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Dont worry about it, these things happen, a mis spell here, a missing word there. it happens.

good of Bennett to highlight it, to ridicule you.... then do exaxtly the same thing, minutes later! :lol:

Oh dear :(;)

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Oops.must proof read a bit more rigourously.

Still, I am amused by the one-upmanship boasting about their tainted titles

The missing word wasn't the problem with your post, it was easily worked out and i'm guilty of that myself. The post itself made little sense, oh i'm sure it sounded grand in your head but in reality it was poor.

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Dont worry about it, these things happen, a mis spell here, a missing word there. it happens.

good of Bennett to highlight it, to ridicule you.... then do exaxtly the same thing, minutes later! :lol:

It is a strange parallell universe they exist in when they try to ridicule anybody.

Gallows humour, I suppose after their team / club / company / cause died.

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Norman being disespectful to other posters again and after all he said on the matter too. There's no bigger hypocrite on here than oor Norman.

Again, Liar, not "disespectful" at all, merely factual. One of these days you might get a grown-up to explain how a consistent hatred of bigotry, coupled with a disdain for criminals in general and thieves in particular, makes my opinion of your "institution", its Tribute Act, and followers of either, in any way hypocritical.

Anyway, Bennett, is that not your phone ringing? I'm away to edit this so you look stupid.

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Again, Liar, not "disespectful" at all, merely factual. One of these days you might get a grown-up to explain how a consistent hatred of bigotry, coupled with a disdain for criminals in general and thieves in particular, makes my opinion of your "institution", its Tribute Act, and followers of either, in any way hypocritical.

Anyway, Bennett, is that not your phone ringing? I'm away to edit this so you look stupid.

Norman it's not bigotry thats ruined your life, it's the fact that no one likes you. Think about, not one of your 'friends' turned up for your wedding and your 'best man' never turned up after having his way with big Bertha :lol: Did Jeremey Kyle ever do that DNA test for you?

My favourite one was when you got a kicking for bullying a young Rangers fan, yet this in your mind is an example of bigotry blighting your life. You are the problem, no one else.

Remember the advice i gave you a while ago?

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Talking of Arbroath, I am pleased to see the authorities are really starting to dish out some meaty sentences for sectarian bigotry, hopefully the message will start getting through

I thought it was only Rangers fans who were bigots. © Mad Norman.

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Norman it's not bigotry thats ruined your life, it's the fact that no one likes you. Think about, not one of your 'friends' turned up for your wedding and your 'best man' never turned up after having his way with big Bertha :lol: Did Jeremey Kyle ever do that DNA test for you?

My favourite one was when you got a kicking for bullying a young Rangers fan, yet this in your mind is an example of bigotry blighting your life. You are the problem, no one else.

Remember the advice i gave you a while ago?

OK, Liar. Off you go and find my original post. Because that pish above is fanciful invention. You really will have to give up the Lenin/Goebbels model.


1. I replaced my Best Man. The wedding went fine and was well-attended. Marriage now at 23 years and counting. Whose loss?

2. I have suffered*, and witnessed, violence visited upon supposed "enemies" of BOTH arse cheeks, "enemy" status being assessed solely on educational/church affiliation. Obviously the cheek which I have the more personal experience of is the now-withered one.

3. No one likes me? I beg to differ. It's "only an online forum", but the respective reps on here show how popular/repected/liked a poster is ON P&B, do they not? I dread to think how low yours would be if you couldn't count on Tedi's daily ration.

Oh, and you? Giving me advice? f**k off, there's a good Liar.

BTW, "that's" and "Jeremy".

*from one cheek, in this case. I've had my times with the other lot too, and other clubs' fans. Based on football affiliation, if you can imagine anything so crazy....

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I thought it was only Rangers fans who were bigots. © Mad Norman.

There are bigots who have never been to a football match. There are bigots who have never heard of rangers. How many times do you have to be pulled up on your lies before you realise how stupid you are?

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OK, Liar. Off you go and find my original post. Because that pish above is fanciful invention. You really will have to give up the Lenin/Goebbels model.


1. I replaced my Best Man. The wedding went fine and was well-attended. Marriage now at 23 years and counting. Whose loss?

2. I have suffered*, and witnessed, violence visited upon supposed "enemies" of BOTH arse cheeks, "enemy" status being assessed solely on educational/church affiliation. Obviously the cheek which I have the more personal experience of is the now-withered one.

3. No one likes me? I beg to differ. It's "only an online forum", but the respective reps on here show how popular/repected/liked a poster is ON P&B, do they not? I dread to think how low yours would be if you couldn't count on Tedi's daily ration.

Oh, and you? Giving me advice? f**k off, there's a good Liar.

