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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I'm almost scared to dream of the SPL without the tax cheats in case it doesn't happen. All the facts point towards them not being here but this is Scotland. Once they horrible b*****ds go I can only hope their cousins wither away as well. A new dawn for us. Here's hoping.

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Chick Young "Rangers will just have to say let's just start again ... in the Third Division" :lol: still holding on to the last hope, The Jerz wont have a licence to play anywhere but the juniors

Chick Young redundant when Rangers die!


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I think Chick is embarassed that a fellow journalist - Mark Daly - actually has some journalistic skills and doesn't just trot our the "party line" as he has done for years.

Chick sounds so stressed that he is on the verge of a seizure.:D

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"If the police accuse you have hiding drugs and guns in your house, you're not going to deliver your stash of drugs and guns to the police, are you?"

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