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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So, you've gone from a stupid question to baseless, stupid assumptions. laugh.gif

I'll ask again, and I will keep asking, until I get an answer. I'm not even going to bother with your deflections

Hopefully nobody else will either, we'll just keep asking and asking the more you refuse to say, well I think we all know why.

What did you do to save your club from doing down the drain for the last 10 years?

Answer the question, did you do anything to prevent that from happening? Anything at all?

If not, don't you feel ashamed of yourself right now?

Edited by Enrico Annoni
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I'll leave it to your fevered (if spectacularly undeveloped) imagination to evaluate your chances of success.

And a plastic talking of shameful behaviour? Fly your double standards high.


Ah, one of the pets are up :D

Chances please of FPLG still being in charge on Monday morning after C4 :D news tonight?

And are you going to see this at the flicks?

2UtVT.jpg ©pinball

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I'll ask again, and I will keep asking, until I get an answer. I'm not even going to bother with your deflections

Hopefully nobody else will either, we'll just keep asking and asking the more you refuse to say, well I think we all know why.

What did you do to save your club from doing down the drain for the last 10 years?

Answer the question, did you do anything to prevent that from happening? Anything at all?

If not, don't you feel ashamed of yourself right now?

Disgraceful rewriting of history there, Enrico. As everybody knows, one chunk of the Rangers support did organise and protest against the club's lunatic fiscal policies - by demanding that Murray spend even more money that Rangers didn't have. "We Deserve Better" was the slogan, I think.

I do like the Rangers' fans' sense of futility, though. In the recent past, supporters all over Britain - including in Glasgow - have successfully removed incompetent and/or corrupt regimes by protests and game/merchandise boycotts. There's no sane reason whatsoever why RFC supporters couldn't have done the same...

...Although, of course, there was one insane reason why they would never have seriously organised against Murray or even wackadoodle Whitey - because boycotts and protests might then risk their club falling behind Celtic for a couple of years, and Ra Berrs would rather risk a dead club than second place. Ironic, innit.

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If you honestly think that there was anything any Rangers fans could of done to stop Murray then yer deluded, the truth is that the majority of fans never knew anything was even wrong and were certainly not aware how big the underlying problem was, trying to lay blame at the fans door in hindsight is quite frankly pathetic, we are football fans, we pay money to go watch our teams try and win football matches week in week out, if they are doing this then we trust those in charge are taking care with the finances, the rest of the time we are getting on with our own lives

Look at the teams in England, every one of them is in massive debt yet I don't see mass ongoing protests from fans, a few weeks and it disappears into the background

The only time fans really turn on the money men is when success dries up on the pitch, this was what Celts for change was all about, your fans were sick of playing 2nd best to Rangers and this was the motivation to protest, f**k all to do with debt or club finances, this was the reason the clubs financial problems were exposed and fergus became so popular

This post, particularly the bit in bold, justify every head-in-sand jpg that has been posted in this Epic thread.

Truth is that nothing mattered as long as you were getting it up them across the city and lording over Scottish football. The fans would not have stomached Murray pulling back investment in the team and were the primary driver in the demise of the club. You felt you deserved more, deserved better, deserved to win.

The Orcs now deserve everything that this decades long mind-set is delivering. Karma can be so sweet!


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This post, particularly the bit in bold, justify every head-in-sand jpg that has been posted in this Epic thread.

Truth is that nothing mattered as long as you were getting it up them across the city and lording over Scottish football. The fans would not have stomached Murray pulling back investment in the team and were the primary driver in the demise of the club. You felt you deserved more, deserved better, deserved to win.

The Orcs now deserve everything that this decades long mind-set is delivering. Karma can be so sweet!


The Hero says in the Sun that it was Murray that buried his head in the sand along with the fans....

Craig Whyte says that EBTs only stopped once he bought the club

The system of paying players sparked the £94million tax battle with HMRC and the club’s downfall.

But ex-Ibrox supremo Whyte insists some stars were being paid through EBTs in 2011 despite being warned about them FIVE years ago. Last night he said: “The EBT scheme only stopped when I took over the club.

“I get asked all the time if I bought the club to help out Sir David Murray — this is utter rubbish. I did it because I thought I could get out of the tax liability and come out the other side.

