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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is that it? The complete sum of those coming forward to defend the Killie liar amounts to a single dhensebhore?

How embarrassing for him - especially after that painful to read green-dot victory speech he was grand-standing with a few posts back.


Whereas your defence for lying bigoted shite and general abuse has come from........

Hello? Berrz? Isn't Bendarroch the bestest poster on P&B? Doesn't he add to the positive image of Ra Peepil?

What's that? He's a what? "Minority", you say? Oh yeah, we know that one.....

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In the locker for a rainy day - the many witnesses at Hampden to a certain red-faced man screaming his allegiances to the plastics. All the while duty bound to be independent.

That's one court case the RFFF will be very pleased to fund.


You lot had better start letting the kids down gently - Christmas is gaunnae be shite, but at least they'll have some lovely new shares (in what we're not sure) and more daring legal exploits from the Defenders of Truth.

That's a wee riposte to your second paragraph. The first makes absolutely f**k all sense. Just saying, likes....

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I typed 'Killie liar' into Google news.

Nuthin' doin...


By Amigo standards then, Nobody from Killie ever lies. And yet Bennett lives.....

Best look elsewhere, Orclet.

Your news sources are? You're so well informed, you've been proved right at every turn (since you joined on "Okey Dokey Day", anyway) - why not share the good news with the vast majority of people who love rangers and want nothing but the best for them?

The people have a right to know! I demand transparency! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

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I doubt you'll ever live it down - the day you posted about just how popular you really are on P&B. We all know it.


Live what down? The fact that I pointed out to your idol that, far from having no respect on here, by the only measure available on here I was apparently quite well respected. You and your hero, less so.

Your greenie-magnet decided to stake his reputation as some sort of leader by using phrases like "we all know", which would in context mean all posters on here or on P&B. By his own standards, he, and you, were found sadly lacking.

Another beauty by Bennett was that it is apparently "easy to rack up the greenies if you know what to post/post the right things"(paraphrase). I have to agree there. If you post things that people agree with, your reputation will go up. If you post bollox, or spend your time abusing and defaming (Thanks, Kincardinewink.gif) other posters, that reputation will suffer. Even if you do go into some weird orcish circle jerk of voting up every brainfart your mates emit.

But hey ho, apparently I'm a bit of a c**t in real life too. Because everyone knows that, don't they? Fuckwit.

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Allow me to catch you while you're actually on topic, and by all means correct me if I'm wrong.

HMRC have already assessed rangers as owing millions of pounds of tax, and this figure was arrived at by the First Tier Tribunal. It is this decision that is currently under appeal.

To draw a parallel, most convicted criminals, on receiving a long sentence, will launch an appeal, either against conviction, length of sentence, or both. While those appeals are in process, they remain guilty in the eyes of the law, and will, if appropriate, remain in prison throughout the appeals process.

If we look at these two situations, then it is clear to me, at least, that rangers are, at the moment, guilty pending appeal. We'll just have to wait until the results of the appeal which has already been underway for months to reach a final conclusion.

In the red corner: The people that make the rules.

In the blue corner: A poor hard-done-by football club that only followed advice from a financial wizard/porn star, and followed it incorrectly to boot.

This, by the way, has nothing to do with the moral aspects of their cheating in the SPL and in Europe. It is to do with them cheating and stealing from the Crown, i.e. all of us.

Just a small point,HMRC issued a tax assessment/bill, call it as you will,that assessment was appealed and is now at the First Tier Tribunal of the appeal. The Tribunal have never issued an assessment on tax owed,they are there simply to determine as to whether the EBT scheme was operated correctly by the club or not. They may well have found in part for both parties. If it's determined that it is tax evasion then i personally hope those responsible face the full power of the law.

Edited by youngsy
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Read: people you agree with.

Guys like Bhairnforever don't cut it for me. laugh.gif

What about Craigkillie, then? Or Pozbaird? Drooper? HighlandMagyar? HibeeJibee? Hedgecutter? Granny Danger? Desert Nomad? Welshbairn? Wee Hector Par? Even (God help us) T_S_A_R?

Mind you, you probably won't recognise some of those names, let alone have the reading skills to make sense of their posts.

Oh, and by the way, you're at the selective quoting again. As I said to Bennett earlier, when you start pissing about with shit like that, you lose respect. If you have a point to make, make it in context.

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This has to be the most deluded thing I have ever seen written on here

You only ever post about Rangers on an anti rangers thread of course your gonna be feckin popular, what a nuggat :lol:

You'll find, Tedi, that not only do I post occasionally in other subjects on P&B, but, and this might f**k your head up.....

Back in the early days of this thread, the conversation veered from the affiliations of various SPL chairmen to the naming of the creature who is now forever Cockwomble, to league reconstruction, to general legal definitions, to discussions as to who deserved the vacant SPL place, and precedents which could, should, had or hadn.t been set in other clubs' difficult periods. See, strangely enough, it wasn't all about the rangers.

Later on, of course, the thread went right down the nick. Round about the end of July, Beginning of August, that kind of time. Apparently now it's here for fans of rangers to post about rangers. Which will suit you and the other Amigos fine, of course, because it's not like you bang on about celtic any other teams on here, is it?

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Do you honestly think the old club/company has a snowball's s chance in hell of being found 'innocent' ?

Yes or No only.

Going on the probabilities i would think the case will go........................i'll get back to you on this. Seriously in all probability it will go against The Rangers Football Club plc.

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Of course we will, every time somebody tries to point out that something is unique to only Rangers then I will happily provide examples of why they are incorrect

That includes the usual sticks used to beat Rangers fans with of Bigotry, Attendances and Death threats

I would also point out that a vast amount of the material posted on here is copied and pasted directly from Celtic Blogs (I include the ones that pretend to be something else) and is agenda driven, no apologies for exposing it

So remind me again, that celtic fan who was the subject of a C&P job earlier - that had what exactly to do with rangers?

Bendarroch's continued references to the IRA - relevant to the goings-on at ibrox, in what way?

The same little moron's attempt to get "poppygate" raised again - affects rangers how?

Your proof for the "vast amount" of material coming from celtic blogs - you do realise that, if you include the Orcs on here, there's actually a very small minority of celtic posters on the thread, don't you?

You appear to be falling into the same trap as a few of your Orc mates - just because something says something detrimental to rangers, or posits a theory rangers fans don't agree with - Doesn't make it celtic-minded or anti-rangers. It might, just might, be the truth.

Maybe if it's copying from the celtic-minded you want, you should look to that blog copland.org or whatever its called.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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