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^^^ released from jail. :thumbsdown

On Sunday evening on the 4th of January a very close member of family was rushed into hospital unexpectedly, they passed away the very next morning. Things like a death in the close family can make you not want to argue with fannies like you on a football forum full of grief.

And well done chump for making a cnut out of yourself.

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You do wonder whether the "journalists" at the Record have been bought off by any of these people or whether they do it for free.

I think they're bought off with the promise of transfer tit bits & ITK info in return for selling the Club in a positive light to the masses who'll lap it up and buy ST's

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Well why not start one. If we start with death, and the go for BD(before death) and AD(after death) it may give a concise view of the goings on. If I can start with an easy one and deathday assumed to be 14th feb 2012.-:


BD:- Craig White

DD:- Valentine's Day 2012

AD:- Duff & Phelps

AD:-Ticketus http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2102605/Glasgow-Rangers-face-criminal-investigation-missing-24m-loan-fans.html


Feel free to add in order.

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Now that's what I'm talking about!

HB is indeed back in the house.

If those are anywhere near accurate even with 40k ST they still be fooked as they would demand the big signings. Only hope is sell those numbers and reduce costs but austerity orcs is not in their thought process.

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Well why not start one. If we start with death, and the go for BD(before death) and AD(after death) it may give a concise view of the goings on. If I can start with an easy one and deathday assumed to be 14th feb 2012.-:


BD:- Craig White

DD:- Valentine's Day 2012

AD:- Duff & Phelps

AD:-Ticketus http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2102605/Glasgow-Rangers-face-criminal-investigation-missing-24m-loan-fans.html

AD:-Aidan Earley and bothers http://www.sportingintelligence.com/2012/02/15/exclusive-rangers-mystery-deepens-over-whyte-links-to-former-jailbird-associate-150201/


Feel free to add in order.

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If those are anywhere near accurate even with 40k ST they still be fooked as they would demand the big signings. Only hope is sell those numbers and reduce costs but austerity orcs is not in their thought process.

All the numbers I put in that post are accurate except where I state I speculate.

If it weren't for the share issue and Commonwealth money they'd be £4.1 million worse in the interim.

Just putting the numbers and figures that matter into perspective and omitting the bull.

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Sevco's problem is simply that they have at least two generations of supporters who are addicted - no other word for it - to glamour and victory over 'thame' paid for with money that didn't exist. Said supporters are also extremely thick, gullible and easy to part from their money, provided the illusion or promise of their addiction being satisfied can be maintained. That's been the basic operating strategy of every spiv who's been in charge since Minty Moonbeams.

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Sevco's problem is simply that they have at least two generations of supporters who are addicted - no other word for it - to glamour and victory over 'thame' paid for with money that didn't exist. Said supporters are also extremely thick, gullible and easy to part from their money, provided the illusion or promise of their addiction being satisfied can be maintained. That's been the basic operating strategy of every spiv who's been in charge since Minty Moonbeams.


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All the numbers I put in that post are accurate except where I state I speculate.

If it weren't for the share issue and Commonwealth money they'd be £4.1 million worse in the interim.

Just putting the numbers and figures that matter into perspective and omitting the bull.

It was looking at their interim results with £13m thats a fair hefty make up given as I said if they see a few more faces they'll be expecting another Tore Andre Flo type signing. Given they have become a closed community in terms of investment better hope DK is just a G & S to his kids when he tells them he's invested their trust fund in Sevco.

Great news, the delisting will allow the good guys to exercise their fondness of cheap replicas by solely funding the journey. Lets hear it for the saviours of Sevco who have allowed them to operate without those London types peeking over honest Dave's shoulder at every turn.

Who needs openness and transparency 8)

Edited by FinnesTON
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TEDI just before the EGM......

..."Rangers fans will be caught up on a wave of euphoria if king gets in, of that I have no doubt, the crowds will be back and I have no doubt more than will be happy enough to trust King and invest.

Many people outside of Rangers will of course suggest that we are mugs who never learn, some may actually believe it "

...and Tedi actually used one of his aliases to red dot that...I think he is beyond help.

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Sevco's problem is simply that they have at least two generations of supporters who are addicted - no other word for it - to glamour and victory over 'thame' paid for with money that didn't exist. Said supporters are also extremely thick, gullible and easy to part from their money, provided the illusion or promise of their addiction being satisfied can be maintained. That's been the basic operating strategy of every spiv who's been in charge since Minty Moonbeams.

Go back almost 7000 pages. Read the papers. Read the internet. Read anything. One thing that has still not been resolved is that the only solution is more money. More investment. More share capital. More loans. More season tickets. More Champions League. More TV money.

Even now after the absolute omnishambles clusterfuck. 3 years of it. Nobody will ever, ever, dare to say 'Let's cut back on expenses, we cannot afford to compete with West Ham. We can't compete with Sporting Lisbon. We can't compete with Spartak Moscow.'

It is almost as if the expenses side of the accounting equation doesn't exist.


Because the next step is: 'We can't compete with Celtic.'

If you can get even the smallest cut of the cash that that attitude will throw in your general direction:


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It was looking at their interim results with £13m thats a fair hefty make up given as I said if they see a few more faces they'll be expecting another Tore Andre Flo type signing. Given they have become a closed community in terms of investment better hope DK is just a G & S to his kids when he tells them he's invested their trust fund in Sevco.

Great news, the delisting will allow the good guys to exercise their fondness of cheap replicas by solely funding the journey. Lets here it for the saviours of Sevco who have allowed them to operate without those London types peeking over honest Dave's shoulder at every turn.

Who needs openness and transparency 8)

We don't know how creative the accountants were when they did any audit for Sevco since it's inception. So far they have managed to balance or cook the books enough to make it look better than things really are.

I did chuckle at the interim numbers at first and thought that's definitely not correct and did some number crunching of my own. They must be close to what is projected because Tedi the master accountant hasn't posted "pish and made up shite" yet. :lol:

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The nomad stuff is an interesting development.

I won't pretend to know what sort of material impact it might have, but from reading the views of others with some knowledge, it would appear to be not a lot.

However, the psychological effect does look significant. We seem to have a situation where King's claim to have had a nomad lined up, looks dubious. We also may have a situation where no great effort to secure a nomad was made, because not having one was always King's preferred option.

Either way, it's surely not good for Rangers. Transparency is lacking and I'd be anxious about the desire of someone like King, to operate in a less regulated environment.

The 'good guys' have explaining to do.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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