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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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TBH I see it as one lick-spittle arsehole trying to do his job (as he sees it) and another arsehole not playing along. Smith is just a bullying chunt.

nah, they were stupid feckin questions - though looking back on it, it's incredible a journalist could even consider that a Scottish club should be keeping up with the likes of AC Milan.

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Fuxache. Every time some damning piece of evidence emerges to demonstrate that Rangers are a criminal enterprise of fraud and theft, some joker starts arsing on endlessly about how Celtic have to go.

We may have many walloper fans and suck up whacking great chunks of TV money. We might be smug and belligerent and paranoid, but last time I looked it wasn't Celtic who were trying to suicide bomb the entire Scottish game to cinders and ash after cheating and doping the league for a decade.

Sense of proportion, eh?

Your club and their Ugly Sister are business partners. Between them they have hogged the majority of benefit from any financial deals done since at least the formation of the original Premier League. Common sponsors, joint statements, joint desire to leave this tiny backwater behind and swim with the big fish. Your club has, in collusion with rangers, pandered to a minority of Scots who are sadly obsessed with ancient history in a foreign country. The biggest worry celtic fans will have in a post-rangers world is "who do we hate now?" The rest of Scotland has moved on. If you and the "tiny minority" of bigots in the celtic support cannot do likewise, then celtic will wither and die. And guess what? No-one will miss them either.

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But But But i thought you all just wanted fair and proper punishment and letting the whole world know that sporting integrity is still alive and well in Scotland.

Now you are saying 'f**k Integrity let's just kill the b*****ds'.

Make your mind up Diddies

Why are you calling other clubs diddies? You're the ones that are about to go tits up!


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All we need now is Ad Lib to tell them to desist or refrain from this heinous action.

Which when they fail to so do, they are then strongly requested to desist or refrain from aforementioned heinious, indeed, reprehensible, action..

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But But But i thought you all just wanted fair and proper punishment and letting the whole world know that sporting integrity is still alive and well in Scotland.

Now you are saying 'f**k Integrity let's just kill the b*****ds'.

Make your mind up Diddies

Looking at the number and effect of their offences i can see no other proper punishment but the death penalty.

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Why are you calling other clubs diddies? You're the ones that are about to go tits up!


Christ what a cheek.

They in their current state won't be here to see pre-season and bought just about everything for the last 20 years on tick.

They are no better than a snob who pays for life on the credit card and finance and is up to their eyeballs in debt, but hey Ho the neighbours think they are loaded because they buy a new car (on tick) every year

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Would everyone please desist and refrain from posting anything on here until I come back? I have to go out for a couple of hours, and I don't want to have to catch up again. I'll let you know when you can post again

Thank you

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Chick Young: What a depressing depressing season for Scottish football.

Richard Gordon: Kilmarnock fans aren't depressed, they won the League Cup, Celtic won the league, Hearts won the Scottish Cup in a derby final, Motherwell are in the Champions League, Dundee United fans are watching their team in Europe again, and St Johnstone are in Europe as well? Are all those fans depressed?

Chick Young: er, but but!

Richard Gordon: The only fans depressed are Rangers fans.

Even the Pars fans aren't depressed as we've been ejected from the asylum and can now get on with our lives. :D

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Would everyone please desist and refrain from posting anything on here until I come back? I have to go out for a couple of hours, and I don't want to have to catch up again. I'll let you know when you can post again

Thank you

I'm currently trying to catch up everything posted in the last 3 days.

I also will spend very little time on here before Tuesday night, so that's gonnae require 1 almighty mug of coffee and a huge part of my night.

Worth it though.

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A few things;

a) If your club doesn't have money to meet its tax liabilities, it doesn't have money to try to buy players. Which is exactly what Rangers tried to do, as has been mentioned, with Sandaza and Cousin, and has already been done with Wallace and Jelavic (who has since left at a profit!) Embarrassing, and disgraceful conduct for "a Scottish institution".

b) The SFA have already made it clear that expulsion was considered, but a transfer embargo was felt to be a more fitting punishment.

c) Taking the SFA to court will raise the ire of FIFA/UEFA. The SPL/SFA may be worried to act because of how much of a financial headache will result from this, but if FIFA step in and say "Expel them or we'll ban you from all of our competitions" then GTF day for Rangers may not be long in coming.

Rangers are NOT a fucking institution! We all need to stop giving any validation to this misnomer

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So Rangers are going to die.

I'd just like to point out that Thistle have an "under 16s go free to league matches" policy in operation. Here's hoping we manage to save a few young souls in the Glasgow area from a lifetime of needless hatred and bigotry yet (provided they or their parents aren't too post-19852-0-34487300-1338044313_thumb.g of course)

Watch out as they'll soon be attracted by Rangers' "have a free game playing for us in the SPL" policy. :D

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Interestingly wee Chico hinted on SS today that maybe only 10% of the whole rangers wrongdoing has came out , something which has been echoed by some knowledgeable users on KDS and RM, some posts in recent days hinting that what's to come out of ibrox will make the last 6 months look like a storm in a tea cup?

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It seems their is no chance of Rangers surviving this and yet still Dundee continue to sign 1st division class players and sell season tickets at 1st division prices also they will be negotiating with players on 1st division wages (New signings and re-signed players)

When is the madness going to stop?

Edited by Gaz FFC
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