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Sandy Jardine throwing his toys out the pram again is most pleasing. How are those boycotts working out for you wullie. All div 3 teams make sure this ersehole pays to get in next season. Nae comps to newco hangers on.

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Glad you finally got a link.

I think I prefer the BBC one to Clyde.

Oh aye, BBC Scotland is vastly superior to Clyde even at its worst, but I had to see what the Bomber had to say, he had his best Sunday accent on too, brilliant. He obviously loves the whole hard man image too, you can see him sitting there like The Big Man from Chewin the Fat - "wee Shuggie Green fae Sheffield? He's nuttin but a fanny, he'll sell tae me or he'll get pure tea-bagged so he wull..."

The bit that made me laugh most was when he was blabbing on about who's behind Green then wee Hugh asks him who's behind his bid - "the fans"...wait for it....nope, no elaboration, he seriously seems to think that he's the man to organise a horde of orcs into parting with their cash and buying Sevco. Utterly and completely deluded.

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The break in the wall has come from many little spikes, but get the pick axes out guys, get the JCBs revved up. laugh.gif There is still plenty of wall left. sad.gif

There's a business opportunity here methinks.


Edited by Hedgecutter
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Do we have a derogatory nickname for that snake Regan?

Nothing will come close to cockwomble, but we can try.

The Swiney ?

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Brilliant performance from Bummer Brown, AKA Rab C Nesbitt, . He packs his bags and walks away with a comment from CG "if I told you his comment, his safety would be in doubt"!

Doesnt give a toss about the diddy clubs - what a small thick minded bawbag he is, no wonder Green wont waste any time with him

Probably said some sentence that he coulnd't translate into English. The boys are walking away, aint buying the season tickets, superb. Financial meltdown, what a laugh - that club created it!

Rangers fans are due nothing to Scottish football, lol

Just listened to that as well, what a khunt !!..mind you, most rangers fans are the same AND YET they expect everyone else to help them out.

Personally i wouldn't even let them in the 3rd div now, send the khunts to the juniors !!

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Do we have a derogatory nickname for that snake Regan?

Nothing will come close to cockwomble, but we can try.

minge clanger

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Dearie me. If you can't count on Donald Findlay, who can you count on?

Good lord, if Donald Finlay can vote against this then there's no excuse. Make it 28-0 to the Nos please.

Truly it is the End Of Days.

Donald Findlay says no to Rangers in Div 1? I think I've come down with a dose of the vapours. :o

Our good friends over on SevcoMedia seem to think Donald is backing them with that statement


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The thought of a large hall full or Sevco supporters gathered to hear a top table which includes McMoist, Jinty Sardine, Sidemooth Broon and Chuck Green is amazing.

It should have been filmed for posterity by Werner Herzog.

There's only one more thing that needs to happen in this Shakesperean tragedy to make it complete and that is for Donald Trump and his unfeasably ridiculous hair to come riding to the rescue, telling everyone that his 'ol grandaddy was a diehard H*n back in the day and that he's going to restore them with his billions to their rightful place at the top of the Soccerball League.

Halcyon days. :o

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Two things have become clear after today.

1. Stuart Cosgrove, must become chief exec at the SFA. biggrin.gif

2. The SPL must be disbanded.

Today is significant As Cosgrove said it declares publicly the breaking of the 'old firm' control. And especially the all pervading influence of Rangers on everything to do with running ALL of Scottish football. It demonstrates the first significant break in the wall which has cocooned the SFA, SPL and SFL from the reality of those demanding a sport with integrity. Not just from the supporters, their emails but from many others.

The first gap is key. It shows the vulnerability of these organisations. They can stick their heads in the ground for a while, they can plot behind closed doors, but not for ever. Confirming to us the possibilities.

The break in the wall has come from many little spikes, but get the pick axes out guys, get the JCBs revved up. laugh.gif There is still plenty of wall left. sad.gif

Tbf we could do a lot worse than cosgrove at helm...he's highly intelligent has senior management experience in a large business knows Scottish football inside out and has integrity edit to say with his media nous would be man to sort a TV deal too

Edited by Highland Dogma
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