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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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haha a fine idea, the anti-Orc movement. Bombard Falkirk with complaints and threats of a boycott if they don't apologise and re-instate the guy immediately! I think I'll do it right now.

Already done by me. Did not a certain other announcer do the same thing last week?

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Pathetic from most likely the very same people who had a right old belly laugh at Sir Alastair Burnet comment on national news about "Celtic, they must be getting used to it, nil"

They were all on calling him a legend a few weeks ago when he died.

Mind you Falkirk fans had our Panda sacked in a sense of humour bypass.

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I don't know what's more pathetic in all honesty... Rangers fans, for complaining about him, or Falkirk for actually siding with Rangers fans who complained about him by suspending him.

It's as bad as the folk who wanted Sammy the Tammy sacked or charged, frankly.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I agree with the a campaign to get him reinstated immediately ..

Given that every club supporter in Scotland seemed to want hundreds of people at Ibrox to lose their jobs, you might find that The Rangers support will now turn on any c**t and any club at the drop of the hat.

I mean - it's only fair to attack a club and demonise the support for the actions of one man, isn't it?

And check the brass-neck on you regarding complaints about banter - a wee song about bad spuds and the plastics were calling for UN sanctions. Philthy Phil's children still haven't stopped crying FFS laugh.gif

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Already done by me.

This is great - perhaps we can complain the whole game out of existence.

We'll all be winners then.

Who could possibly complain when this drive to live in a shiny, fluffy world is complete? I watched some police at Ibrox on Saturday instructing a scarf seller to remove items with the word '****' printed upon them.

I left the scene feeling so much safer. Congrats all round to those who contributed over the years.

PS: Well, there you have it - the word **** can't even be seen on P&B. The campaign to be offended by nothing at all at any time in any place has succeeded.

Drinkies all round...

Edited by Bendarroch
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Given that every club supporter in Scotland seemed to want hundreds of people at Ibrox to lose their jobs, you might find that The Rangers support will now turn on any c**t and any club at the drop of the hat.

I mean - it's only fair to attack a club and demonise the support for the actions of one man, isn't it?

And check the brass-neck on you regarding complaints about banter - a wee song about bad spuds and the plastics were calling for UN sanctions. Philthy Phil's children still haven't stopped crying FFS laugh.gif

No-body wants people at Ibrox to lose their jobs except Charles Green, he pulled the emotional blackmail card to sell season tickets to Sevco Works XI did he not? "I'll spend millions on player we don't need but I'm going to make everyone else redundant unless you buy season tickets" of course like good little sheeple you all did as you were told.

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Given that every club supporter in Scotland seemed to want hundreds of people at Ibrox to lose their jobs

Eh? :blink:

Don't think that's the case. You seem to agree D&P made an arse of administration (that's being kind), which should have resulted in some redundancies to make the purchase a more attractive proposition. I recall one of the Rangers websites calling for Catholics to be first on the list to be kicked out. I don't believe every club fan wanted hundreds of jobs to go. I do believe a vast number wanted the rules and the law to be applied. Many would expect redundancies to be a natural outcome of administration - as clinical as that may be.

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Eh? :blink:

Many would expect redundancies to be a natural outcome of administration - as clinical as that may be.

The Falkirk announcer seems to have crossed the line with regard to club policies given their suspension of the man. As clinical as that may be.

I'm pointing the finger at the body of work from internet warriors that's grown to enjoy a farcical position of importance in the thinking and actions from people who should know better. Like those SPL chairmen who bought the nonsense that supporters would turn out in great numbers to support their clubs if The Rangers were not voted into SFL 3. Worked out well for them, hasn't it?

Do you not remember the complaints/storm-in-a-teacup about Pepperami being banned from Ibrox because if its green wrapping? Or the stooshie over removal of Eggs benedict from the menu at the club restaurent? The complaints/claims that the grass at Ibrox had 'sectarian patterns' mown into it?

Even here on P&B, I can't call the plastics '****' lest Declan O'Fended get's upset.

The whole game suffers as the voice of complainers is disproportionately heard - because the vast body of normal people are too busy living lives and not giving a f**k about that which is patently nonsense.

Edited by Bendarroch
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Given that every club supporter in Scotland seemed to want hundreds of people at Ibrox to lose their jobs, you might find that The Rangers support will now turn on any c**t and any club at the drop of the hat.

I mean - it's only fair to attack a club and demonise the support for the actions of one man, isn't it?

And check the brass-neck on you regarding complaints about banter - a wee song about bad spuds and the plastics were calling for UN sanctions. Philthy Phil's children still haven't stopped crying FFS laugh.gif

FFS where to start?

A third division team with no visible form of financial support, should not be employing hundreds of people, it'll only end in tears.

Which 'one man' are you referring to?








The big house guy

many, many, many others

They all provide reasons to attack the club.

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Like those SPL chairmen who bought the nonsense that supporters would turn out in great numbers to support their clubs if The Rangers were not voted into SFL 3. Worked out well for them, hasn't it?

Ah right, I can see where you guys are coming from now !!!

The Diddy clubs were never going to magically increase their support overnight - folk were saying they wouldn't go if The Rangers enjoyed a triple promotion into the SPL, not that they would bring a friend if they didn't wacko.gif

Falkirk's season ticket sales increased btw.

And boycott us all you like, teach the PA man a lesson for daring to crack a f'kin joke - I'm sure the Camelon Loyal flag will still make it's ironic appearance - the club probably didn't budget for a second round tie at all so just the home support will be a welcome bonus.

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I mean - it's only fair to attack a club and demonise the support for the actions of one man, isn't it?

I aint got no beef with Rangers going tits up - I just think it's funny that one of the playground bullies got a smack on the nose and is now sobbing away in the corner telling everyone they'd better watch out once he gets back onto his feet. I'm enjoying a good point and laugh at his torn face though and all the additional petulant outbursts are just making it all the sweeter !

Having said that I'm well aware that yon big fat bully will get back on his feet and once again he'll nick everyone's sweets and dinner money !!

FWIW - cause it's not all about The Rangers - What has got on my tits about this 'saga' though was the vote to get The Rangers into the SPL, the shenanigans and lies intended to scare the SFL chairmen (some of whom cracked dry.gif) into admitting them into the First and then the wee waltz that The Rangers enjoyed right into the Third without any other applicants being considered. Add to that the 'Pravda' style reporting and you've got a whole raft of fandans, most of whom were unattached to 'Rangers' who deserve to be ridiculed !

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Thought you were all for that? :huh:

The vacant space in the league should have been opened up for any club to apply - there are some well-run teams who gave waited patiently for years for their chance !

I actually think that The Rangers would still have been successful based on facilities etc but the proper route would have been to let all interested parties apply and let them make their own case.

(apologies btw - I hate posting by phone)

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Given that every club supporter in Scotland seemed to want hundreds of people at Ibrox to lose their jobs, you might find that The Rangers support will now turn on any c**t and any club at the drop of the hat.

People who earn a living from the exploitation of sectarianism deserve to lose their jobs.

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