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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Let me set it out in stages. You are doing a dramatic "never setting foot in a Scottish ground again" thing right?

Given this, it would make your membership of this Scottish football forum somewhat...uh...bizarre. So, if the big vote goes against your way you are never going to post here again, right? Not that this is abandoning your clubs, toys out the pram material or anything like that, right?

Theres an obvious difference between funding something corrupt and using a free service such as this forum.

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Thanks for posting the link

Oh dear Gordon Smith, the comment about smaller clubs was terrible and i hope he regrets saying that, and to think he used to be in charge of our game. No wonder our game is in the mess it is today.

Archie comments made me mad, i do hate rangers but its not the reason i want them in Division 3. I would feel the same if it was Celtic that was liquidated or even Hearts, Dundee Utd, Hibs - all decent size club. Even if my club was in Rangers position, i would like to think we start again in Division 3 as its all about sporting Integrity and nothing to do with Hate - why don't the media get that?

Well today is a big day for me, if Rangers get in SFL1 thanks to the SFL clubs or SFA create an SPL2 then thats me walking away from the game i love. I've sent emails to my club a few weeks ago and yesterday i sent to SFL, SPL, SFA saying i will walk away from the game if we put Rangers in the 1st Division. Pretty horrible position as i go to every game with the dons and basically been a large part of my life for so long. I don't know if many others feel the same as i do, but i do not see the point in watching football if sporting integrity is ignored.

Lets hope today the vote goes our way and the SFA does not create an SPL 2. Although i heard last week that SPL 2 will be created if SFL teams vote against them. That come from someone i know with some amazing contacts in the game :( - hope they are wrong

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Supras you've got a point actualy.

when you think about it its not doncaster who has acted wrongly it is the entire spl system (this is not sarcastic or joking) after all his job is nothing to do with sporting integrity nor is it the concern of the spl, their job is to maximise revenue and promote the brand. to them, the brand is worth more with rangers as brodcasters are willing to pay more for it . end of story.

The fact the spl was ever allowed to come about is the problem. we should have thought more closely at the time and said

" wait a minuit here, we are not on the same peg as the english top flight. we have half as many clubs and only 2 of ours have the kind of game going support and stadia that theirs do. our best homegrown players will always leave for better oprtunities elsewhere while the english attract the best in quality from around the world. most of all they are not predictable like we are. liverpool were once the greatest team in the land/world and havent won for years manchester utd have dominated. but even their games arent foregone conclusions and other teams have had their years where theyv been right up there at the top, some have even won the tiltle ie blackburn. now, if we go down the same road as them with a tv sponsored top tier. given the state of our league as it is wont this just make a bad situation worse, and whats this about 11-1 voting rules and the old firm getting 75% of the revenue while us diddys exist to make up the numbers, aye right get tae f**k well stick wae the sfl.

But this didnt happen and now we're paying the price.

vote rangers into devision 3 and then do all the reconstruction, and i mean a back to the drawing board kind. give us something that creates sustainable football for years to come becuase believe me mr regan, we've been dieing a slow lingering death for years before the rangers fiasco made you take you're head out the sand and start paying attention

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Supras you've got a point actualy.

when you think about it its not doncaster who has acted wrongly it is the entire spl system (this is not sarcastic or joking) after all his job is nothing to do with sporting integrity nor is it the concern of the spl, their job is to maximise revenue and promote the brand. to them, the brand is worth more with rangers as brodcasters are willing to pay more for it . end of story.

The fact the spl was ever allowed to come about is the problem. we should have thought more closely at the time and said

" wait a minuit here, we are not on the same peg as the english top flight. we have half as many clubs and only 2 of ours have the kind of game going support and stadia that theirs do. our best homegrown players will always leave for better oprtunities elsewhere while the english attract the best in quality from around the world. most of all they are not predictable like we are. liverpool were once the greatest team in the land/world and havent won for years manchester utd have dominated. but even their games arent foregone conclusions and other teams have had their years where theyv been right up there at the top, some have even won the tiltle ie blackburn. now, if we go down the same road as them with a tv sponsored top tier. given the state of our league as it is wont this just make a bad situation worse, and whats this about 11-1 voting rules and the old firm getting 75% of the revenue while us diddys exist to make up the numbers, aye right get tae f**k well stick wae the sfl.