“David is a brash character and he has maybe buried his head in his hands.”

And he claims the club had enough cash to stop it from sliding into liquidation. He said: “Three or four years ago the club could have cut overheads. That could have paid off the bank over draft. The club would then have enough to put a payment down on the potential EBT liability.

“But they didn’t even stop the EBT scheme. It was madness.”

Last night a spokesman for Murray said: “We stopped using the scheme in December 2010 as per the new legislation. There were no further payments.”

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Mark Daly no implications for Rangers in this. RAdio Scotland


If you honestly think that there was anything any Rangers fans could of done to stop Murray then yer deluded, the truth is that the majority of fans never knew anything was even wrong and were certainly not aware how big the underlying problem was, trying to lay blame at the fans door in hindsight is quite frankly pathetic, we are football fans, we pay money to go watch our teams try and win football matches week in week out, if they are doing this then we trust those in charge are taking care with the finances, the rest of the time we are getting on with our own lives

Look at the teams in England, every one of them is in massive debt yet I don't see mass ongoing protests from fans, a few weeks and it disappears into the background

The only time fans really turn on the money men is when success dries up on the pitch, this was what Celts for change was all about, your fans were sick of playing 2nd best to Rangers and this was the motivation to protest, f**k all to do with debt or club finances, this was the reason the clubs financial problems were exposed and fergus became so popular

Anybody want to guess the connection between the two posts quoted above? Nope? OK, I'll tell you -

I've just come home from a night shift and decided to check the discussion on here ref: the two taster tracks from Craigie Boy's Christmas Album. Quite a bit of speculation, conjecture, and opinion to be found. And the two posts above,

Which are the only two posts from ANY Sevconian in the last THIRTEEN HOURS which are anywhere near on-topic.

Bennett posts a desperate piece of straw-clutching in amongst his usual insults, deflection and denial.

And Tedi? My God, lad, you've outdone yourself this time. TEN YEARS there have been rumblings about the oncoming shitstorm at ibrox, and the only concerted protest your lot could muster was to demand that they spent MORE. "Oh, but we're just football fans". Pathetic. As long as you could claim SOME sort of supremacy over celtic, nothing else mattered.

Everyone else could see that while rangers were racking up debts chasing an impossible dream, celtic were planning for the longer term. Try suggesting that to an Orc - all you'll get is "9IAR, we welcome the chase, WATP" ad nauseam. Now the chickens have come home to roost, it's "how were we to know?".

How, Tedi? Listen to what people are saying, and don't dismiss it all as Opus Dei out to get you. Too late now, mind, but you'll know next ti....oh f**k it, what's the use?

Oh, and BTW, Bennett? I'm not an expert in the regalia of your bigoted tribes, but would a celtic fan really be pushing a trolley with an english flag on it? Leaving aside the theory that buying into either side of the Bigotfest is indicative of MH problems, that seems a wee bit inconsistent. I suggest you apologise to the poster who originally accused you, as he's got you bang to rights on that one.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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If you honestly think that there was anything any Rangers fans could of done to stop Murray then yer deluded, the truth is that the majority of fans never knew anything was even wrong and were certainly not aware how big the underlying problem was, trying to lay blame at the fans door in hindsight is quite frankly pathetic, we are football fans, we pay money to go watch our teams try and win football matches week in week out, if they are doing this then we trust those in charge are taking care with the finances, the rest of the time we are getting on with our own lives

Look at the teams in England, every one of them is in massive debt yet I don't see mass ongoing protests from fans, a few weeks and it disappears into the background

The only time fans really turn on the money men is when success dries up on the pitch, this was what Celts for change was all about, your fans were sick of playing 2nd best to Rangers and this was the motivation to protest, f**k all to do with debt or club finances, this was the reason the clubs financial problems were exposed and fergus became so popular

Well you do have a Supporters Trust http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/

This is usually a vehicle for supporters to have an increasing say and influence in the running of the club. Right through to taking over ownership of the club.

