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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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There is no way that the old Rangers would have titles or trophies removed from their glittering, world record haul.

Remember the warnings regarding social unrest when it became likely that the new club wouldn't be voted into the SPL.

Remember the Rangers fans convicted of sending crude explosive devices to Lennon/McBride/anyone who disagreed with them.

Remember Manchester 2008.

These are people who cannot accept wrongdoing and meet any opposing points of view with violence, threats and elimination. And the SFA/SPFL don't want to be nervously checking their mail every morning.

It won't happen.

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There is no way that the old Rangers would have titles or trophies removed from their glittering, world record haul.

Remember the warnings regarding social unrest when it became likely that the new club wouldn't be voted into the SPL.

Remember the Rangers fans convicted of sending crude explosive devices to Lennon/McBride/anyone who disagreed with them.

Remember Manchester 2008.

These are people who cannot accept wrongdoing and meet any opposing points of view with violence, threats and elimination. And the SFA/SPFL don't want to be nervously checking their mail every morning.

It won't happen.

It's OK, though. That's just an unrepresentative minority.

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Again it was widely reported at the time that M's spoon was the least qualified of the trio.

Genuine question Bennett: Was that actually the case?

I thought that she was considered the best qualified of the three to make a judgement on such matters, but my recollections might be wrong.

Have you any links or other evidence of her being reported to be the least qualified?

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Grant Russell @STVGrant Nov 4. It is stated that none of the current Rangers directors have received any emoluments

Now who was it claimed that Paul Murray was taking a higher wage than grean and his cronies did?

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Grant Russell @STVGrant Nov 4. It is stated that none of the current Rangers directors have received any emoluments

Now who was it claimed that Paul Murray was taking a higher wage than grean and his cronies did?

Was it mad Phil?

Was he wrong?

Oh, that changes everything. This has in fact been a great week for Rangers then.

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Indeed. If things were half as funny down parkhead way as they have been in Govan, most of us would be all over it like a rash. Unfortunately, no matter how poorly they utilise their vastly superior resources, no matter how pathetically they wrap themselves in tricolours and fifty-year old comfort blankets - hell, no matter how often they give game time to Efe Ambrose - they simply haven't the capacity to provide consistent amusement that their former Business Partners have honed over the last few years.

Mibbes a World Record in hilarity. can anyone confirm?

Wait a minute. Just checking with 100% of the populace.....







Aye. Confirmed.

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You're a fud, mate.

It's not a "Please stop laughing at us, type post", it's an "I'm not gonna waste my breath arguing with half-wits like you over this until it's all done and dusted" type post.

You're typical of the guys on here who decry Rangers fans for being assholes then when they post something which isn't inflammatory you try to goad them into being the asshole you have it ingrained in your pea-brain that they are.

Here's a tip for life: stop and consider that if everybody is a dick to you it's probably because you, yourself, are a dick Advocat.

And yet you did 8)

Edited by Insaintee
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Grant Russell @STVGrant Nov 4. It is stated that none of the current Rangers directors have received any emoluments

Now who was it claimed that Paul Murray was taking a higher wage than grean and his cronies did?

Is grant a stenographer?

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they simply haven't the capacity to provide consistent amusement that their former Business Partners have honed over the last few years.

Us going broke? Humiliating.

Us getting punted from the SPL? Shameful

Having to apply to rejoin the SFL? Humbling

Facing the whole Whyte and Green fiasco? Chastening

Getting a letter from your club asking you to have a wash before the next match? Worse than all four combined.

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The quotes from players about title stripping are just laughably irrelevant and part of a gormlessly crude Daily Record agenda.

I don't think title stripping will happen. I think this because the authorities would far rather not have to make such a bold decision.

It is one that should be made though. There's no need to speak of 'financial doping', or even 'cheating', although that's basically what we're dealing with.

The facts are that Rangers deliberately offered false information regarding players' contracts when registering them, in order to conceal a practice that has been deemed illegal. That really should be open and shut.

This really is a key point. If there was a suggestion here that Rangers had made an honest, unintentional error with the tax scheme, or if they'd been misled by a fly-by-night Lionel Hutz type, there might be a bit more sympathy for them re: titles stripped. Not a lot, but a bit.

But that's not what happened. We know as a matter of fact, not of conjecture, that Rangers sought to conceal the EBT scheme at every step of the way - from the football authorities while they were cheating, and from HMRC and everyone else after the fact. They fought tooth and nail to keep it all secret, because they knew they were cheating, or at very least suspected that they were.

The competitions they won should be voided* and asterisks attached saying "No award due to financial corruption at Rangers FC". It's a nonsense to do anything else - it says that crime does pay, that cheats do prosper.

*I know this won't happen, but it really should.

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