But this didnt happen and now we're paying the price.

vote rangers into devision 3 and then do all the reconstruction, and i mean a back to the drawing board kind. give us something that creates sustainable football for years to come becuase believe me mr regan, we've been dieing a slow lingering death for years before the rangers fiasco made you take you're head out the sand and start paying attention

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The channel 4 man was on top form, never raised his voice or came away with any pish. Maybe the fact that hes english made a world of difference to his thinking as he doesn't stand to loose if there is no old firm news dominating the sports headlines next season. the reason in my experience the scots "journalists" have been so far up rangers ring they've not seen daylight for many a year.

Best quote of it all " if sky money is more important than the game and the fans then we may aswell turn ibrox and celtic park into a giant car park"

Can't agree with this enough. The Daily Record boy was doing his best at sitting on the fence over everything. Gordon Smith was almost following the Craig Burley school of arguing when he started banging on about league titles and lack of ambition for other clubs further down the division.

Why these guys can't grasp why the fans want what they want is beyond me. Sure most of us don't like a large majority of all things associated with Rangers but it is the principle that is causing this fan reaction. Rangers should be treated like any other club, regardless of size would.

You get liquidated, a team from the lower division replaces you and a vacancy comes available in SFL3. You can then apply for this vacancy if you wish and be accepted into SFL3.

This process might not be in the rule-book but you can be damn sure that if it was St. Mirren, Kilmarnock, Alloa, Partick, Elgin etc. that this is the process they would have to go through.

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How are the tabloids looking this morning - what wonderful headlines of doom have they concocted for their last hoorah ?

To echo an earlier post of mine......Keith Harris & Orville predict a Western Sillyvisation meltdown unless the mighty Gers are in the 1st

* with a 20 point starting bonus from the Super Soaraway Sun and Gazza in the starting 11

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Long time lurker, first time poster.

Felt i had to contribute to the most significant rebellion since the '45(maybe just a touch of hyperbole there!)

I hope this time tomorrow/today we will be a step closer to looking forward to season 2012/13. I hope the rumours of my team saying yes are just that, rumours!

Football and the good guys must win! Mon the diddies!!!

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Good post - I respect what you say. I was at Bayview on Wednesday to see us get humped, but I'll never be in that place ever again if Sevco get placed in the 1st with 4 moving up just to make sure. It is a personal choice thingy and bad for EFFC who are with Clyde on the matter - Sevco have not demonstrated a worthy application to join the SFL yet at it's bottom tier.

Just my view and quite angry of things so sorry if I was abusive.

Why would you stop going? Because Scottish football is "corrupt"? Would it not matter how your club voted? How does it affect your club anyway? Does it, as previously outlined, take away your dream of East Fife winning the SPL title?

Again, this in my view, but the only appropriate time I'd damage my own club if we were directly voting for Rangers to stay in the SPL - that is not a sufficient deterrant. Would I never go again? No, I'd still go in some capacity but wouldn't buy a season ticket. If they get into the first, a division that has f**k all to do with St. Mirren, my actions regarding St. Mirren will not be remotely affected. Why should it?

You can say, I disagree with Regan/Doncaster, I don't like what they are saying/doing? So what? How out of love are you with football that you'd let two people make you abandon your club? I said before this is a convenient excuse and it is. The two chief execs of Scottish football could have been committing arson against clubs they don't like, threatening referees and shagging rent boys on Hampden Park. Would this stop me going to St. Mirren? No, why the f**k would it? It's like saying you are never going to see Penn State again because of Jerry Sandusky. My love for the club greatly transcends the actions of those at the top of the game - as it surely does for every fan. Those threatening to walk away forever are either doing so as an empty threat or no longer really care about football/their own club.

