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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Deflection of what? Some 'tic fan still smarting from being pumped by killie laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif rounds £6 up to £7 million and you posture like 6 million is ok? Like this is a perfectly reasonable figure to pay players up against part timers when, whichever way you spin it , £94million has been robbed from the NHS, HM Armed Forces, the fuzz, your kids school, the pot holes in my road, the benefit all your fans live off etc. etc. by the hideous abomination that is/was/soon won't be anymore (again) your club.

By "the diddy clubbers and plastics" you do realise that by this you mean everybody* else. Would it not be simpler just to say: everybody else is wrong and we're right then stamp your feet and hold your breath till we change our minds?

And the real reason for this thread, in my own interpretation, is to point and laugh. And you can't say you don't deserve it. Well you will, but only "the diddy clubbers and plastics" will disagree with youblink.gif.

*the only Scottish football team ever to win two European trophies, is of course no 'diddy club'. The Oh-So-Famous, Magnificent, Aberdeens inclusion in this, is based upon the incorrect premise first made by bendy.

Aaaand, we're getting back on the right track. Is it Hallowe'en we get to hear about the SPL investigation?

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Two posts from my young friend Dhenseboy, spot the hypocrisy from this shyster (highlighted just to make it easier)

Offensive yet he uses the term quite openly to score some points.


I'm married to a coloured girl .. and black is offensive .. don't you know ?

Edit: You don't know me at all Bennett. I have never claimed to better or worse than the next man. So let me tell you a wee story about a workplace not that many moons ago ... I worked alongside a Rangers guy .. not a bad lad, quite articulate, good sense of humour and enjoyable company on a night out .. One of the guys he grew up with (think he was Jambo, matters not) from his school days came was introduced into the Friday night crowd .. The two of them even went on annual golfing holidays with other single lads to far flung destinations ...

Now six months after I met this guy he outed himself in the pub one night in front of everyone ... have guess who doesn't talk to him anymore ... ??

The guy who had only known him for only six months .. or the guy he grew up with up since his childhood ...

Give up the psychological analysis bullshit .. you are clearly crap at it ... :P

Time out guys .. FFS.

Both of you have valid claims ,, But Sailor as much as I like your posts your point is akin to calling a black man bigoted for hating the Klan. Think you guys need to take this to PM or dedicated thread rather than feud on the 'Laugh at all things Sevco/Rangers do' thread.

And listen to each others valid points then discuss rather than name calling ... I expected better from you two !!!

Disappointed ...

i'm sure that the kid will have good excuse for this ;)

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The Knights of St Columbus and all similar orders are Freemasonry.

From 2007 Book of Words, Knights of Columbus, page 33.

Freemasons: A fraternal order that originated in London in 1717 with the formation of the first Grand Lodge of Freemasons. From England, the order spread to Europe and elsewhere. Its principles and basic rituals embody a naturalistic religion, active participation in which is incompatible with Christian faith and practice. Grand Orient Freemasonry, developed in Latin countries, is atheistic, irreligious and anticlerical. In some places, Freemasonry has been regarded as subversive of the state; in Catholic quarters, it has been considered hostile to the Church and its doctrine. In the United States, Freemasonry has been widely regarded as a fraternal and philanthropic order.

For serious doctrinal and pastoral reasons, Catholics were forbidden to join the Freemasons under penalty of excommunication, according to Church law before 1983. Eight different Popes in 17 different pronouncements, and at least six different local councils, condemned Freemasonry. The first condemnation was made by Clement XII in 1738. Eastern Orthodox and many Protestant bodies have opposed the order.

In the U.S., there was some easing of the ban against Masonic membership by Catholics in view of a letter written in 1974 by Cardinal Franjo Seper, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The letter was interpreted to mean that Catholics might join Masonic lodges which were not anti-Catholic. This was called erroneous in a declaration by the Doctrinal Congregation February 17, 1981.

The prohibition against Masonic membership was restated in a declaration issued by the Doctrinal Congregation November 26, 1983, with the approval of Pope John Paul II, as follows. "The Church's negative position on Masonic associations remains unaltered, since their principles have always been regarded as irreconcilable with the Church's doctrine. Hence joining them remains prohibited by the Church. Catholics enrolled in Masonic associations are involved in serious sin and may not approach Holy Communion. Local ecclesiastical authorities do not have the faculty to pronounce a judgment on the nature of Masonic associations which might include a diminution of the above-mentioned judgment." This latest declaration, like the revised Code of Canon Law, does not include a penalty of excommunication for Catholics who join the Masons.

Local bishops are not authorized to grant dispensations from the prohibition. The foregoing strictures against Masonic membership by Catholics were reiterated in a report by the Committee for Pastoral Research and Practice, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, released through Catholic News Service, June 7, 1985. (From 2007 Book of Words, Knights of Columbus, page 33.)

