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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I said neither of those. Why do you feel it important to make things up?

You have to stop raising the stakes. I am very happy to have a resonable conversation with anyone but if you use such terms as, "violent thugs" and "criminal enterprise" then you have a huge problem.

Dhen Bhoy's questions to you:

"Did you publicly denounce the club as a tax evading entity.

Did denounce the Bears who trashed Manchester as violent mindless thugs ?

Simply YES or NO will suffice

You answered "yes" to both questions.

Evading tax is criminal, certainly on the scale at which rangers practiced it. No?

You agreed that the fans who trashed Manchester were "violent, mindless thugs". No?

I would suggest that an inability to maintain a stance for more than a few minutes before accusing others of fabrication might suggest that it is you who have the problem. I expect shit like this from some rangers fans on here, but you tend to be more sensible, house/hoose fixations aside.

What's gone wrong? I asked you a serious question, and you accuse me of making things up, while totally avoiding the question. Not going all Amigo on us, are you?

ETA: Bennett would be proud of the attempt to put words in my mouth. I did not post that you said either of the two statements - what I posted was your acknowledgment of their truth. Pedantic, maybe, but those appear to be the rules we have to play by sometimes on here.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Guest Kincardine

I'm not putting this well, but I think there's something about the Rangers support, that might enable them to be screwed twice.

Thanks for a polite and well-reasoned reply. It's refreshing to read a response that's different to, "You're a *** bigot apologist."

I also agree - but more. I think we, as Rangers, are actually capable of being screwed thrice.

We just have no concept of, "fan power". We have a history of trusting our owners and turning up for games.s

To our credit most Bears regard Chuckie with some scepticsm but the hard financial truth is that we have to go along with him.

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You are believing what Paul says or you have some other evidence? look at the comments and tell me if you see agreement, I dont

He is on record as saying that this share deal will have FSA approval, national TV, if he has lied it will come out and he will be fucked

FSA responsibility is unclear. It has a high level obligation across markets in the UK but only to the extent that none of these upset the balance of the entire UK trading and investment platform.

Have a look at this link which is on an FSA fact sheet and consider whether you think FSA will "approve" this share deal:


For the avoidance of doubt the FSA position is:

As the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) is not a regulated market and AIM companies are not on the UKLA's official list their continuing obligations do not fall within Company Monitoring's remit.

The problem with something like this is that there is a huge amount of information out there which discusses regulation and the way in which specific sets of circumstances affect the level of regulation - with location being a particularly thorny issue. It would be good if P&B could get to the bottom of this but I suspect it will take some time and expertise.

However, I'd suggest that anyone looking for protection about how the scheme will be run in the short, medium or long term is the wrong kind of investor for the AIM. It's a high risk environment.

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We just have no concept of, "fan power". We have a history of trusting our owners and turning up for games.s

Why is that then?

Is it to do with a history of success, sufficient to prevent a protest culture from developing?

Is it to do with the establishment thing?

Is it to do with this habit of attacking critics as having agendas?

What's your own theory?

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Thanks for a polite and well-reasoned reply. It's refreshing to read a response that's different to, "You're a *** bigot apologist."

I also agree - but more. I think we, as Rangers, are actually capable of being screwed thrice.

We just have no concept of, "fan power". We have a history of trusting our owners and turning up for games.s

To our credit most Bears regard Chuckie with some scepticsm but the hard financial truth is that we have to go along with him.

This is what I don't get. Blind loyalty is always going to be abused. Murray did it, Whyte did it, and there's every indication Green's doing it as we speak. As a body, rangers fans are behaving like an abused wife, clinging to the hope that someday they'll change, while getting battered repeatedly. All the while defending the club against its "enemies", when everything that has happened has been self-inflicted, by people the support trusted, acting in the name of the club.

A fan such as yourself, who has some insight into the condition, deserves sympathy for their impotence in the face of their fellows' inaction. Those who bleat about spurious "world records", denounce "tarrier conspiracies" and refuse to listen to anything detrimental to the club - they deserve all they get.

Remember, those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it, once as Tragedy, and a second time as Farce. *

*George Santayana (1863-1952) - He also said "Habit is stronger than Reason", which is pretty apposite to the above. Just don't ask what school he went to.wink.gif

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Why is that then?

Is it to do with a history of success, sufficient to prevent a protest culture from developing?

Is it to do with the establishment thing?

Is it to do with this habit of attacking critics as having agendas?

What's your own theory?

It's the "we are the people" mentality.

They didn't think admin was possible, let alone liquidation

They have a pop at Dave Murray for what happened, but happily distance the "club" from his actions as owner and take even more delight in celebrating the clubs achievements under David Murray. Since the "club" can do no wrong, only the company and people who own it.