Have a look at this website http://www.supporters-direct.org/ where you can see Portsmouth is on the verge of being taken over by the supporters. http://www.communitypompey.co.uk/

This could have been an option for Rangers if the Supporters Trust had taken the initiative. However the people involved told me, the problem was the various factions within Rangers support couldn't trust each other and in some cases wouldn't even sit in the same room together. All too factional and too much infighting. A real shame when you see the thieving gits who have taken money out of Rangers over the years. And it still continues. But the chance will come again.

I think you might want to revisit the history of Celtic and fergus.

On the Rangers Supporters site http://www.rangerssupporterstrust.co.uk/ if you go down the front page there is a photograph of Richard Gough. Anyone else think he is looking more and more like Jimmy Saville as he gets older? rolleyes.gif

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If you honestly think that there was anything any Rangers fans could of done to stop Murray then yer deluded, the truth is that the majority of fans never knew anything was even wrong and were certainly not aware how big the underlying problem was, trying to lay blame at the fans door in hindsight is quite frankly pathetic, we are football fans, we pay money to go watch our teams try and win football matches week in week out, if they are doing this then we trust those in charge are taking care with the finances, the rest of the time we are getting on with our own lives

Look at the teams in England, every one of them is in massive debt yet I don't see mass ongoing protests from fans, a few weeks and it disappears into the background

The only time fans really turn on the money men is when success dries up on the pitch, this was what Celts for change was all about, your fans were sick of playing 2nd best to Rangers and this was the motivation to protest, f**k all to do with debt or club finances, this was the reason the clubs financial problems were exposed and fergus became so popular

Never mind Murray's reign - I get the feeling that none of you would have traded all those trophies for honest operation anyway. Let's look at this year.

When rangers went into administration, speculation was rife on here as to the possible implications for the club. Funny as f**k, it was agreed, but what would the endgame be? Even way back then, fans of many clubs were posting on here with theories which included liquidation, and the potential death of rangers. How did the rangers fans react to such suggestions? I'll let you work that on out for yourself, but suffice it to say I've never seen a word so over-used as "tarrier" was in those heady days of early spring.

If any rangers fans had got their heads out of the Retard, listened to some of the still quiet voices which were increasingly forecasting (with, in hindsight, remarkable accuracy) the actual DEATH of rangers, they could quite easily have organised themselves, and it wouldn't have taken much. If you take the average crowd at ibrox as 45 k, and each of these punters put in twenty pounds a week over a 10-week close season, they would have raised 9 million quid - probably enough to rescue the club. Enough, certainly, to form a significant stakeholders' presence in a joint bid.

You'll note that these figures are based on the Orcs who actually turn up at ibrox, not the Sofa Loyal, of whom we are led to believe there are untold millions. A pittance from each could have :

1. Saved the club, and

2. Put the fans in charge, removing the risk of a Murray/Whyte/Green fucking them over.

Remind me - when it came to hands-in-pockets time, how much did the "global rangers family" contribute to the RFFFFFF?


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Anybody want to guess the connection between the two posts quoted above? Nope? OK, I'll tell you -

I've just come home from a night shift and decided to check the discussion on here ref: the two taster tracks from Craigie Boy's Christmas Album. Quite a bit of speculation, conjecture, and opinion to be found. And the two posts above,

And Tedi? My God, lad, you've outdone yourself this time. TEN YEARS there have been rumblings about the oncoming shitstorm at ibrox, and the only concerted protest your lot could muster was to demand that they spent MORE. "Oh, but we're just football fans". Pathetic. As long as you could claim SOME sort of supremacy over celtic, nothing else mattered.

Everyone else could see that while rangers were racking up debts chasing an impossible dream, celtic were planning for the longer term. Try suggesting that to an Orc - all you'll get is "9IAR, we welcome the chase, WATP" ad nauseam. Now the chickens have come home to roost, it's "how were we to know?".

Totally spot on about rumblings about Rangers. I support neither Rangers nor Celtic, but I was well aware of funny financials going on at Rangers I would guess 6 or 7 years ago. Didn't know it as EBTs but did know there were 2 paypackets, one of which went offshore and avoiding the clutches of the taxman. Oh yes, and it was described as illegal 'but the taxman will have to be able to get the evidence, and he won't be able to prove anything' was what was said.

If I knew, I can't believe that thousands of people closer to Rangers than me also knew about it. And people within the SFA knew. Even before Cambell Ogilvie arrived there.