BTW, "that's" and "Jeremy".

*from one cheek, in this case. I've had my times with the other lot too, and other clubs' fans. Based on football affiliation, if you can imagine anything so crazy....

I wasn't talking about your online persona Norman as you well know, it's pretty easy to get greeen dots on here if you post in a certain style. But in real life we all know that you have a massive chip on your shoulder over how the big bad bigots have ruined your life and i suspect that in reality you lack any social skills which would be the norm for most people.

But if you want to blame all of your failings on bigotry then go ahead.

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I wasn't talking about your online persona Norman as you well know, it's pretty easy to get greeen dots on here if you post in a certain style. But in real life we all know that you have a massive chip on your shoulder over how the big bad bigots have ruined your life and i suspect that in reality you lack any social skills which would be the norm for most people.

But if you want to blame all of your failings on bigotry then go ahead.

"We all know". "In real life". OK, Bennett:

1. What's my "real life" wife's name?

2. What car do I drive?

3. What pets do I have (or not)?

4. What pubs do I drink in?

Any idea? No? So, not well-versed in my "real life", then, are we?

As for you real life, I couldn't give a f**k. Your online identity which you share publicly is just that. It includes such charming traits as:

1. Attaching "amusing" nicknames to posters you disagree with - seemingly in attempt to belittle their contributions. Partially successful, as Tedi and Bendarroch lap it right up.

2. A failure to admit to being caught out in a lie. See tear-stained resignation, and "I was on the BRALT phone."

3. A particularly pathetic predisposition to criticising others' spelling and grammar, when yours is at least as bad. Also an inability to stop doing so even when it's pointed out to you. A simple scan through before posting would give you a more solid foundation for criticism, BTW

4. Suggesting other posters self-harm for the heinous crime of disagreeing with Guru Bennett.

5. A mind so fucked with the U-turns and lies coming from rangers and the MSM that you believe there is a Bar at ibrox to commemorate celtic's European Cup win.

That's quite enough for now, I reckon.

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Shurley he would condemn the football fan involved, applaud the sentence handed out, irrelevant of who the fan supported?

Wouldn't he? :huh:

Of course I do, Tedi. And don't call me Shurley. laugh.giflaugh.gif

Not sure what it's got to do with rangers' death, mind. Enlighten us?

After all, you're a rangers fan, and this is a rangers thread, as someone was quite adamant in posting quite recently. wink.gif

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Ah but the subject of bigotry has been discussed on this thread many times and this is not directly connected to the oldco in admin or liquidation

Anway glad you condemn the bigots actions

You know I do, and you'd know even better if you'd been around longer, and didn't subscribe to some of the defamation I've had ref: my affiliationswink.gif.

Like your idiot mate's "poppygate" shite, though, this absolutely reeks of deflection and whataboutery. Some of you lads have valid points to discuss on here at times, yet we continually get all the "aye, but look at THEM" garbage cluttering the place up.

FFS, you even started your post with "Ah but.."

Just because Shipman upped the headcount record, doesn't make Dennis Neilsen a better person, you know.

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"We all know". "In real life". OK, Bennett:

1. What's my "real life" wife's name?

2. What car do I drive?

3. What pets do I have (or not)?

4. What pubs do I drink in?

Any idea? No? So, not well-versed in my "real life", then, are we?

As for you real life, I couldn't give a f**k. Your online identity which you share publicly is just that. It includes such charming traits as:

1. Attaching "amusing" nicknames to posters you disagree with - seemingly in attempt to belittle their contributions. Partially successful, as Tedi and Bendarroch lap it right up.

2. A failure to admit to being caught out in a lie. See tear-stained resignation, and "I was on the BRALT phone."

3. A particularly pathetic predisposition to criticising others' spelling and grammar, when yours is at least as bad. Also an inability to stop doing so even when it's pointed out to you. A simple scan through before posting would give you a more solid foundation for criticism, BTW

4. Suggesting other posters self-harm for the heinous crime of disagreeing with Guru Bennett.

5. A mind so fucked with the U-turns and lies coming from rangers and the MSM that you believe there is a Bar at ibrox to commemorate celtic's European Cup win.

That's quite enough for now, I reckon.

I like it that i get to you so easily ;) You see Normy, i originally did try to discuss things in a civilised manner with you but all i ver got for my troubles was - you're a bigot, your clubs died, Sevco, whit aboot the bigotry, countless lies about being victimised and hounded out of your home town by bigots etc. So yes i may have descended down to your level but the old adage of if you treat people with respect then you'll recieve respect back rings true here.

I also suggest you drop the Killie persona, no one buys it.

Typos added for Daves benefit.

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