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Anyone listening to Sportsound? Cockwomble is spraffing shite.

Perfect chances on Sportsound to nail Doncaster to the wall. And it wasn't taken. mad.gif


He's not been asked a single tough question yet, and Alan Patullo hasn't even the guts to criticise how the last 5months have been handled.


"Some things could have been done better".


"We were doing the best for the game as a whole and never broke any rules".

It's ridiculous.

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See the fans on RM are up in arms about how the SFA can enforce an 'illegal' punishment.

It'd be fucking hilarious if the SFA said "you're right, it is illegal... how about a 12-month suspension from football?".

Thread on RM wanting just that.

Also this from Back of the Net

BotN: Rangers misery ‘just great fun’ for rest of Scottish League

Monday 16 July 2012 14:32

Rangers are set to start the new season in the Scottish Football League Third Division and, as Back of the Net's Paul Watson reveals, this could just be the start of their problems...

The president of the Scottish Football League has expressed his ‘absolute delight’ at being allowed to suggest a number of elaborate punishments for newco Rangers.

Rangers will start life again from the Third Division after suffering a financial meltdown but the new club face further sanctions according to Scottish Football Association Statute 12, which stresses the need to

‘kick a club when it’s down, you know, really put the boot in.’

It has already been revealed that Rangers will have to always have their name in inverted commas, wear an all-pink away kit and be forced to play all corners short for the 2012-13 campaign.

Furthermore, manager Ally McCoist will have to reprise his role as team captain of A Question of Sport but may only answer ‘Away’ questions in the ‘Home of Away’ round, considerably hindering his chances of beating wily competitor Phil Tufnell.

McCoist was ashen-faced as he learned that he’ll also be expected to lethargically flirt with host Sue Barker in each and every episode.

"Nobody enjoys seeing a team fall from grace like this," Livingston chairman and SFL board member Gordon McDougall told FourFourTwo.com. "No, wait, that’s right we’re all having a great time, it’s fantastic.

"I’ve got this great idea where Rangers aren’t allowed a team coach and have to get to all their away games by foot.

"I heard this hilarious idea we should send them to Annan [Athletic] six times in a row. We should totally do them all!"

There have been rumours that a transfer embargo may be placed on Rangers that only allows them to buy second-rate Premier League cast-offs from clubs like Everton or fairly good Dutch players until 2020.

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20 minutes in and Donkeymaster is yet to be asked a hard hitting question, or actually answer any question put to him with a straightforward answer.

"So is this it all done and dusted Neil?"

"Well, it's not as simple as that. There is still a lot of work to do."

Well get off the fucking tv and radio, and do some of this fucking work!!!!!

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20 minutes in and Donkeymaster is yet to be asked a hard hitting question, or actually answer any question put to him with a straightforward answer.

"So is this it all done and dusted Neil?"

"Well, it's not as simple as that. There is still a lot of work to do."

Well get off the fucking tv and radio, and do some of this fucking work!!!!!

Agreed, Gordon's not the right man for the job at all. He should be getting some answers about the pathetic attempts to cajole teams into accepting Sevco back to the SPL right away. If Cockwomble had a mandate to do it himself it would already be done.

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I love that some of them think they can go to England if they aren't SFA members. If that was the case, them and Celtic would have resigned from the SFA and moved to England years ago.

I didn't read it all, only 3 pages - it's real shake your head in disbelief stuff.

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to be fair to RG, cockwomble is wriggly and has defended everything he aimed for as being in the rulebook (i.e. newco to SPL and newco to SFL1). cockwomble clearly has scant regard for supporters, such as his comments about how the punter's pound only going so far.

Edited by Jim Leighton
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Can this farce actually get any worse????

For the sake of every other club in Scotland, i just want this whole escapade to be done and dusted so we can get back to f**king football sad.gif

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Doncaster's been on Sportsound for 40mins now - and still never asked anything about leaked Emails, what Regan was doing, SPL2, about SFL3 "not being viable", about his figures on sponsorship calamity, or anything else.

Nothing about cajoling. Nothing about impending "armageddon". Nothing about anything.

You'd have thought there'd never been controversy in this issue at all, going by that.


Richard Gordon's been laughing-'n-joking with him as if they are good old pals.

Martin Dowdon actually apologised to him for reading out a critical Tweet.

EDIT: Finally RG's putting some heat now. You've 12mins Richard. Get demanding answers.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I am for a 12 month membership suspension Just do it Mr Green, i support you.

#1 user_green.pngEl Carpintero

Posted Today, 05:19 PM

I would rather that than be blackmailed and bullied by a corrupt organisation. The club can have the money i had for my season books and my families season books, i want our club to take stock for a year, sort ourselves out and come back more organised, stronger, hungrier and up for the battle. 2 weeks until this season starts, no plans, no pre-season, no players, no friendlies, nothing. It is an absolute disgrace the way we have been treated, not just by the corrupt SFA, but by the other Scottish clubs we have financed for generations and the very journalists we have kept in a job for over a century.

They have thrown crusts to the rest, without whom they couldn't exist, and expect to be thanked big time.

They admit that the journos have worked for them.


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Well...been out hillwalking all day and only heard the news in the car on the way home.

All doubts gone - no backtracking or sneaky springboarding for Newco and no talk of SPL2.

My real congratulations go to Stranraer on their promotion to the 2nd - enjoy your derbies lads. Took a lot to come out and speak their minds (very strongly) knowing it could promote them and miss out on 2 visits from the Orcs.

Anyway -

Can someone explain why there's talk of Newco facing sanctions? Whilst utterly hilarious, I feel that punishments were for Oldrangers, not Newco.

Is this a way of them holding onto the history or something?

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PP quick off the mark,

Must compete in Division 3 for bets to stand; league reconstruction before the season begins will render bets void. Points deductions added as additional penalties before the season begins will render bets void.

Wasnt there when bet struck.........

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My big hope when the shit really hit the fan was for no football for them next season, whilst the inevitable litigation and criminal investigations took place.

I think we're there now.

(As for bulldozers, nothing would surprise me now. I know the facade is listed but the rest of it is riddled with asbestos, no?)

They won't be sending in bulldozers, then - it'll be the boys in the space suits.

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