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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I tossed the dummy out of the pram? Im going Loco?

I have no accepted anything at the moment, the tribunal has not published anything nor has an appeal been heard

So in case of doubt here;

YES I will accept the final verdict and punsihment (if any) of the tribunal and or appeal body

Will You?

I couldn't care less about the decision.I had my fun in the massive meltdown your beloved team had.

I'd expect a lot of bull being horsed during the verdict outcome as well a some devious shifty law talk from the loophole lawyers.

Also I'd go as far to predict the outcome that could only ever be used in Scotland ! the b@stard verdict ! NOT PROVEN ! your guilty but not enough to convict you because the shredder you used died first !.

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The question was an easy one with an easy answer Yes or No

What you did was deflect, abstaining means you wont accept it by default

Seriously Tedi I'm not bothered about it.It's not going to affect my club one iota.

Although if it goes against your team then prepare your arse to be shafted by every fan from every other club on here.

If it goes for you ! then listen to your fans whine that your beloved club did not need to die and other fans accusing the oldco of cover ups and conspiracy.

Sticks and stones dude and I just love the satirical banter wi gers fans 8)

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Its relevant when debating the point on this forum

I will ask you the same simple question

Will you accept the final verdict and punsihment (if any) of the tribunal and or appeal body?


Acceptance or not is irrelevant in regards to myself and all supporters of every club in Scotland apart from The WATP Sheeple who supported the dead cheating b*****d and soon-to-be liquidated 'RFC'. I have seen enough evidence of the cheating already to know that the result will be 'guilty as charged' and that all history books printed after the verdict will record that the dead cheating b*****ds 'RFC' cheated for the last 12-14 years of its life. wink.gif History is always written by the winners not the dead.

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Allthough I did not agree with some of the tone you were using im your conversation with No8, I should not have tried to fight this corner for him especially as he is perfectly capable of fighting it himself

Yes, by using the ignore function :lol:

By the way, Dallas and Rangers eh? Do you have ANY taste?

You like Coldplay too don't you? :(


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The Juninho case is that Celtic knew it was illegal to use a EBT and they pay it back to the taxman so they're safe unlike you, SDM used it over 20 years without paying tax! No matter how many times you keep trying you're club Sevco is going to be a Tesco. wink.gif

Edited by Bairnforever1992
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Yes or No was all i asked for

I don't give a fcuk about all that you asked for.

Refusing to answer can only mean that if the descision goes as per your wishes and all of the punishments you want come tru then you will be the first to say this is the correct descision

The question has been answered. Again, i don't give a fcuk that you didn't like my answer.

However if it does not agree with your take on things then you will bleat how unfair the world is, blame the establishment then post some more shite on your shite blog

1) I repeat - I'm 100% confident that the verdict will be guilty as charged.

2) What "establishment" are you referring to...the establishment that your old soon-to-be liquidated cheating b*****d of a club - ""RFC" bumped for scores of millions of pounds in unpaid taxes?

3) I don't have a blog. The blog that i have highlighted in my signature is not my blog.

Your a hater but a very transparant one and they are easy to ignore

Hater naaah...enjoying watching you The WATP Sheeple squirm knowing that your old soon-to-be liquidated cheating b*****d of a club is dead and that the history books will state that it cheated every club that it played against and over 300 creditors for at least the last 12-14 years of its life - yes. wink.giflaugh.gif

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So for any doubters out there

YES I will accept the final verdict and punsihment (if any) of the tribunal and or appeal body

Will you?

Or will you hide in the "rest"

I won't hide in the rest I openly admit unless it was expulsion / suspension then no i won't be happy especially when you as in the collective want to keep everything you want from the original rangers but with that comes the responsibility of any wrong doing but in your new cheap replica made in Sevco its ditch all the bad but lets carry on as before.

I want the record books to clearly state Rangers won whichever honours during this period against the laws of the game as a reminder to every club that cheating will be punished. Don't care who else benefits even if it was the Midden , the fact is if your old club used illegal payments via double contracts then by the laws of the game all results are forfeited 0-3. While I can understand the difficulty in awarding cup honours due to the nature of said competitions simply allowing the records not to be amended would be a bigger travesty.

Some of the nonsense about players winning those honours on the park ignores the reality of the situation, would these players been at the club if they had to be paid from another set up, if the club could not have used the EBT's and had to pay the appropriate tax remunerations to HMRc could they have awarded these contracts meaning those players would not be present.

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Yes, all of this.

It is interesting to see No.8 turn from the oh-so-humble persona he adopted during Rangers(deceased) troubles into the insufferable triumphalist fool we associate with Rangers(deceased) and Sevco.

It's staggering to see their mewling at this situation with the independent tribunal. None of them still have any moral decency. Rangers(deceased) shafted businesses, football clubs, shamed Scotland on numerous occasions through Europe, crow about 5 stars representing their tainted history and lord it over all of us in their dirty new persona.

No morals, no class, no honour.

For a start my Rep was in the Region of minus 400 during our 'Troubles' so i don't think i was Neg Repped by so many for being 'oh so humble'. I just told it how it was and if that pissed of some then so be it. TBH i am just delighted so many were proved wrong and we are playing football this season.

