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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I can't quite see how (or why) your hate-speak is substantially different from the hate you vehemently claim to find so objectionable.

Almost certainly because there is no substantial difference. Fly your double standards high.

I hate discrimination based purely on racial or religious grounds. You support an organisation which has actively pursued such policies. Aaaaannnd..... you can't see the difference.

Words fail me. Perhaps we should be grateful to Charlie Boy - by keeping ibrox open, at least we know where these fuckers are some of the time.

That's right - sat in front of the flatscreen, guzzling Frosty Jack.laugh.gif

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There's no talking to Rosey i'm afraid, i actually feel sory for him as having that much hatred and bile eating away inside of him isn't good. Actually i feel more pity for his family having to live with the ray of sunshine, must be a living hell for them.

He should do the decent thing and find a sharp knife and run a hot bath.

Seriously, Bennett, that's low. I mean seriously. Just because I want your ex-club (and their business chums) wiped off the football map, I would never stoop to personal shit like that. I thought better of you - misguided, maybe, plain wrong on occasion, but vicious? Really disappointed. With my history of depression, and before my family's support through it, a crack like that could have had serious consequences.

BTW, everything from "With my" was made up, but ffs, what were you thinking?

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I hate discrimination based purely on racial or religious grounds. You support an organisation which has actively pursued such policies. Aaaaannnd..... you can't see the difference.

Words fail me.

And, as already mentioned, your hate-filled ideas are not substantially different from the hate you claim to reject.

Words fail you? That much is clear. laugh.gif

Captain obvious award for you, son.

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Did you actually read what the OP said?

He dished out petty insults, said he was "above me" so yeah if I wanted to show the cnut up for what he is then he has left himself open for it

I dont see you having a go at him for his petty insults directed at me

So go f**k yourself with your selected forum policing


Man, you really showed me. Saying "The old living away from home excuse" got me a beauty!

I think you have shown yourself incapable of answering any of the points I made a few pages back. It wasn't a petty insult - I genuinely consider you beneath me. In the last few pages, you have confirmed this.

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Your right

Its ok I believe your excuse

You can go back to doing whatever it is you do in "London" dry.gif

Leave the football and celebrating, having some fun with the lads in Stirling who are on my level, to me, you are sure to be a discussion point :D


Unlucky. Try looking in the various threads where I have already said I live in London.

Enjoy that, sounds a bit creepy discussing me though.

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Here we go (note i dont feel the need for adding Jesus before it)

Bigotry? honestly the only bigot here is you, you throw the word into conversation because you think again it will add some weight

My reasoning is nothing to do with that, you obviously have not read what I said, it was the "outburst" and the word in that outburst "stole" that makes me think they are capable of "playing" with the evidence

No you are good for pointing out speeelling mistakes, that is about your level

Not this old chestnut , show us all independent evidence this occurred and is not another red herring with some conjecture thrown in.

This again is the problem you want to use rumours from your own perspective when it suits your cause.

If that had occurred it would everywhere over the news, internet but it isin't, it is confined to a few unofficial messageboards which says it all its to get you as a collective to disbelieve your club and its officials acted in an inappropriate manner. All this is again to keep you all believing everyone is against you when rather than standing back and laughing at your stupidy we are trying to get you all to see what is so apparent.

Celtic as a business want and need you to survive if the shoe was on the other foot your club would be exactly the same fearing the unknown, customer loyalty, merchandise, sponsorship, profile.

On the bigotry front your either being naive or obtuse, whether you say your a bigot or not you still have financed a club who panders/pandered to it just as the other cheek with their IRA crap have. Your all guilty of keeping this nonsense alive. Again the football authorities are guilty of not doing enough and we the diddy clubs who have sung songs that we knew would provoke a response are guilty. Without admitting the faults no one can move on.

You as a supporters group do not wish to move on or you would have not have insisted on keeping everything from the dead entity knowing what comes with that.The chance was there to kill it off and no doubt it would also have been easier to eradicate the other cheek without anything to push against.

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Bringing the game into disrepute, acting in an improper manner, cheating Dundee Utd and the SFA out of cash owed for a cup game, maximum penalty short of expulsion given for every offence. They didn't find you guilty of the dual contracts (yet) but you were found guilty on 5 of 6 breaches and it was described as one step short of match fixing.

Again you're wrong on this.The word cheating was never put forward on any charge. Dundee United were not cheated out of money,the charge was,under Rule 325,failing to pay monies due to a club on the day of the match,under rule 43c(3) of Scottish Cup competition rules .

You're very intent on pulling the club down at every opportunity but the least you can do is make sure everything you put forward is true and fact,you haven't done that as regards this. So really you're wrong in quoting that the club was "found guilty of blatant cheating". Also can you inform us all as to who described it as one step short of match fixing,was it the SFA or someones' opinion.

Edited by youngsy
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Surprised that the rangers are planning a stockmarket floatation so soon. Kind of underlines Chico Greens lack of investors or income. Or is it because the club is soooooooo big that people are crying out to invest in a new entity with a very, very short history.

Genuine question now, no fishing. What do the rangers fans think of the the signings that rangers have been making? Nothing is making much sense in the out goings to income ratio? Also do you know who these many foreign investors are yet? Like I said genuine question and would like agenuine answer. Not looking for a "yer jealous of us" or "watp".

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I also have a question (apologies if this has been answered somewhere else).

I read and hear lots of Rangers complaining about the supposedly terrible way they've been treated, but I really don't understand what they think *should* have happened. Could a Rangers fan clarify?

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Here's a question:

Is failing to pay monies due to a club on the day of the match,under rule 43c(3) of Scottish Cup competition rules (Rule 325) a lesser crime than filling in paperwork wrongly by genuine mistake/human error?

East Stirlingshire, Spartans and Brechin were all ejected from the Scottish Cup for the latter.

That SFA, they have it in for Green's mob.

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Aye .. whit ever you say ,... have seen your replies to everyone. Easy to get a rise out of me .. LOLZ .. demented Tedi Bear

I was going to keep this for Xmas .. but it's probably you better to give it to you now.

Instead of wasting your time on here you might want to check out this

No need to thank me .. you're welcome.


Love No.3 - "Drawing Conclusions"

Tedi's take on H&M because of "what his mate's, mate's, sisters, boyfriend (who overheard two druggies talking about it in the park) told him on the internet"

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - SOMEBODY. Give us the link to this piece of information.;)

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Again you're wrong on this.The word cheating was never put forward on any charge. Dundee United were not cheated out of money,the charge was,under Rule 325,failing to pay monies due to a club on the day of the match,under rule 43c(3) of Scottish Cup competition rules .

You're very intent on pulling the club down at every opportunity but the least you can do is make sure everything you put forward is true and fact,you haven't done that as regards this. So really you're wrong in quoting that the club was "found guilty of blatant cheating". Also can you inform us all as to who described it as one step short of match fixing,was it the SFA or someones' opinion.

The panel’s report, written by Gary Allan QC, stated: “Only match fixing in its various forms might be a more serious breach. They brought the game into serious disrepute.

“In the case of the non payment of tax, which was possibly by the smallest margin the most serious breach, the massive extent of the failure and the intentional and calculated manner in which it was carried out aggravated the breach even further.”

and it gets worse - http://www.scotsman.com/the-scotsman/sport/football/rangers-takeover-only-match-fixing-a-more-serious-breach-1-2290541 - go and read this, including direct quotes from the report and from people invilved, and I'd say that calling it blatant cheating is a pretty feckin fair response. But you go on and split hairs to try and make yourself feel better about the cheating club you supported.

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