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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Which Rangers fans on here have said anything like that?

There is countless posts where we've said that answers and guarantees over where the money will go are needed before we support a share issue.

Now show some patience and wait for Charlies prospectus to come out.

So what is Charles Green prospectus going to be then? Steal the money and go back to tax havan Monaco, well he was introduced by Craig Whyte to D+P so this share issue has ticketus written all over it plus while CG said that the evaluation of the club is £80M? Then why did he bought the assets of Rangers for a small price to shaft the creditors?

BDO will shut down this cludgie of a club. wink.gif

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So what is Charles Green prospectus going to be then? Steal the money and go back to tax havan Monaco, well he was introduced by Craig Whyte to D+P so this share issue has ticketus written all over it plus while CG said that the evaluation of the club is £80M? Then why did he bought the assets of Rangers for a small price to shaft the creditors?

BDO will shut down this cludgie of a club. wink.gif

Seeing as i haven't seen his prospectus yet, that is a f**king dumb post.

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Which Rangers fans on here have said anything like that?

There is countless posts where we've said that answers and guarantees over where the money will go are needed before we support a share issue.

Now show some patience and wait for Charlies prospectus to come out.

sad.gif do you think Greenes book of lies is really going to make a difference?

These guys are very clever at making everything look good on the surface, making sure the right companies are named in it etc.

Why would any money be going to Murray for property? Has this been part of the deal from the start?

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Only an Bear could think that a club in DEEP DEEP financial trouble could justify laying back out the money they bring in on transfers out and not look at finding cheaper options ... let's not even even mention the fact you couldn't the afford the wage bill and the club had/was posting a massive deficit each season ... (someone posted the figures previously and it was horrific).

So £21(+) million pounds .. plus god knows how much in wages the club couldn't afford is not a spending spree. It's the equivalent of a junkie buying smack and not paying off his credit bills and bank overdraft (assuming he had these) .... as long as they get their wee fix.

Honest clubs would have used those amounts to pay down their debt and bring themselves onto a sound financial footing. The fact that you sold players is irrelevant when you are DEEP in debt and have been posting financial losses on a massive scale ... :lol:

Yes Youngsy you certainly know how to make a point.

This all in the chase of that elusive trophy .. but you did succeed in making the group stages but to your mob it was well worth shafting the taxman and cheating your way to those other trophies .. ;)

Spending spree or not? What do think folks?

I notice that you only highlighted the outgoings on transfers without taking into account,or rather just ignoring,the income from transfers,such as Hutton and Boumsong as this wouldn't suit your argument,would it. I was specifically highliting the transfers in and out during this period to demonstrate that there wasn't a spending spree as implied. Yes i am well aware that there were running costs such as salaries but as there wasn't the outgoings on actual fees as to previous years under Advocaat. there certainly wasn't a transfer spending spree,but as i say just you highlight what suits you.

You are stating a sound financial footing,up until Whyte came in the club was reducing the debt

year on year,it was down to a very manageable £18 million and was indeed being further reduced under an agreed deal with the bank.

Is that fact or not?

Before you bring in the EBT case this is not including any payment on that case that has yet to be confirmed either way.

Also making the group stages of the CL is success to Scottish clubs that brings in at least £10 million or are you rubbishing clubs reaching that stage or perhaps once again just Rangers reaching that stage. During this period the club and support were under no illusions that winning the competition was well beyond us,we realised and still do that success is reaching the group stages. All though once again your only argument on all this is money owed to the taxman,at this period of time the EBT case was and still is under dispute,is that right or wrong? So leaving aside the EBT case and up until Whyte came in was the actual debt down to a manageable debt of £18 million or not? Over the four year period mentioned the deficit on transfer fees was £4.2 million,with the success of CL group stages and UEFA Cup run the actual deficit was wiped on with the income on this although i do accept the running costs of the club,salaries etc.was too high,no argument on that but hardly a spending spree on fees was it.

Edited by youngsy
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Seeing as i haven't seen his prospectus yet, that is a f**king dumb post.

No matter what Charlie puts in his glossy brochure Bennett - do you trust him? Does his record with Sheffield United and previous companies he's been involved with make your gut/heart/head trust this guy?

