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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Yeah, I see that no one would step forward to invest in a club with an (unproven as it stood) tax bill hanging over them that was inflated to as much as £120 million by some sections of the press., who would!!?

This was before Craig Whyte got his grubby fingers into the dwindling coffers, and then f*cked us over again with HMRC, the Bank and his deal with Ticketus. I don't see what choice we had with regards to administration and subsequent liquidation?

From the long suffering fans perspective it wasn't a choice any of us would have wanted and certainly not a deliberate attempt to cheat the tax man or rival teams out on the park.


tears and snotters.......

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I would have a much bigger house if I hadn't spent that decade following a rigged sport.

We were all cheated.

In a true sporting sense, even the Rangers fans were cheated.

Not that they would know true fair sport if it came up and bit them on the arse.

They don't give a f**k. That's one of the reasons we're enjoying this so much.





Edited by kildog
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His point was valid and your post was a lot angrier than his, the fact you ended it with a smilie does not quite cover it.

We are all angry at the cheating and people like you defending it, but don't worry, that's all cancelled out by the ongoing hilarity.

Go on give us a laugh, defend your chairman.


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I'm on a train with Gordon Smith sitting across from me (an empty train and he chose to sit right there - so fucking annoying).

Anyway he has a bag with him, next time he goes to the toilet should I quickly look through it and see if he has the deeds in it?

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That's right Boss Hogg, lashing out all over the place with insults will make this more true.

Now since Tax evasion is a criminal offence, perhaps you show some evidence of company representatives being arrested for it.

That company was liquidated...with the club.
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I'm on a train with Gordon Smith sitting across from me (an empty train and he chose to sit right there - so fucking annoying).

Anyway he has a bag with him, next time he goes to the toilet should I quickly look through it and see if he has the deeds in it?

If he has a nap I'll wager Smith must snore.

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Perhaps the Hearts tax fiasco with their Lithuanian loan players. Aye they paid it all back, but only after they were challenged on breaking the rules.

A bit like the MP's expenses scandal, " of course we did nothing wrong, because it was all paid back"

The Arsenal example quoted earlier, was slightly different, they bunged HMRC £40 million, no questions asked, no negotiation, no quibbling over the amount owed, the tax man snapped their hand off an walked away, job done. It was small change within their bulging coffers.

Got proof of that have you ?

You do realise HMRC exist to collect tax. So in these situations once tax is paid, that's kind of the end of the matter?

Too easy, thick sevconians cant understand even the easy stuff.

So Arsenal and the tax man never negotiated the amount to pay back,right you are Rob.

This arsenal thing has been done to death on here, i cant believe these idiots keep dredging up the same arguments over & over to try and justify rangers years of cheating.

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That's right Boss Hogg, lashing out all over the place with insults will make this more true.

Now since Tax evasion is a criminal offence, perhaps you show some evidence of company representatives being arrested for it.

HMRC did not prosecute the majority of Swiss offshore account holders that were evading tax, preferring to hand out penalties and interest charges.

Here is a similar example that I am sure you will recognise -

Singing sectarian songs at the football is a criminal offence, the police do not prosecute all of them.

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HMRC did not prosecute the majority of Swiss offshore account holders that were evading tax, preferring to hand out penalties and interest charges.

Here is a similar example that I am sure you will recognise -

Singing sectarian songs at the football is a criminal offence, the police do not prosecute all of them.

So is your assertion that Rangers' use of EBTs was criminal?

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I was very clear on where and who I was quoting from with quotation marks. What a state to get into eh?

The desperate thrashing about on here amongst the hateful hordes is spectacular, wow!! It's going to be some show when this charade amounts to f*ck all !!

Must have been some desperate thrashing at Ibrox when they rushed to the shredder.

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Are you going to answer the questions or continue to deflect?

One other question. Are you proud that you and your fellow fans watched on doing nothing while your club died?

they didn't sit back watching and do nothing while the club died. they showed liquidation a red card.

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So is your assertion that Rangers' use of EBTs was criminal?

Yes. I don't even think this is up for debate - ignorance of the law does not excuse criminal behaviour.

So who do you think should face criminal charges?

As I have stated previously, not all criminal behaviour is prosecuted. If there were to be any prosecutions, I would assume that it would be the Directors who were in place at the time of the EBTs. However I think that HMRC favour adding penalties and interest to the amount outstanding rather than go to the expense of a prosecuting. Probably even more so since they did away with their own dedictated convictions unit.

Edited by strichener
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