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We all know how wrong you are.

As the man on the radio said some time ago 'I don't support the newco just as I didn't support the oldco, I support The Rangers.'

And don't you forget it, son.


I wouldn't believe a word that came out of Jim Traynor's mouth.:D

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One of the funniest posts i've read on here in a while. A shame that i recall reading a similar tale of woe from James McMillan.

The sad thing is that some people will actually believe this garbage. 5 yr olds knowing the sash :lol:

I really wish we could travel back to 1971 when I got a punch in the face @ 6 years old for not knowing all the words on my Council estate. Why do you think I have SO MUCH hatred for the abuse in later life Benny? Almost everyone became rhebels - they now support tic because of the abuse/pressure to kids on my Council estate

I support EFFC and always will, but I own a tricola for when the cvnts try to bang their drums. Fly's oot the car while I try to "not" run the baskets doon.

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The RC Church does not ex-communicate RC Freemasons but they are still under certain sanctions.

No he wasn't and that's the biggest load of nonsense ever written about Freemasonry and the Catholic Church. For those that are interested, in 1983 Prefect Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (the present pope) issued a Declaration on Masonic Association for Roman Catholics,with the personal approval of Pope John Paul II. Roman Catholics who enrol in Masonic association are in a State of Grave Sin and may not receive Holy Communion. The Churchs' negative judgment to Masonic association remains unchanged since Masonic priniples are considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the RC Church and membership remains forbidden.

Ratzinger has never changed this from 1983 to the present. Edit too add there are many with an opinion on Masonry who don't have any relevant knowledge on the principle of the organisation.

You mean like doing good works, giving to charity and helping your brother (where it is lawful to do so)? Very un-Christian principles, indeed.

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Is that named after St Christopher Columbus biggrin.gif

Beat me to it. All this has reminded me of the time when, in a spirit of reconciliation, the local lodge and the KoC had a charity footy match, reffed by the town rabbi.

The score? Cannae tell ye, it's a secret.

Coat. Got.

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"The aims objects and structure of the Knights of St Columbus are SO similar to Free Masonrie, that they are indistinguishable."

"Its ceremonies include initiation ceremonies with all of the essential elements for a Free Masonic initiation ceremony: opening, preparing, reporting, entering, prayer, circumambulation, advancing, obligation, intrusting, investing, situation, and closing."

"You may change the name so that you can condemn by name but unfortunately you cannot change what was designed as a Roman Catholic replacement for the pre-existing religious fraternities. It is religious Free Masonrie in every sense of the words. Even moreso, it is "regular" Free Masonrie because it is in possession of a legal Royal Charter granted by the Emperor of Rome and enshrined in Vatican Law."

Now feel free to continue... dry.gif

It's COLUMBA, ffs!

Posted by a former pupil of St. Columba's RC Primary School, Kilmarnock.

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You mean research like this ...

What does citation needed on Wikipedia mean ???

Hello ....

Please now supply the law/code/policy or document that reaffirms the ban citing a reliable source seeing that now you are claiming you have conducted reliable research ,...

Shouldn't take you long ... seeing as it is something you have already done ...

2007 Book of Words, Knights of Columbus, page 33.

I had it wrong on the excommunication but being "involved in serious sin" and being unable to receive communion amount to much the same result, no? An eternity of stoking the fires.

As a side note I got it wrong about the atheism too, apparently there is a lodge for us too. It's still a sin in eyes of the Catholic to be a mason though.

Edited by stonedsailor
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The Knights of St Columbus and all similar orders are Freemasonry.

More absolute nonsense from you. KoSC has got 3 degrees the third of which is the highest,there is a fourth degree which is seperate from the first three. Masonry has 33 degrees and unlike KoSC is inclusive to all religions,KoSC is only open to RCs. There is a massive difference on degree ritual and procedure also as salutations differ completely between both organisations. The only similarity is that both are charitable organisations and the principles are also similar.

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More absolute nonsense from you. KoSC has got 3 degrees the third of which is the highest,there is a fourth degree which is seperate from the first three. Masonry has 33 degrees and unlike KoSC is inclusive to all religions,KoSC is only open to RCs. There is a massive difference on degree ritual and procedure also as salutations differ completely between both organisations. The only similarity is that both are charitable organisations and the principles are also similar.

That was going to be Prince Charles, wasn't it? Does Sheila Ferguson know?

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You mean like doing good works, giving to charity and helping your brother (where it is lawful to do so)? Very un-Christian principles, indeed.

I think it was in 1974 that the threat of ex-communication was lifted but Ratzinger issued the Papal ban in 1983 and hasn't lifted it to my knowledge. In my own Lodge we have Catholics but truthfully they aren't practising as they take the view that Masonry is a private and personal issue and shouldn't impinge on their practice of religion wihin their church and therefore don't practice their religion under constraint.

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