If you were a fan and didn't know, you weren't paying attention. sad.gif

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Totally spot on about rumblings about Rangers. I support neither Rangers nor Celtic, but I was well aware of funny financials going on at Rangers I would guess 6 or 7 years ago. Didn't know it as EBTs but did know there were 2 paypackets, one of which went offshore and avoiding the clutches of the taxman. Oh yes, and it was described as illegal 'but the taxman will have to be able to get the evidence, and he won't be able to prove anything' was what was said.

If I knew, I can't believe that thousands of people closer to Rangers than me also knew about it. And people within the SFA knew. Even before Cambell Ogilvie arrived there.

If you were a fan and didn't know, you weren't paying attention. sad.gif

Too busy willy-wagging at their business partners, probably. It's a sad indictment of the power these c***s once held in Scotland that it was only when their malfeasance became obvious to HMRC that the whole thing came crashing down. Up until then, it really did seem as if they could do what they wanted 'cos they were the peepul.

It's also a sad indictment that, even after robbing dozens of millions from their fellow clubs and the taxpayer, they went in and out of Europe faster than Easyjet, got pumped out of every tournament they entered, and blew a fifteen point lead in the SPL.

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If you honestly think that there was anything any Rangers fans could of done to stop Murray then yer deluded, the truth is that the majority of fans never knew anything was even wrong and were certainly not aware how big the underlying problem was, trying to lay blame at the fans door in hindsight is quite frankly pathetic, we are football fans, we pay money to go watch our teams try and win football matches week in week out, if they are doing this then we trust those in charge are taking care with the finances, the rest of the time we are getting on with our own lives

Look at the teams in England, every one of them is in massive debt yet I don't see mass ongoing protests from fans, a few weeks and it disappears into the background

The only time fans really turn on the money men is when success dries up on the pitch, this was what Celts for change was all about, your fans were sick of playing 2nd best to Rangers and this was the motivation to protest, f**k all to do with debt or club finances, this was the reason the clubs financial problems were exposed and fergus became so popular

Even sadder, the fact that you knew since 2004.

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Am I missi g something that "the rangers" have taken the hump that £200k was sent to the administrators of rangers instead of them. Thought they had nothing to do with the oldco?

£200 grand is a lot when you don't have a pot to piss in, so even though they know it is not theirs they must ask.

10/1 'The Field' remember folks for Div 3. They won't see the end of the season.

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If you honestly think that there was anything any Rangers fans could of done to stop Murray then yer deluded, the truth is that the majority of fans never knew anything was even wrong and were certainly not aware how big the underlying problem was, trying to lay blame at the fans door in hindsight is quite frankly pathetic, we are football fans, we pay money to go watch our teams try and win football matches week in week out, if they are doing this then we trust those in charge are taking care with the finances, the rest of the time we are getting on with our own lives

Look at the teams in England, every one of them is in massive debt yet I don't see mass ongoing protests from fans, a few weeks and it disappears into the background

The only time fans really turn on the money men is when success dries up on the pitch, this was what Celts for change was all about, your fans were sick of playing 2nd best to Rangers and this was the motivation to protest, f**k all to do with debt or club finances, this was the reason the clubs financial problems were exposed and fergus became so popular

Excellent post well said , what could you have done ? Asked some questions , formed a cohesive group of supporters to ask questions , followed a similar model to your biggest rivals you alluded to ( but where did that get them rolleyes.gif)

Ok hypothetically ( thats just imagine) none of you knew about it prior to the meltdown and death of old oldco real rangers and at the start of Chuckies reign there was a bit of scepticism and opposition but as soon as the season kicked off you all fell in line.

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This post, particularly the bit in bold, justify every head-in-sand jpg that has been posted in this Epic thread.

Truth is that nothing mattered as long as you were getting it up them across the city and lording over Scottish football. The fans would not have stomached Murray pulling back investment in the team and were the primary driver in the demise of the club. You felt you deserved more, deserved better, deserved to win.

The Orcs now deserve everything that this decades long mind-set is delivering. Karma can be so sweet!


Out of Greenies, but this is spot on.

There really is something delicious about that 'We Deserve Better' campaign, isn't there. You honestly couldn't make it up.

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