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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Was Motherwell not two years? As weird as it's been since Feb, this amount of time is nothing really.

It was about two years but I dont remember us as being in "administration", the phrase used at the time was "Provisional Liquidation".

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So once you dispose of the ugly sisters and peace does not reign across the land ! WHO'S NEXT ?.

You're bright enough to understand that people are making sweeping generilsations about Old Firm fans but there are reasons for it, no matter how irrational it may seem.

There is a perception that both your clubs have made it difficult for themselves by colluding with one another to maintain their dominance of scottish football and that doesn't sit well with the rest of scottish football fans. This manifests itself in the hyperbole in some of the posts that you're reading. The perceived arrogance of all associated with the Old Firm has engendered a hatred of all that they (apparently)stand for

I know some real nice people who are both Rangers and Celtic supporters, people I have a lot of time for. Nevertheless, I want Rangers to be punished with the same severity that would have been afforded Ayr United. If that sounds the death knell for Rangers, so be it.

If both halves of the Old Firm ceased to be a part of scottish football I would be delighted, for the simple reason that we could then hope for equitable competition. There would be winners and losers but there would be less certainty at the beginning of any season.

Peace would not reign across the land. In fact, battle lines would be drawn as we all vied for honours, the way real competition should be.

If my opinion doesn't suit you, that's unfortunate but I have this idealistic notion that we don't need bigotry to fuel our interest in football.

For those people who argue that they are not bigoted and they don't deserve the stereotypical label attached to them, You are associated to a club (both sides) who are immersed in sectarian rivalry that is tolerated primarily for the financial benefits this scourge on society brings with it. Both your clubs consciously allow it to continue. They play lip service to ending it but eradication is far from the objective.

The Ayr United etc etc supporters of this world love football, love rivalry, love competition, love banter. We understand that we don't always win ( or in our case.....never win) but that doesn't put us off as we can always strive for success.

With all that said, I have no hesitation in adding that I cannot see an end to the bigotry, the power hungry dominance and the arrogance of the Old Firm, so I am comfortable in my position of desire to see the Old Firm vanish from scottish football. I genuinely hope I see it in my lifetime.

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Can we PLEASE just get back to talking about unpaid PAYE, NIC & VAT bills, international arrest warrants, fraud, EBT's, Duff & Phelps, CVA's, illegal registrations, unaudited accounts, court actions, flaunting SFA, SPL, UEFA & FIFA rules, Sandy Jardines veiled threats, the Isle of Man connection, plundered pensions funds, dual contracts, money laundering, the Donald Findlay plan to move to Cowdenbeath, transfer embargo's, fat ally's bully boy tactics, ......and David Murray still (allegedly) having real legs

No, these meltdowns by Rangers fans are a clear indication that we are getting closer to the end game. Nothing has really happened today except for a couple of wild rumours, there has been nothing which has happened to cause them to disintegrate in this fashion.

It's what has not happened that has got them worried, and us diddies pointing out what that means which has got them on the verge.

No CVA announcement happening means they are awaiting the CoS verdict to see if they have got anyone to invest money to the CVA pot. It has come out that this court case regardless of it's actual outcome will signal the end for Rangers because the SFA will be forced to act against them due to their obligations to FIFA and UEFA. They have seen themselves move into a position where they have check mated themselves. All the rest of the news is just rubbing salt into open sores, it's a great time for Scottish football.


I wrote this before reading about Billy Dodds offering his services as a witness in the BTC. Something has happened today, something huge. Not sure if Doddsy is about to turn queen's evidence or just stupid (I'm sure someone will make the meme for that, I cannae be ersed)

Edited by stonedsailor
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I like the dig at John Yorkston has he not wedged up Jim McIntyre?

surprising billy doesnt suggest dunfermline pay him off in an EBT afterall its not so different to the circumstances he claims to have recieved his underrolleyes.gif

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I have no issue with you having your say: I welcome it. Our 'problem' is a running sore and is of interest to all in Scottish football. For me, all comments are welcome.

However, I posted a comment on the SPL forum and in a thread related to my team. I was told, "Could all OF phuck off back to the "Scotland's Shame" forum please? "

That was what I took issue with.

Do you think it's reasonable to be told to f**k off in a thread relating to your team?

I take your point and I agree with you.

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It's gonna be some week come mid-June, anyway.

Monday 11th June... deadline for compliance with EBT investigation

Thursday 14th June... CVA meeting

Friday 15th June... 'deadline' for SPL license

Monday 18th June... fixtures issued

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