If it wasn't for DM Rangers would still be about 20 years behind everyone else, with a lot less trophies and a lot less success in Europe.

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Guest Kincardine

Why is that then?

Is it to do with a history of success, sufficient to prevent a protest culture from developing?

Is it to do with the establishment thing?

Is it to do with this habit of attacking critics as having agendas?

What's your own theory?

I hate the fact that we attack critics. We should be bigger than this. I also detest our recent 'boycot' mentality.

I also regard this 'establishment idea as utter nonsense.

Yes, we are comfortable with both success and with benigng owners.

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Guest Kincardine

There's the paradox/dilemma again.

Having been warned that it's highly likely to cause the meltdown and the club entering administration by allowing the consortium and Ticketus to get their profit and get out of Dodge ...

Do you go along with Chuckie and invest in his share scheme?


Do you not invest and let the club enter administration because it is running out of money ?

Which option do you choose and why?

I have asked for a prospectus. I'm willing to give a £1,000 punt. It's as much as I can afford to throw away.

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I hate the fact that we attack critics. We should be bigger than this. I also detest our recent 'boycot' mentality.

I also regard this 'establishment idea as utter nonsense.

Yes, we are comfortable with both success and with benigng owners.

Shouldn't there be more of a 'once bitten...' feeling now going on though?

I see a bit of a parallel with Dundee. Too many of their fans saw the club as naturally a strongish top flight side, and were therefore too willing to suspend critical faculties when wealth apparently came calling.

Similarly, Rangers fans see their club as Scotland's top one and even as a European contender. This makes organic growth from where they now are, almost impossible.

Sweeping generalisations are obviously needed here, but I do think that fan-bases can have a collective character. The Rangers one, given its size, might enable a swift re-birth; but given its nature, it really might invite a fresh death too.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Guest Kincardine

Personally I wish you the best of luck.

I hope 'your club' supporters do evolve (I'm not using this in a derogatory manner) and discover the ability to wield fan power and wrest control or even partial control of your club from those that own/run it.

I'd also like to see sensible decent intelligent football fans like yourself become a majority within the support and not a marginalised minority. (That's my opinion obviously) ..

It's not going to stop me taking the Michael though ... :P

Most of the regular Gers fans who post on here are decent and intelligent. Most of us are pretty reasonable.

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I was talking about your support in general and not isolated to a few posters on here. Additionally I clarified it was only my opinion.

As long as there is a team called Rangers playing football at Ibrox they clearly don't give a fook about anything else.Their right to be complete fuds as right of passage to be a bear and is a way of life and not just a supporter of a sport.Celtic has them too ! with these sort of fans it's anything but a sport :blink: what the fook has sectarianism got to do with 22 grown men kicking a ball about a piece of grass in an attempt to put the ball by the goalkeeper more times than the opposition ? dry.gif

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Guest Kincardine

I was talking about your support in general and not isolated to a few posters on here. Additionally I clarified it was only my opinion.

Aye but there are, say, 20 Bears who post on here regularly. Not one is sectarian.

We simply are not.

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I can just envision Charlie striding along a country lane, followed by Tedi, Bendarroch, Bennett and the rest of the Orcs. They spy something in a field beside the road. Bennett calls to their saviour:

"Charlie, Charlie, there's a load of dead clowns in that field!"

"Never mind them, young fella," Charlie reassures him. "It's not far to the Circus now!"

They carry on down the road a few more miles, and then they start to cross a bridge. Bendarroch looks over the parapet, and calls out:

"Mr Green, Mr Green! there's a dozen horses drowned, floating down the river!"

"Don't you worry your empty little head, sonny," says Charlie. "Nearly there now."

Again they set off, and then Tedi pipes up:

"Mr Green! Sir Charles! Look! There's two dead elephants lying next to the road!"

"Oh, Tedi, you do worry too much. Come on, my followers, the Circus is just round the corner"

And on they go, round the corner.

Parked in a field, they see a helicopter. Confused, the Orcs look to Charlie - what can this mean? Charlie goes up to the helicopter, climbs in, and closes the door.

"Bye, loyal supporters. I'm off to Monaco with Craigie now. They say there's a fine Circus there. Oh, but Tedi, why so glum? Bendarroch, is that a tear in your eye? I'm sorry, what was that? YOU want to go to the Circus? I don't remember telling you you could go. You followed me because you believed I would deliver shows and spectaculars. But then, it's not the first time that's happened, is it?"

Never read :)


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Guest Kincardine

I never mentioned sectarianism once .. you are a tad on the sensitive side given that I was simply wishing you the best ..

Hells Bells wish I'd never bothered ..

Yes, fair comment. Yes you did make a reasonable post and I apologise for being so sensitive.

Thank you for your remarks and please forgive my boorish reply.

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