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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The ASA are investigating whether or not Sports Direct are misleading Rangers fans with the pricing of the home kits. Shirts are listed online at 59.99 down to 47.99 but have been on sale at the "reduced" price since release day.

Something else for Mike's 'best lawyers money can buy' to think aboot.

Aye, cos that's the real issue here.

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We did but Ashley's various sports direct scams need exposing. The recent documentary about his tricks of the trade was quite eye opening and I've bought stuff from the SD before.

Really? I found it a bit patronising tbh, i think most consumers are fully aware of most of these "scams".

I buy stuff from SD as well, it's hard to get better value anywhere else nowadays.

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Really? I found it a bit patronising tbh, i think most consumers are fully aware of most of these "scams".

I buy stuff from SD as well, it's hard to get better value anywhere else nowadays.

Not really the way the workers are treated, the faux sales etc need highlighting.

Tbh I've found that the quality of the boots and jackets is now pretty poor, better value paying a bit more and getting more use out of it.

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Does not protect him from claiming a non existing saving I am afraid, which is why the adverting agency are investigating him, do not worry though the ASA just like the SFA will not dare find against a billionaire.

OMG a retail store claimg to have a sale, never heard of such a thing.

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all very nice deflection, but kind of losing focus on what 'Rangers' should be dealing with...

....can they pay back the £5 million?

Never mind the £5 million Ken. Look at the debt overall the club has run up makes Mike Ashley's £5 million pales into comparison.

£4.2million in debt from the interim accounts and have used Ashley's £5 million and they have taken £3 million from the Gullible Bears and need probably another £3 million excluding nest seasons ST's. There is no point trying to work out the bonus payments if the club gets promoted.

So the new board and the club face £16 million in debt to themselves if they pay off Ashley his £5 million for this season alone, of which they T3B will personally have to put in £11 million to cover the running costs the club has burned through for this season alone. Do the 3 Gullible bears have £11 million to carry the club through till next season ? On top of which the club still faces running costs in the millions next season should they get promoted or not.

If the debt this season is not paid and put into the clubs overall debt over the past 3 years they will have to add next seasons loans to the pot that already stands at a whopping £32 million to the holding company. Even running a loss at £600K a month next season puts them over £40 million in 4 years of existence, that's £10 million a year in operating losses.

So T3B will have to pony up £11 million up front for this season and still have to pump in most likely around £7 or 8 million or even much more to cover next years operating losses. So do T3B have £20 million plus to throw into a black abyss knowing there is a high probability sometime in the future the club will suffer from an admin event and they could lose millions in the process ?

Is King & Co's plan to pay back the £5 million at the latest possible time, acquire the clubs assets and then mortgage them off without telling the fans to fund the clubs operating losses for a few years ?, meaning King & Co never ever intended using their own money in the first place.

Methinks Ashley knows they cannot afford to keep the club solvent and has timed his move to perfection because King & Co will need to stump up £20 million plus to cover the clubs losses from this season and will need to cover next years losses as well. Do they have the money ?

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Never mind the £5 million Ken. Look at the debt overall the club has run up makes Mike Ashley's £5 million pales into comparison.

£4.2million in debt from the interim accounts and have used Ashley's £5 million and they have taken £3 million from the Gullible Bears and need probably another £3 million excluding nest seasons ST's. There is no point trying to work out the bonus payments if the club gets promoted.

So the new board and the club face £16 million in debt to themselves if they pay off Ashley his £5 million for this season alone, of which they T3B will personally have to put in £11 million to cover the running costs the club has burned through for this season alone. Do the 3 Gullible bears have £11 million to carry the club through till next season ? On top of which the club still faces running costs in the millions next season should they get promoted or not.

If the debt this season is not paid and put into the clubs overall debt over the past 3 years they will have to add next seasons loans to the pot that already stands at a whopping £32 million to the holding company. Even running a loss at £600K a month next season puts them over £40 million in 4 years of existence, that's £10 million a year in operating losses.

So T3B will have to pony up £11 million up front for this season and still have to pump in most likely around £7 or 8 million or even much more to cover next years operating losses. So do T3B have £20 million plus to throw into a black abyss knowing there is a high probability sometime in the future the club will suffer from an admin event and they could lose millions in the process ?

Is King & Co's plan to pay back the £5 million at the latest possible time, acquire the clubs assets and then mortgage them off without telling the fans to fund the clubs operating losses for a few years ?, meaning King & Co never ever intended using their own money in the first place.

Methinks Ashley knows they cannot afford to keep the club solvent and has timed his move to perfection because King & Co will need to stump up £20 million plus to cover the clubs losses from this season and will need to cover next years losses as well. Do they have the money ?

No smilies :(

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I generally fell sorry for Hibs fans but even more so now, they have little to no chance of winning the playoffs..Doncaster and his men in black will see to that, few dodgy decisions will be a lot easier than convincing the rest of Scotland that reconstruction to let that disgrace of a club/company is good for Scottish football.

Never mind Hibs Johnny, what if QoS go two goals up in the first half on Sunday no matter what the ref did to hinder QoS ? :shutup

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This practice was discussed in the show about sports direct. While Immoral it's not illegal. It's the manufacturer rrp I believe.

I want every car dealer in Europe investigated by the ASA they're all selling new cars cheaper than the list price and trying to pass it off as a saving!! b*****ds

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