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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You see, this is where you illustrate just how profoundly you misunderstand Rangers' relationship with the Scottish game.

Celtic only loathe Rangers in a pantomime sense. They know that their size and success owe a great deal to the existence of their sister club. Without re-treading it all again, sponsorship deals, voting structures, the very name the Old Firm, are all recognition of the fact the clubs need each other.

It's the diddies that really despise Rangers. It's the diddy clubs that lose out on account of Rangers' sectarian-fuelled dominance. It's the diddies that the game's governing bodies, with Rangers' support, tried to bully into re-admitting them at unseemly levels and it's diddy supporters who rally behind their local teams as a conscious rejection of the OF and the shit they bring to football and society.

That's why I'm so thoroughly ashamed of the way my club voted, when given the opportunity.

Make no mistake: Diddy fans are laughing just as loudly as Celtic fans - the difference is we mean it.

Well I'm sorry you let yourself get so upset over a wee game of fitbaw.

Not all Rangers fans are into the sectarian hate etc.

Myself for one have never had any sympathy for that particular cause but if you want to make Rangers the pantomime baddy and lump everybody together.....

Watch oot.

We're behind ye.wink.gif

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There seems to a large number of ra people missing from this gallery. No minty, no watty, no craigie boy, no bazza. I could go one but won't. Think HMRC need to review this.


Saw the flckr pages earlier :D


I like Operation Golvebox

A British man living a luxury lifestyle in Monaco, who was arrested as he was about to leave the UK...

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Well I'm sorry you let yourself get so upset over a wee game of fitbaw.

Not all Rangers fans are into the sectarian hate etc.

Myself for one have never had any sympathy for that particular cause but if you want to make Rangers the pantomime baddy and lump everybody together.....

Watch oot.

We're behind ye.wink.gif

:unsure: if you get a pm from a fellow bluenose, does it pop up with ''Orc calling Orson, Orc calling Orson''?

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:unsure: if you get a pm from a fellow bluenose, does it pop up with ''Orc calling Orson, Orc calling Orson''?


Naebody ever pms me on heresad.gif.

But if they did they probably would

Funnily enough Orson isny ma real name.wacko.gif

But don't tell anybody.

See when wunfellaff did ye drop a clanger?

Never mind Adolf only had wan as well and look how nicely he turned oot.


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Naebody ever pms me on heresad.gif.

But if they did they probably would

Funnily enough Orson isny ma real name.wacko.gif

But don't tell anybody.

See when wunfellaff did ye drop a clanger?

Never mind Adolf only had wan as well and look how nicely he turned oot.


Twas only a rumour about Adolf ;) , a nasty tactic by the Brits, much like sending the free condoms to the Ruskies as part of the supplies on the Arctic convoys. 8'' long, labelled 'small'

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Excuse me for asking without trawling through this thread.

Who gets the staged payments of the Jelavic money ?

If it is Newco and the debt was sold to them then.

Why did Haudit and Daudit not cut a deal with Everton for the staged payments in a reduced single payment.

I thought recovering debts owed was a top remit.

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Excuse me for asking without trawling through this thread.

Who gets the staged payments of the Jelavic money ?

If it is Newco and the debt was sold to them then.

Why did Haudit and Daudit not cut a deal with Everton for the staged payments in a reduced single payment.

I thought recovering debts owed was a top remit.

Recovering debts owed was not a top remit for H+D, gathering enough income to pay themselves was.......

Jelavic cash is up int the air, even the Belgian side Vienna bought him from are waiting on @£300,000........

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Rumours abound that Kyle Hutton has been told to go :D , TUPE'd over, so, if true, is this a sale to get cash in fast ?

I'd laugh if he held out for redundancy.

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The next part of Greens masterplan to part Orcs from their disability benefit looks like being a new first team strip if the Orcs are to be believed, 4th recent price reduction on currant one....Ashleys influence?

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Could the SPL/SFA row with Green about who pays Dundee Utd be a tactic. If Green wants a pre liquidation agreement acknowledged are pre liquidation penalties live as well.

Green must accept any penalties if he wants liabilites met ?

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I found this link on Tedi's signature. I am amazed, hoards of angry orcs pacified and by what? Kit Kats, fcuking Kit Kats.


Gies yir fuk'n Kit Kats, that's the bottom line.

Using an analogy I sadly can’t claim as my own, I said a Kit Kat was still a Kit Kat when Rowntree’s was bought over by Nestle and production of the chocolate bar continued.

It used the same ingredients and tasted exactly the same, thus nobody talked of it as a new product. In effect, the same thought process applies to the Rangers case.

Using an analogy I had the ability to construct myself. A Pot Noodle is not really a Pot Noodle anymore, Golden Wonder went and sold the name and recipe to Unilever, who pissed about trying to make it healthier and more palatable, Pot Noodles died to me all because a brand was sold. Then Golden Wonder released "the nation's noodle" Golden Wonder had risen again and at last we had the genuine article back, shame they had sold the name and factory. ;)

Edited by stonedsailor
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