. you were shiting you breeks about The Big Tax case even then.

To your credit, though, you had been a poster here before Feb 14th 2012. I heard that some signed up just to post about Rangers.

I was shitting my breeks about the big tax case?

You know the context that that phrase would be used, would be to highlight a excessive level of fear, right?

I can assure you, fear, wasn't really high on my list of emotions.

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Will St mirren are sinkholing right enough.

Damn right we are, and deservedly so. Utterly self-inflicted clusterfcuk of a shitey season. Roll on this season's NFL games at Wembley, the perfect antidote to watching us and our hapless pissing about.

Edited by pozbaird
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Damn right we are, and deservedly so. Utterly self-inflicted clusterfcuk of a shitey season. Roll own this season's NFL games at Wembley, the perfect antidote to our hapless pissing about.

NFL makes cricket look exciting, just can't see the interest in it.

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The_Kincardine spends night and day trawling these pages for spelling/grammatical typos and minor factual inaccuracies to pick up on while consistently unwilling/unable to address any of the real issues.

Oh sorry, pet lamb. Did I overlook you? Now please forgive me and ask me what real issue that you have raised that you'd like me to address.

I am especially sorry because you post more about Rangers than I do, so I'm on these threads less often than you are.

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