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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It is a rare event ;) but it is all about how you manage to hold a conversation without it degenerating into insults

But even more difficult when I have to deal with the likes of the poster you just quoted above, I just can`t debate with the likes of that but then that is not your issue just pointing out that is easy to become confrontational when your constantly under attack

Thanks and goodnight, my post count is a perfect spot to leave things for tonight :lol:

I make it a rule never to trade insults when I can't at least use a twisted scowl to add weight to the gesture !


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Well we all know it was Whyte who was calling the shots, anybody that was going to go up against him at board level was punted, still I accept that anybody who was also in the know and stood idly by while fraud was carried out is just as guilty, but like any board there will have been members who had no idea what was going on

In company law, financial igmorance by a Director is no defence and that director(s) is deemed guilty by association due to their negligence. It is any Directors role to be aware of any irregularities and to report such.

In simpler words, they are all a parcel of Rogues. Quite apt really.

100% right, all thoughts of what was best for Rangers had disappeared by that point, Murray is a classic tale of Hero turned Villain, what he should have done was see out the BTC but that would have meant savage cost cutting and selling almost the entire 1st team along with sacking his bum chums in the board room and above all else coming totally clean with the fans, but that would have meant admitting his arrogance had landed the club in this situation and that was obviously beyond him

Murray is/was possibly the Pinnacle of arrogance. However, he probably feared the violent arrogance - evidenced by events in abundance since February - of a backlash by the support, if he were to carry out your plan above. He was doing what you lot wanted him to do.

I wish he had, It may have meant less decent folk being threatened and intimidated and a few less folk having to visit A&E.

As for us diddies envying The Rangers and its previous incarnation (as you or one of your fellow fans stated earlier)... just shows what Dinosaurs you really are.

Edited by Vambo57
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To put it into context Shades i can show you my original post in the defence of Tedi in the early days until he started labeling other posters including myself jakeys ..

So the 'pretend good guy' bullshit does not work with those of us who know the real Fivestars ...

Two examples of Tedi's highly intelligent non abusive conversational style .. (trust me that is the tip of the iceberg)


Tedi the purveyor of truth ,..... NOT !!!

I think Fivestars spin doctor has been telling him he needs to reinvent his image ... ;)

I think he is trying to dupe us.

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Who do you blame it on then

Lets take the non payment of PAYE that happened in the latter part of 2011 onwards, who was to blame?

I think that there is another issue here which hasn't been discussed. As RFC was facing a potentially ruinous tax bill of around £70m, why did HMRC see fit to allow them to run up day-to-day tax bills (PAYE and VAT) of around £20m over the course of a year?

I do the books for a local charity and if I'm ever even a few days late with PAYE and NIC, I get a reminder. I think that HMRC should explain their reasons for allowing a business which was already facing a crippling bill to run up higher debts.

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The dodgy arrogant cnut that allowed Whyte to take the reins without any solid finances behind him. Sir David Murray the guy that implemented the ruinous EBT scheme and ran it knowing full well he was evading paying the taxes HMRC were due. The guy who knew had a dossier/report on Whyte advising he was dodgy yet sold the club to him anyway.

Whyte may technically be the guy in charge at the time but SDM granted him access to the

controls knowing full well unless he had substantial funds behind him that the club was most likely going to go tits up ...

Only the most die hard apologist would state it hasn't been proven since the relevation that SDM received a dossier/report regarding Whyte.

Everybody knows SCW was SDM patsy ;)

SDM up to his neck in it :)

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I think that there is another issue here which hasn't been discussed. As RFC was facing a potentially ruinous tax bill of around £70m, why did HMRC see fit to allow them to run up day-to-day tax bills (PAYE and VAT) of around £20m over the course of a year?

I do the books for a local charity and if I'm ever even a few days late with PAYE and NIC, I get a reminder. I think that HMRC should explain their reasons for allowing a business which was already facing a crippling bill to run up higher debts.

HMRC sat down with Whyte about the tax situation and an agreement of payment was reached but Rangers didn't keep up any of the payments in fact it was then there was a conscious effort not to pay any invoices.

The fault is not with HMRC who in good faith attempted to create a reasonable timeframe for payment of back taxes ( I think this included the Wee Tax Case). The fault was with Whyte and therefore the executives on the board who were aware of what was happening but did not go public

Whyte did know what he was doing but that only occurred due to the silence of others .

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HMRC sat down with Whyte about the tax situation and an agreement of payment was reached but Rangers didn't keep up any of the payments in fact it was then there was a conscious effort not to pay any invoices.

The fault is not with HMRC who in good faith attempted to create a reasonable timeframe for payment of back taxes ( I think this included the Wee Tax Case). The fault was with Whyte and therefore the executives on the board who were aware of what was happening but did not go public

Whyte did know what he was doing but that only occurred due to the silence of others .

Can't accept that - RFC was already facing a huge tax bill and struggling to pay day-to-day taxes. As soon as the company fell behind with the new schedule, action should have been taken to recover the tax due. HMRC hasn't, in my opinion, handled this well at all.

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Came across his pearl when looking for your 'non abusive conversational posts' ... I keep forgetting jakey is a term of endearment .. ;)

So how's that SPL fucked by Xmas concept working out Tedi .. or were you just lying or sniffing the glue again ???

To be fair to Tedi its no Christmas yet ;)

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Can't accept that - RFC was already facing a huge tax bill and struggling to pay day-to-day taxes. As soon as the company fell behind with the new schedule, action should have been taken to recover the tax due. HMRC hasn't, in my opinion, handled this well at all.

The BTC was a separate issue from the small tax case and the non payment of tax and NI which was fraud. HMRC have to adhere to a procedure which they did , they attempted to regain revenue and entered a dialogue with Rangers , it wasn't their fault they had no intention of paying or that RFC had halted paying other creditors and service providers.

Why do you think HMRC deserve criticism when no one else does ?

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The BTC was a separate issue from the small tax case and the non payment of tax and NI which was fraud. HMRC have to adhere to a procedure which they did , they attempted to regain revenue and entered a dialogue with Rangers , it wasn't their fault they had no intention of paying or that RFC had halted paying other creditors and service providers.

Why do you think HMRC deserve criticism when no one else does ?

It's all the fault of Lloyds TSB (remember them)

I wonder how that boycott went :lol:

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Or he could have come clean and said "we failed to qualify for the CL, so unless we shed massive costs then the company is gonna go down the shitter, sorry I lied but I dont have any money"

But no the individual Whyte that was running the club decided to keep quiet, spend money to keep the fans happy and fund it all by stopping paying PAYE, anybody that stood in his way was punted and anybody that was complicit in his actions is guilty as sin

Administration was completely avoidable if the man had had some balls, perhaps this in the long run would have changed nothing depending on the outcome of the BTC but he was hardly at any point acting in the best interests of anybody but himself

Wasn't the case that on the night Rangers went out he tuned to Gordon Smith and said "That's us fucked" or words to that effect. I am pretty sure Smith said that was the first time had an inkling that something was badly wrong as he could see from the look on his face he wasn't kidding.

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