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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So another day on the pantomime that is Admin Rangers style. What will today bring; more mud slinging via statements to the press, further "dosxuasions" at MP, Bartley with new specs making him look even more like a thick twat, etc.....predictions?

For me we'll see more posturing from Murray (not the evil one) about saving the club from the brink. Chick will herald this as a historic momentonly for it to be later ,

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Oh look, RangersMedia are blaming someone else again for the position they are in, not surprising it's another Celtic ploy

"I have read and followed as much as I can stomach over this debacle, and have read most of Leggo's posts, and the weird thing is I wonder just how much John Reid is to blame for our plight.

His name has hardly been mentioned during this entire disaster!

Everyone else'e has.....

From Wiki...

At Celtic's Annual General Meeting held on 29 October 2009, Reid highlighted the plight of the club's closest rivals Rangers. In response to a question on the club's spending, Reid said:

"If you start getting into a position where you are running up debts that you cannot afford, spending money you don't have, it is the road not to success but to ruin."

DID he predict our road to ruin, or did he fire the first salvo towards us, and create the shitstorm we are now in.

Remember the crap that came our way, the snide comments, reffing interferance... he even caused them to strike.

Then after lighting the "BLUE" touchpaper, he pisses off....and here we are, sick to our stomachs not knowing if the club can even survive.

Lawwell gets most of the credit for the bollocks coming from CP, but I believe JR (Dr. apparently) dug the hole we fell into.

I would not put it past him, for him to have been the one to instigate/campaign for the HMRC action.

Ater leaving, it looks like his hands are spotlessly clean.

What George Galloway said about him also speaks volumes..

From Wiki

According to George Galloway, Reid is an accomplished singer and guitar player and "taught a whole generation of Labour activists, including yours truly, the entire IRA songbook".

Again, the press, OUR PRESS virtually ignored it, but it was extremely relevant to us, no?.

And this was also the same John Reid who as a British Government minister said that British troops might leave Afghanistan without a single shot being fired......

The death toll, today now stands at 400+

...and they bannered.... "NO BLOOSTAINED POPPIES ON OUR HOOPS"

Well, as Leggo says, we ken noo..........

This post has been edited by Helicopter Sundae: Today, 02:00 AM"

Everybody else's fault :lol:

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I'm going to be so disappointed if these b*****ds wriggle out of this somehow - Rangers must have found a hundred different ways to cheat and will get away with using them all :-(

Edited by Jambomo
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So another day on the pantomime that is Admin Rangers style. What will today bring; more mud slinging via statements to the press, further "discussions" at MP, Bartley with new specs making him look even more like a thick twat, etc.....predictions?

For me we'll see more posturing from Murray (not the evil one) about saving the club from the brink. Chick will herald this as a historic momentonly for it to be later confirmed that he's skint too and has no mates.

Edited by Dweezboy
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On Radio Scotland, this morning Jim Traitor was asked if he would bet on Rangers being bought within 48hrs, his answer.........................no chance. :lol:

He also said they would be in the SPL next season :o

sorry details scant was only half listening to his drivel. no doubt he'll be back on with same rherotic later

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Hmm. From the Torygraph this morning:

"HMRC will not stand in the way of a Company Voluntary Agreement – through which creditors emerge with a percentage of the cash owed to them – and that this has been sanctioned at Treasury level."

Old boy Dave with a pre-election bung for the loyal unwashed of Govan?

Got a link for this? Pretty disgraceful if Rangers are treated differently to every other football club. HMRC voted against Dundee's CVA.

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Oh look, RangersMedia are blaming someone else again for the position they are in, not surprising it's another Celtic ploy

"I have read and followed as much as I can stomach over this debacle, and have read most of Leggo's posts

Leggo! :lol:

His blog is surely just a parody set up by Celtic fans?

Yesterday's entry appears to have uncovered the astounding news that Stewart Regan's surname is slightly Irish sounding and that Stephen Thompson and Rod Petrie are part of 'A Celtic cabal' because they have had the nerve to criticise Rangers.

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I'm no fan of Celtic, by any means, but the prospect of them getting it right up Rangers at Ibrox tickles my fancy. Great viewing.

Personally I hope Ibrox is flattened by a meteorite, taking out the lot of them.

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I assume nothing of any importance will happen today. Today is the day Paul Murray needs to buy the club and save them. So, we can write today off as being Paul Murray Thursday, henceforth referred to as PMT.

I don't know much about buying a football club with unknown debts, unknown secured creditors, unknown tax timebombs, unknown dodgy Ticketus deals, or probably trading while insolvent... but I don't imagine it's something Paul Murray can rattle out in between taking the kids on the school run and nipping down to Tesco for some crunchy nut cornflakes and a pan loaf...

That leads us to the possibility that an unfeasably rich Arab will pop up and buy them this afternoon, but there was no sign of Sheik Sashma Fathawore over the period Minty Moonbeams had the club up for sale, so there won't be one now.

There can surely only be one outcome now. The liquidation that Whyte has planned all along will come to pass, in no small part down to the efforts of his pals Haudit & Daudit in doing the square root of fcuk-all over the last month. Good work, another stage in Whyte's plan (or the plan he is carrying out as an agent of others in the shadows) is nearing completion.

Our attention should turn immediately to post-liquidation Rangers, and what we can do as supporters to ensure knobcheeses like Doncaster and the fawning media pack of OF apologist hounds are not allowed to kill the last shred of sporting integrity or common decency Scottish football has left, by condoning cheating and debt dodging on an industrial scale.

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With the 'big' tax case still running this http://tinyurl.com/7llong2 gives a good summary of the attitude of HMRC. One comment on image rights (please tell me Lafferty's image right are negative!)

"for periods prior to 9 December 2010, HMRC has made it clear that it is prepared to negotiate settlements on back taxes. However, where it is not possible to reach agreement with the sports club and player, HMRC will take the case to court. "

If I pay a plumber say cash in hand and the tax man finds out, he doesn't chase me for the tax, but the plumber. If HMRC can't get their money from Rangers directly, will they go after each player individually (and directors, ex managers, ex Chief Execs, maybe even an agent(?)) to say you entered into an agreement that had a purpose of avoiding tax whether knowingly or otherwise and you now must pay it. OK it won't cover all of the £40 plus million, but a significant part of it.

Obviously HMRC need to show their teeth to football clubs, but also frighten off players innocently walking into similar


Anyone got the detailed knowledge to know if this is a possibility?

Edited by thelegendthatis
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SPL clubs used to only be allowed to ground share with other SPL clubs which is why Inverness had to use Aberdeen instead of McDiarmid, their first choice, as we were still in the First Division at the time.

Not sure if this has been replied to already but it is wholly inaccurate. Inverness had approach St Johnstone to begin with but the SPL insisted that Inverness games would have to be given priority over SFL fixtures and this was decided to be unacceptable to the St Johnstone chairman at the time.

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On Radio Scotland, this morning Jim Traitor was asked if he would bet on Rangers being bought within 48hrs, his answer.........................no chance. :lol:

He also said they would be in the SPL next season :o

sorry details scant was only half listening to his drivel. no doubt he'll be back on with same rherotic later

Jim Traynor being found out as clueless has been one of the great pleasures of this 'crisis'

We knew he was a buffoon, but without being spoonfed stories, he's a chimp.

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