I personally wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. I'm sure his prospectus will paint a nice picture - you would naturally expect it to. I also suspect that the glossy documents produced by RBS at the time made buying ABN Amro look like a fcuking great idea too.

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sad.gif do you think Greenes book of lies is really going to make a difference?

These guys are very clever at making everything look good on the surface, making sure the right companies are named in it etc.

Why would any money be going to Murray for property? Has this been part of the deal from the start?

Not really but i'll wait till i see it first before i make any judgements.

Charlies plans for Edmiston house, move the shop in there and the ticket office into the shop. all very grand indeed but talk is cheap.

We shall find out soon enough.

Should do for an answer to Pozabaird too.

Edited by bennett
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So what is Charles Green prospectus going to be then? Steal the money and go back to tax havan Monaco, well he was introduced by Craig Whyte to D+P so this share issue has ticketus written all over it plus while CG said that the evaluation of the club is £80M? Then why did he bought the assets of Rangers for a small price to shaft the creditors?

BDO will shut down this cludgie of a club. wink.gif

Haven not havan. Buy not bought. In reply to your question as to why he bought the club at such a low price,it's what people do you know,see a bargain and buy it.

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The 33 min version is on the website and its been posted a few times last night, http://www.bbc.co.uk...otland-19975957 should see you ok :)

Someone on KDS has put up this re the Hero........


The Japanese have a superstition relating to the whites of the eye called Sanpaku.

Note number 5.



All Sevco supporters should have a read of http://www.fbi.gov/s...school_violence

When there I had a look at who the FBI is chasing for white collar crimes http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/wcc Unfortunately no one there I recognise.

Given the extraction treaty we have with the US, what are the chances if some American residents who were/are shareholders in Rangers or Sevco believing they bought the shares on false promises and general makey up nonsense, is there a chance the US Government might want to extradite the confidence tricksters involved.? :D

Are you allowed metal crutches in American prisons? :huh:

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Haven not havan. Buy not bought. In reply to your question as to why he bought the club at such a low price,it's what people do you know,see a bargain and buy it.

If it was such a bargain, why did the detailed financial figures scare off Soccerball Bill? If something worth £80 million was going at such a bargain rate, why wasn't there a queue of genuine big businessmen knocking down Haudit & Daudit's door? If it was such a sure fire bargain, why could Minty only find a bug-eyed crook in a cheap Ralph Slater suit to take it off his hands for a quid?

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Haven not havan. Buy not bought. In reply to your question as to why he bought the club at such a low price,it's what people do you know,see a bargain and buy it.

Bargain? The club has no fucking money FFS!

Creditors want their money back and they are going to get it soon, read my sig £94M and how can the club value be £80M?

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I am extremely disappointed with my mate Charley. :angry:

As I have registered to buy £10k worth of shares I would have hoped to have received a smarmy crawling letter from him thanking me for my interest, and assuring me my 10k will be well spent as the Sevco mob go global.

When I applied I cancelled my weekly Beano order, as I thought whatever was going to come through my letterbox would give me a few weeks of mirth.

Charles get the finger out. I am not going to be a patient man for much longer. If you can't be ars*d getting in touch, I will have to chase other daft investment opportunities, some of which are legal. :rolleyes:

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you planning on putting this quote up anytime soon... you know, the one you accused me of not wanting rangers fans to post on here?

i'll give you a clue... a post that might resolve this situation was made the day after you last apologised to me...

Or are you a liar that just makes stuff up as they go along?

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Tedi once again PROVING that he is a BIG FAT DEFLECTIVE LIAR or is simply STUPID and instead of dealing with it yesterday he waits until today ... SO BILLY LIAR ... (Tedi you really are one big clown and call others thick ... get a grip on reality son .. honestly)



So let me get this right.... Tedi deliberately went in and edited someone's post to make a snide comment at them?

Sort of sums up the liars we are dealing with here!

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you planning on putting this quote up anytime soon... you know, the one you accused me of not wanting rangers fans to post on here?

i'll give you a clue... a post that might resolve this situation was made the day after you last apologised to me...

Or are you a liar that just makes stuff up as they go along?

I've never apologised to you, no idea why you feel the need to lie so much?

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