Oh and even if Gilmour votes Newco in and, to use greatly unhelpful tone, "lubes up" I'd still go and see St. Mirren cause, guess what? Gilmour is a temporary guardian of something that is far larger and far greater than himself, something that will live long after he and I are both dead. The decisions he makes are meaningless to whether or not I support the club.

Although, I've said before, Gilmour is the greatest person in St. Mirrens history. So I'm quite a fan, even if I had heard he's a complete knob in person.

Theres an obvious difference between funding something corrupt and using a free service such as this forum.

Why would you continue to use this forum though? Meeting hot singles?

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Let me set it out in stages. You are doing a dramatic "never setting foot in a Scottish ground again" thing right?

Given this, it would make your membership of this Scottish football forum somewhat...uh...bizarre. So, if the big vote goes against your way you are never going to post here again, right? Not that this is abandoning your clubs, toys out the pram material or anything like that, right?

The authorities have acted disgracefully, nobody is disputing that. What I question is all the issues I outlined in the post you quoted. I previously used the parable of the Egyptian revolution and now I'm using Animal Farm, Rangers were the farmer and this thread now represents the pigs.

Oh and anyone without the exact same views as us gets ridiculous abuse and gets shouted out of the thread. This is how every revolution goes.

Anyway, whilst I greatly question some of the statements and arguments made by the governing body let's look at their motives:

1) Big Rangers fans? Regan and Doncaster certainly aren't.

2) Horrific human beings more suited to the Nazi party? Again, we do know for sure, but probably not - but the language on this thread suggests otherwise.

3) Protecting the financial interests of the clubs they represent? Er, yes.

Now you could say that protecting the overall sporting integrity of the game is more important than solely protecting financial interests. You could say that they are over playing the financial armageddon theory because they are trying to minimize losses - not because they really believe it. I would agree with both those statements. I think sending Rangers down to the Third Division is an incredibly bold and historic step. No nation has ever done this to an establishment club on the scale of Rangers. In the long term it is undoubtedly the best option for Scottish football and will protect our brand as the most passionate footballing nation on earth. It will be a positive message sent around the world regarding Scottish football.

In the short run it could well devastate our clubs, although I'm skeptical about what sponsors would walk away.

Let me set it out in stages. I have never cheated at any sport I've participated in and I'm not going to accept chicanery to suit some arse pieces within Scottish football.

I'm perhaps a wee bit unusual in that I've never deliberately fouled an opponent in a game of football, I even consider shirt tugging as cheating, but due to the spineless self serving fcukers running football, I've to put up with diving, fouling, and cheating fcukers kicking the ball out of play then sticking their hand up to claim the decision before getting stuck into officials.

If I choose to walk away from Scottish football I'll decide whether I'll continue posting on here, and if I continue it'll have fcuk all to do with you.

When someone starts to pay my entrance fee they might be entitled to comment on my attendance or lack of it, 'til then I'll choose what I do with my time and money.

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Why would you continue to use this forum though? Meeting hot singles?

Cause I'm still interested in the sport perhaps? As it so happens theres quite a few people on here who don't follow any specific clubs. They must be on here for the shagging as well.

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And surprise surprise Richard Cough doesn't get it either ...

"Ally McCoist wants it. The vast majority of the Rangers fans want it.

I never thought it would come to this, but I want it too.

That's my message to the SFL as they prepare to meet today.

Send Rangers down. Go ahead. Forget this First Division nonsense.

That plan is only designed to make sure Rangers are back in the SPL in 12 months — but we can all see right through it.

The top-flight clubs voted Rangers out of the SPL so there should be no debate over where they play.

If Scottish football really wants to punish Rangers do it RIGHT — don't be sneaky about it.

As far as I can see, SPL clubs want Rangers damaged — but don't want their own clubs damaged.

They want to dish out punishment, but they don't want the financial consequences.