At what time did i become an insufferable triumphalist..or any Rangers poster on here for that matter. I think the SFL 3 posters who have met us or discussed the football with us on match threads would have a vastly differing opinion. We have all congratulated them on their displays. We have all mentioned that we have been pleasantly surprised at the standard of football and most surprisingly for me is the way the teams have tried to play attractive football. Every team, with the exception of Falkirk, have been applauded off the park at Ibrox.

Craig Whytes behaviour was scandalous...I have mentioned many times that i actually hope somewhere along the lines he has done something illegal and if that incriminates SDM as well then all the better. I want those responsible for shafting small businesses punished. Just for the record the biggest business they shafted and the only one to go to the wall through their shameful dealings was Rangers Football Club plc!!!

As for shaming the country throughout Europe. I don't actually agree with you here..funnily enough...but i have been quite an outspoken critic of Rangers supporters singing certain songs...Not because the club will get in trouble...Not because they could be arrested but because it is time for the club to leave that unwelcome baggage behind and get their arses into the 21st century with the rest of us. Ask any SFL 3 supporter how we have behaved when in their towns or how they have been received when they have visited Ibrox and i think you will find they have mostly been pleasantly surprised...Even Claymores was talking up our support after the East Fife game!!

TBH i don't really recall discussing anything with you in the past and if i offended you in some way i apologise but your post here is basically full of tired old cliches that simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny..Sorry if that sounds a wee bitty triumphalist ;)

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For a start my Rep was in the Region of minus 400 during our 'Troubles' so i don't think i was Neg Repped by so many for being 'oh so humble'. I just told it how it was and if that pissed of some then so be it. TBH i am just delighted so many were proved wrong and we are playing football this season.

At what time did i become an insufferable triumphalist..or any Rangers poster on here for that matter. I think the SFL 3 posters who have met us or discussed the football with us on match threads would have a vastly differing opinion. We have all congratulated them on their displays. We have all mentioned that we have been pleasantly surprised at the standard of football and most surprisingly for me is the way the teams have tried to play attractive football. Every team, with the exception of Falkirk, have been applauded off the park at Ibrox.

Craig Whytes behaviour was scandalous...I have mentioned many times that i actually hope somewhere along the lines he has done something illegal and if that incriminates SDM as well then all the better. I want those responsible for shafting small businesses punished. Just for the record the biggest business they shafted and the only one to go to the wall through their shameful dealings was Rangers Football Club plc!!!

As for shaming the country throughout Europe. I don't actually agree with you here..funnily enough...but i have been quite an outspoken critic of Rangers supporters singing certain songs...Not because the club will get in trouble...Not because they could be arrested but because it is time for the club to leave that unwelcome baggage behind and get their arses into the 21st century with the rest of us. Ask any SFL 3 supporter how we have behaved when in their towns or how they have been received when they have visited Ibrox and i think you will find they have mostly been pleasantly surprised...Even Claymores was talking up our support after the East Fife game!!

TBH i don't really recall discussing anything with you in the past and if i offended you in some way i apologise but your post here is basically full of tired old cliches that simply doesn't stand up to scrutiny..Sorry if that sounds a wee bitty triumphalist ;)

To be fair No8 you got a hell of a lot positive rep during those times too, but when horrible No8 showed up he could destroy all your good work with one post. I see you've still got 'other' as your team. I told you already, I went through all of this with Caley. It'll take time, you'll get there. Then you can enjoy the football again.

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While we're on the subject of spelling can some of you please try to learn the difference between your and you're, or there, their and they're?

Ffs we're not orc media savages here.

I hate people who use a 'then' when it should be 'than'.

Rangers were a football club then they died.

Sevco are newer club than Celtic.

Edited by stonedsailor
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The Loch Ness monster is alive. Santa is also going to give Bigfoot to the Tooth Fairy for Christmas this year. And Avatar is perhaps the greatest documentary ever made.

Sevco laugh.gif

54 and counting and don't you forget it son. smile.gif

Did you support the old club too? The one that is going to have it's titles stripped? Or did you just get into football recently when your club were conceived?

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While we're on the subject of spelling can some of you please try to learn the difference between your and you're, or there, their and they're?

Ffs we're not orc media savages here.

And while we're at it can we also desist from that dreadful 'text speak'(i.e. 'ffs')?

Yours sincerely,

The Grammar and Spelling Inspectorate.

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To be fair No8 you got a hell of a lot positive rep during those times too, but when horrible No8 showed up he could destroy all your good work with one post. I see you've still got 'other' as your team. I told you already, I went through all of this with Caley. It'll take time, you'll get there. Then you can enjoy the football again.

As far as the repping goes. I was +70ish before the big admin thread and ended up at 1 stage as -400. Some yahoo tried to have me banned as my Rep was so low :lol:

There is no 'Good No.8' or 'Horrible No.8'...There is only me. If you don't agree with what i say fine but i am still going to say it. There are people who tirelessly quoted disgraced bigoted Lawyers and Failed bigoted Social workers and i spoke up against them...for that i will never apologise. When criticism is justified we have to man up and take it. I often did throughout this whole sorry saga but when bigots are attacking our club and posting and printing lies then we have to stand up and defend our club.

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