You can't have it both ways.

It should be either the full punishment or nothing.

Rangers will take their medicine, go to the Third and start again.

The club will survive and come back stronger.

The SPL clubs have made it clear that they don't need Rangers.

If that's the case, put them in the Third and let's see what happens to the clubs left behind.

I'm told around half will face the threat of administration without Rangers and the TV money.

Whatever happens, it's been typical Scottish football farce.

The vote is being held today but by the looks of it we already know what the result will be.

Clubs have been making statements left, right and centre. People all over the country are having a say. But do they really have the good of the game at heart? Or are they all about self-protection?

The authorities — the blazer brigade — have been a disgrace.

Rules for liquidated clubs should have been put in place YEARS ago.

Did the SFA and SPL not learn anything from Gretna's collapse?

I read Walter Smith's interview in SunSport last week when he said the governing bodies were making it up as they go along.

I totally agree. Their handling of this has been SHAMEFUL.

Part of their new plan to get Rangers in the First Division is a promise that the SPL will be made bigger — 14 or 16 clubs, they say. So why is this such a good idea all of a sudden?

For years, I've said the SPL should be bigger — that youngsters should be allowed to blossom in a less pressurised environment.

But the SPL blazers blocked it. They said the finances didn't work?

Why? Probably because they wanted to safeguard the four Old Firm games and protect the cash the derby generates.

Decisions weren't made for the long-term benefit of Scottish football. It was for the short-term.

Now they're in a panic, offering sweeteners to make sure Rangers are back in the SPL ASAP.

It's being dressed up as reconstruction for the good of the game.

But that's not what it's about. It's because they can't afford to have Rangers out of the SPL for three years. It's such a mess and I can't believe it has come to this.

But Rangers WILL survive.

I don't how Ally feels but I believe he will want to stay and lead Rangers up the leagues.Even if he does go, Rangers will still be a powerful draw for managers.

As for the players? I don't blame them for walking away. Others might follow in the coming weeks. They did a lot for Rangers by taking a wage-cut last season, so let them go with dignity.

This is the time when the people leading the club need to stand up and be counted.

Charles Green has made a lot of promises and he'll need to deliver.

I still want to see proper Rangers men in charge. Guys like Walter or John Brown.

But whatever happens, I'm certain the fans will stick by the club. From February 14 when Rangers entered administration to this day, their support has been incredible.

This whole episode could galvanise the club and make it stronger. The Rangers fans want to start again in the Third Division and we should listen to them.

Because whatever happens at Hampden today there will always be a Rangers"

The Sun

This isn't about punishing Rangers Richard they are DEAD, despite what your bizarre last line seems to claim .... this is about a brand new club entering the league in Division 3 ... does that sound like a bad thing to do ?

Edited by Ned Nederlander
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Welcome pal - tomorrow truly is Armaggedon to me...............it shouldn't really bother me from 2nd Div but if turncoats like Falkirk really see places beckoning in the SPL and suddenly agree then I'll be pissed!

Cheers bud, its in the wee small hours of the night shift worker that it is good to know there is like minded souls out there!

Keep the faith!!

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The channel 4 man was on top form, never raised his voice or came away with any pish. Maybe the fact that hes english made a world of difference to his thinking as he doesn't stand to loose if there is no old firm news dominating the sports headlines next season. the reason in my experience the scots "journalists" have been so far up rangers ring they've not seen daylight for many a year.

Best quote of it all " if sky money is more important than the game and the fans then we may aswell turn ibrox and celtic park into a giant car park"

Thomson has nothing to lose by Rangers disappearing, whilst the scottish journalists certainly do, without the Old Firm newspaper sales would fall even faster than they are now, and they might actually have to do some proper journalism instead of filling the rags with Old Firm tittle tattle. They are looking out for their own jobs, I suppose you can't really blame them.

It's frightening that Gordon Smith was chief executive of the SFA, the guy is thick as pig shit and an utter c**t into the bargain.

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